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� Yf ' - .,. .i . � <br /> .� .... . ' ...�....s�. <br /> `+�,� r " . . � . ...,..� .-♦i�; _ - � . ' . . .. _-_°-- --- <br /> . - _ ._, .. a .�., .� a. . <br /> r�' �,,.. *... ._ . � . . . .�� .--� --- .�.._.Y._� <br /> , > <br /> . ..__.....,....-.� <br /> Y'� �' � ..... _ __ -- <br /> " 3 _ ' — . '�n-�+-Rr-�--�-i-r- -- <br /> .. n� .t.�'. . . . . ..- -- ' � —� <br /> �.�-_� <br /> ;_�';� _� 98 '�- - <br /> <<..:� � � - 112�24 <br />�.fh�y . <br /> v'��..y:•. � � .y . <br /> �� .� ' . <br /> ''�'�`'4'`' by this Sxurity Instrumen[. If Borrower fails to pay these surtu prior to the expiration of this perial, ixnder inay invoke <br /> • any reinedies p�rmitted by thls Securiry Instrumsnt without fitrthet notice ar demand on Borrowcr. <br /> I8. Horrower's Rl�ht to Reinatate. lf Borrower meete certain cunditiuns, Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> .,. enfarcement of thle Security Instsument Qiscontlnued at any titnc prlor to the earller af:(n)5 W��eof sale con aine�d in�thie <br /> '-:"•.-�4•�s�� a�pUr,able lsw rnuy specify for reinstatement)before eale af the property pursuant to any po <br /> � Security Insttument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thi�Security Instrument,Those conditions arG that Borrower: (a) <br /> pays Ixnder all sums which then would bc due under this Securlry Instrument and thc Note as if nu acccicration hed � <br />=����� c�ccurred; (b) cuna anY default of any other covenante or agrecments; (c) pays all expeqses incurrcd in enforcing this <br /> -�' `°'� Security Instrument, including, but not lirtuted to, reasonable attomeys' fees; and �d) takes such actton as Lender may <br />�� <br /> reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's <br /> obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. URon reinstatement by Borrower, <br /> � this Security Instrutnent and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no acceleration had occurrecl. <br /> ��.�,f� I{owever,this right to reinstate shall not apnly in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19.Sale of Note;ChAn e of I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(togethcr with this Security <br /> -�,'?j,�;;��_ Insttvrnent) may 1�e sold one og more times without prior notice to Bnrrower. A sale mxy result in a change en the cntity <br /> '��'��`. (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collxts monthly payments due �.u�der the Nate and this Security Instrument. 'Ihere <br />_��{}� also may be one or more changes of the Loa�i Servicer unrelatal to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br /> v,;;��,,� Serviccr,Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with ParBB�eAh 14 atwve and applicable lnw. <br /> V;.;��� The iiodce will state the name and address of the new Laan Servicr•r and the address to which payments should be made. <br /> ---_�;���� 'Ihe nutice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. <br /> dis sal <br />:��� 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pemut the presence,use, po , storage, or release of <br /> ,�-�,r}� any Nazardous on or in the Pro�erty. Bonower shall not do, nor a11ow�anyone else to do, anything affecting i <br /> _,:_�y•. the Property that is in violadon of any Environmental Luw. 11►e preceding[wo sentences sl�all not apply to thc presence, <br /> ..::?��.� use,or storage an the Property of srnall quantities of Hazardoue Substances that are generally recogniud to be appropriate <br /> ' ^�� � to norn�al restdential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> -- Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by <br /> �::� ��� any govemmental or regularory agency or private party involving the Property ead an Hazardoue Substance or Environ- <br /> ,,:`i,F..