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.�SR�,1 ���1M.�1�f-e .. <br /> ' ''"��'�"Al' . "" . <br /> � �,��1}.� ! i -.�. T r .. •.i-,s7.,;�.r..�..� _ <br /> _,-.,.X,. :,w-_ '"5T I �.` r � "�- .c_' ..� ..•.frfi�� �a = <br /> '_ ___— <br /> _ <br /> .�r..�s�/�J1t'�a� v+etim�a�v._r'.c�c-,�.-- _. <br /> 9�°` s�.�.�zs <br /> 1-4 FAMILY RIDER <br /> Assignment of Rents <br /> THIS I-4 FAMILY RIDL�R is mede this llt.h dey of D�a�at�r , 1998 , <br /> and is incorporatect into and shall be deemed to arnend and supplement the Martgage, Dzed of Trust or Security <br /> Dad (tk�e "Security Inatrument") of the same d�te given by the undersignul,(the "Borrower") to secure <br /> Borrowcc'e Note ta <br /> Hoa� Fed�r�l 8avinqa and Loan Aa�ociation of Grand I�land <br /> 221 $outh Lucuat <br /> Grand. i���d, 2iB 68AA1 (the"Lender"} <br /> of the same'date and covering tfie Property described in the Security Instrument and Iceated at: <br /> 4316 CIJ1U89ZN ROAD <br />._ GIt11ND I8I.7►liD, 2iz 69803 <br />_ [Properry Addrcss� <br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENAIVTS.In addition to the wvenanta and agramtt►ts mAde in the Securiry Instcument, <br /> Borrower and Lender further cuveiiant and agree as follows: <br /> A. ADD1T'IONAL PR.OPERTY SUBJECT TO T�E SECURTI'Y INSTRLiMENT. In additlon to the <br />— Property described in iho Secudty Instrument,tha following items arc addal to the Paoperty descripdon,and shall <br /> alao conatitute the Property covered by the Security lnstrument:building cnaterlils,a}�pliaz�ces and goods of every <br /> nature whusoever naw or hereafter loGUed in. on, or usai, or lntendod to be used in connxtion with the <br /> Property, inciuding, but not limited to, those for the pu�ses of supplying or distributing heating, caoling, <br /> electricity, gas, wtter, air and light, fin pnvention and extinguishing appuatus, security iu�d �ccas oonual <br /> appuatus,plumbing, bath tubc, w�ter heateta, water closets. sinks, rangos, atoves, refrig�ratora, dishwasheca, <br /> disposala,washers, dryers, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, screens, blinds, sl�adw, curtains and curtain <br />� rods,attached mirrora,cabineu,puielling and attachaf floor coverings now or hereaftar atteched to the Property, <br /> all of whlch, including nplacements and additions thento, shall be damed to be and remain e put of the <br /> .^;o°r.rty x�a,,,d by she Sxuriri; lr.�iru��i.A�l of !h� fnrrgnina coae�her with the Propeny described in the <br /> - Socurity lnstnunent(or the leasehold estate if ihe Socurity Instrument is on a leuehold)are referred to In thia 1-4 <br /> Famtly Rld�r and the Securiry Inatrument ea the``Pco�xrty." <br /> B. USE OF PROPERT'Y; COMPI.IANCE WITH LAW. Bornower s6a11 not setk, agrcc to or make a <br /> chnnge in the use of the Prope�ty or its zoning alusiftcation, unless Lender has ugrad in writiag to the change. <br />� Eorrower shall comply with all laws, ordinanca, regulatio��s and requirements of any govemmental body <br /> appl[cable to We Property. <br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Except as permitted by foderai law, Borrower sh�il not allow any lirn inferior <br /> to tbe Security Inatrument to be pedxted against the Property without Lender's prior written permission. <br /> D.ItENT I.OSS IIdSiJRANCE. Borrower ahwll maintain insurance against rent loss in xidition to the other <br /> hazuds for which insurance is etiquirod by Uniform C�venanc 5. <br /> E. "BORRUWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTAT'E"DELETED.Uniform Covennnt 18 i�deleted. <br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCIJPANCY. Unlea� I.ender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing, the firet <br />— sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Prope�ty is deleted. All remaining <br /> .— covenants and agrcements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effxt. <br /> ° MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMN.Y RIDEH•Fwd�I�lR�dd�M�o UnlMrm Mwur�nt Fam 3170 3/i3 <br /> �p�1 012 <br /> �-67 Il�Ot1.01 VMI'MORTOAGL'FORMS•(t001621.71Y1 �t�: <br />:r <br /> .� <br />-=-� <br />:'.� <br />�'7: +If � . . <br />. ^� � .. . -.. _ <br /> , . y•:S�Si� t !"y a�� � - = __— <br /> . <br /> . bP�b?TL <br /> ..:... • - - — <br /> � •� �.,.' ' '•' �+ t `'�5.�'NYi�"�S'HL91127{S9MM1eFM.�w_. <br /> -, � �� -"i�,- � • i � 1� <br /> , , .. , , � _ ..�.. <br />� . _ _G�_�a•' / . ' 1,�/+{a;�.�J.�_��e_~� ..�. -... <br />. _ ._ ____ -_.._ . ___ - _-_. - ___ -- ._.�-.;_..�_ -:..-..-. - .� - <br /> �x,iC'.. 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