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,. , ,. i <br /> �Y 1.����, .:A:��.-wI.Y..,. ... <br /> ,'!.; . '_ ' . <br /> � . .lt., u'4'V��'���F}�� i�._'�.�!) wtti S''`Yy � � ..__. ..._.,_ ._— <br /> Y.:�A� 7'r 1 _..dr.a.........�...�1,�.r.. . .YaC^��V: <br /> -��..�� �neeu.e� �r�r�»awaoa�u_ <br /> ..�.�w=____ �._r.__.._�_'-""°'.. <br /> -- .�..c�.-L�. r,anor.en��m'.=—' __. __.... <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> . _. _-_—____-_____. <br /> 98- �1�1 <br /> TO(3ETHER V1rITH all the improvements now or hercafter erected on the propeny, and all easements, appurtenanas, and <br /> fiaturca naw or herexfter � put af the property. All replacements and edditions ehall also be covered by this Securlty <br /> Inatrument.All of the foregoing ie referted to in thts 5ecurity[nstrument as the "Propeny," <br /> BQR�tOWBR COV�NANTS thNt Borrower is lawfully seisod of the estite hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and <br /> convey the Propetty and that the Propeny is unencumbered, e�cept for cncumbrances of rceord, Borrower warrants and will <br /> defend generalty the title to the Property agalnst all claims and demande,aubJxt to any encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambin�s uniform covenents for natlonel use and non-uniform covcnants with limited <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifotm security instrumcnt cavering real prope»y. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lender covenan�and agree as follows; <br /> 1. Pwyment o[ Principal pnd Intereat; Prep�yment and I.ate Chwr�es. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment and late charges due under the Nota <br /> 2. �nds tor Taxe� And In�ur�►nce. 5ubject to applicabfe law or to a written waiver by I,ender, Borrower shall pay to <br /> L.cnder on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taues <br /> and assessments which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)ycarly leasehold payments <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if any;(c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage ii�surance premiums,if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to L.ender, in accordance with <br /> the provisiona of pazagraph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance premtums. These items are called"Escrow ltems." <br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to ezceed the mazimum amount a lender for a federally <br /> relate.d mortgage loan may require for Bonower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate SettlemGnt Procedure9 Act of <br /> 1974 as amendal from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seg, ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an anwunt not ta exceed the lesser amount. <br />_ Lcnder may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Fscrow Items or othenvise in sacccordance with applicable 1aw. <br /> Thc Funda shall be held in an insritution whose deposits are insurat by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> (Including Lender, if Lendcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow acc�unt,a� <br /> verifying the Escrow items,unless L,ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to make such <br /> a charge. Howaver, I.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-time chazge for en independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> uaed by L.ender in wnncetion with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unlcss nn agreemen[ is made or <br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender sball not be requirod to pay Bonower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> Bonower and I.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrower, <br /> without chazge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> �{��,it s��,�Fnn�1��ya��nade. The Funds are piedaed u additionel sexurity for all sums secured by this Seccrity Instcument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by apQlicable law,Lender shall account to Borruwer <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, and, in such case Rorruwer <br /> shul pay to i.ender the amount necessary to m�ke up the deficiency. Bonower shall make up the deficiency in no nwre than <br /> twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment In full of all sums secured by this Secudty Ins[rument. Lender sha11 promptly refund to Bonower any <br /> Funds held by Lender,If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agains[the sums secured by <br /> this Secudty Instniment. <br /> 3. Applicatlon of PAyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shaq be appliat: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;fourth, to principal due;and last,ta any late chuges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Clwrgb;Lie�. Borrower sha11 pay a11 taxes, assessments,charges, fines and impoaitions attributable to the Property <br /> which may attain priaity oie�'t�ls Security Instrucnent, and Icasehold payments or ground rents, if any, IIorrower shali pay <br /> th�se obligatlons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonnwer ahall pay them on time directly <br /> tu the Ferson owal pryment. 8orrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amuunts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Barcower makes these paycnents directly,Bonower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender receip[s evidencing the payments, <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischazge any lien which has prlority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the paymene qf the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcem�nt of the lien in, legal procr.,edings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien; or(c) securts from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> this Security Inatrument. If Lender determ{nes that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the 1ien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ur take one or <br /> ;nore of the actions set forth above withln 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Fam 3028 B/80 <br /> �•6RINE1 t9zu�.o2 p•��°r e ��,�c�•�•: <br />■ - <br /> _ . . .�+�w�Y�l�w�s� ..�u - ��.- _ <br /> /y� �f.��scWm�r�� <br /> .. . .... - .. . . _R ...ty�� ; �..�`'l. ,�`!y�,�,���„��r.. i = _. <br /> •. :._�`.�i,�'�+�.`�'y��4.'47��ti�� ,'" .� ,t l}4 a'�r%�� __ <br /> _ � � � _-, _ <br /> . <br /> __ --_ - - - <br /> _ _ _ _ -__ _- - --- ,. - .___ ,- <br /> , � . � <br /> � <br /> _ " ' �t..a�r.--F.t � . . . ,, c+r.l�,tf"J°rJ-_ <br /> .. • . . �� ..•�. ..- _. � . � . r�:rt' .'f�-KF�Y«.. <br /> � ,. � . . , , . ,'i���'�. <br /> . nn._ <br /> , � , . :,; ,.i;�_. <br /> _ . ' . ` . '.1 :�;;r� <br /> - - .. - ., ' _ . . 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