� <br />-•m� mental Law of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Bonower learns,or�s notifi by any governmental or reguletory <br /> ,.,,���,� authority,tLat any removal or other remaliation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower <br /> _•�°��• shall pmmptly tak�all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environnxntal I-aw. <br /> - As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ere those eubstances defined as toxic or hazardous substanees <br />�=;;��,�,, by Enviroiuntntal Law and th� fallowing substances: gesolinc, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, <br />_==�----- toxic pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materinls containing asbestos or formaldeh�de, and radioactive materials. <br /> ���- As usal in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law"meai�s foderal laws and laws of the junsdictian where the Prop;rty is <br />=°��*:"�� Incated that relate to health,safety or environ�mental protcetion. <br /> � ������� 21.NAccderatt n; Remedles�l.ender shallUBiveuaotice to Borrowa prlo to�alccelerution[oAowing Borrowa'e <br /> =•-w:z�,�. <br /> ---==-- brexch of wny covenant or agreamnt in this Security Instrument (but not prior to accderation under paraQrAph <br /> nnless appllcAble law provides otha�wise)•The notice Bha�ll specify: (a)the default;(b)t6e action required to cure the <br /> � default;(c)a date,not less than 30 days[rom the date tbe notia is given to Borrower,by which the detault must be <br /> ---��{n,��� cured;and(d)that fpilure to cun the default on or before the date specitied in the notiae mAy result in acoda'ation <br /> '"--- of the sums eecured by this Security Instn�meat i►nd sAle of the Propaty. '17�e notice shall[urther in[orm Borrowa' <br /> �"'�"' ot the ri�ht to rdnst�te atter accdaation snd the right to bring a cburt action to �sert the non�aidatena of w <br /> ---- ' defadt or nny other de[ense of Borrower to accderation and sela If the default Lv not cured on or be[ore the date <br /> —_-=_----�� specitled in the notia, Lenda' at tts opHon mey requtre immediete poymeat in tull of all sums secu �ttedb <br /> ------- Security Instrument without turther demxnd and may invoke the power ot�le wnd any otha renxdi�;.� <br /> -=- applic�ble law. Lenda'sh+dl be entitled to rnllect AU expeaces incurred ia pursuinB the ranedles provided In thi <br /> _____-_. p�ragraph 21,including,but nat limited to,reasonable attorneys' kes�nd costs o[title evidence. <br /> If the powa o[sale is invoked,Trustee sha11 record a notice ot default tn each county in which any�wrt of the <br />_---���a propdty is locs►ted and shall matl copia�of such nottce in t6e marma'preecribal by appllcable law to Borrower and <br /> "`-'��� to t6e othar pa'sonc pc�scrlbHl by applicable Iww. A[ter the ti�n�e required ble law�.�'fnutee Ywlt�ho�ut dc�n�ad on <br />---___= public notia ot sale to the pet'suns ai►d in the m�nnn' prcacrib�d by App <br /> --- - Borrower,shail sdl the Propaty wt publie auction to the highest bldda at the time and place and unde�'the terme <br /> �"�~ �' des[gaeted in the aotia ot sAle in one or morepa rcels and in wny order'I'rusta determincs.'I'ruetee maY P�po� <br />--=-.-����'� of tMe Propaty by public announcanent at the ttme and plaa of any previo�slY scheduled <br />� _,� sale ot all or any Pai'�d urchase the Prnperty at any sale. ,,.�, ':� •.. . <br /> sale.Lenda�or its desiBna msy p � <br /> Upon recdpt o!pwyment of the�►rice bid,Trustee ahnll ddiver to the e� '. nveying the <br /> __ -�-_°-- ProPatY. The recitala in the Tnistee e dced shall be prima facie evi� b�t�� '�Tt� of�excrcisi� <br /> ----- ��in,Trustee shall wpply the proceeds of the s�le ia ttie[ollowidg order•O Co� . � '`ti��kPAises � <br /> _���� <br /> -.�s�Taa <br /> _. �� <br /> �`r i� <br />``���rs Form 3 P+Be <br /> ';�. ,.�� <br />_ •_•_.:V,��.; <br /> - BAHICEflS 6VSTEMS,INC..S?.CLOUD,MN 66302 11•800•397•23411 fORM MD•1-NE 2l6l91 <br /> . •..` . <br /> �. , �,� <br /> ..�r <br />. �3,'''�i � <br /> t <br /> ' - <br />- _�-____..�.-_..-.-._---_--:�-i <br /> c <br />