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�R � M�iu.w! --� _ - <br /> � _,....__.n -- .����.— <br /> ��.��--- =-- - <br /> - ---- �.� <br /> .. -------° .._„�,....,,�:_,«,;.:a:r-.r,�rar_�se--- —���_ <br /> � � . �$- i�25i�3 <br /> VA ASSUMPTlON POLICY RIDER <br /> PIOTICE: THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF <br /> YHE AEPARTMENT OF VETERANS A�FAIRS OR ITS <br /> AUTHQRIZED AGEN`T. , -" <br /> TNIS ASSUMPTION POUCY RIOER Is mad�tha 17�1 d1iY o� Dfc�mb�r ,.�_, ��d h k1COrpOnbd Into <br /> �nd �haM b� dMrt»d to Ilm�nd�nd�uppMrtNnt th� Mortpap�� DMd of Trwt, or DNd to S�cure DWt ('In�trurr�t')of th�urrw daM <br /> h�nwXh,pk�n by th� und�nqned (�MoAW9�r")to a�cun th�MortWpor'R Nob('Not�") o�ch•sem. d�n to 1he Qveri�lld <br /> u�Iww�l O�w4 �I (3rind Idand <br /> L�— <br /> k� wccason�nd�tslpn�("MatQWM"1 uid covKfnp t��propwty d�tcrbW in th� In�trum�nt�nd bcatW �t; <br /> 4�o Wvandot�,i Qe�nd Isl�nd NE 6ds01 <br /> ^ r�e�«�r�aa•.. <br /> NotwNhstandlnp �nythinq to th� conMary e�t forth In the Inatrummt, Mortp�pM �nd Mortpapor h�nby �cknowMdp� �nd �prM to th� <br /> lotlowinq: <br /> GUARANTY: Shou{d th� D�partmK►t of Vst�nns Afhirs hH or rNus�to bsw Rs puu�nty In IuW unount wRhh 80 d�ys trom tM d�t� <br /> th�t thk loui would nomuMy bocarrN �NpibM for �uoh puaranty commNt�d upon by tha Daputment of V�an• Afhln und�r th� <br /> provklons of TkN 34 of th� U.S. CotM N�Nrms B�►Mk�'� th� Mortp�pM may d�clln �h� hd�bMdn�+s h�nby MCUnd �t onC� duY <br /> �nd payabN �nd may foncbse km'Nd1�2Ny or m�y exsrCfa� �nY Olhar riphts hp'YUndrr or tak� Rny oth�r propsr �atbn �� bY a�'+ <br /> pruWcNd. <br /> TRANSFER OF THE PROPER'i'Y: If �N or �ny put of th� propsrty or eny Inlenat in R ia eold or tnnaf�rnd, this Iwn may M <br /> d�Cyind Yn,n�d�tNy dw nnd pay�bM upon tnnshr ("�stumptbn") of tl» propKty acurhQ such ban to �ny tnnsNns ("utum�r"1, <br /> unWs the�cc�pt�bNky of ttv�ssumptlon 1u�d Min�fw of thfs ban b ett�bNth�d by th� Dou�rtmint o}V�t�r�ns Afhlrs or ks �uthorlx�d <br /> a-y:��t pur.;s:nt!o.xl�^3T14�t r_.hwn�r 37,TIIM 3s. Unkad Statts CocN. <br /> M wthorix�d tnmhr('utumptbn')of th� propMty�haN�ko b�subJ�ct to Rddkbnal cownants�nd �prMrrNnts a�s�t lath bNnw: <br /> (a) ASSUMPTION FUNDING FEE: A iN equll lo ontrhlM of 1 pKC�nt (.60%) of th�unpaid pnc��pal bsl�nC� of thk ban <br /> a� of th� daN of tnn�}K of th� prop�rty �haN b�p�yabN at the tirtM of tnnsf�r to th� mortp�pe�or ks authorlx�d ap�nt,�s truN+�for <br /> th� D�putmmt ol V�trnns A1hks. If th�asaum�r hNa to pay thta fe� at th� tims of tnnshr,th�IM 6haN constkut��n �ddkfon�l dk>t <br /> to that alrMdy s�cund by thb Instrummt, ahall bwr Int�nst at the nt� heroln provfd�d, and, at th� optton of th� moAp�pM of th� <br /> ind�bbdnat h�nby s�CUnd or �ny daisf�rM lheno}, �h�N b� knrn�dkt�y dus �nd payabw. fib N� b autorrNticaNy wahr�d M th� <br /> ��sum�r k�x�mpt undK th�provbbns of 36 U.S.C.3729(c). <br /> (b) ASSUMPTION PROCESSING CHARC+iE: Upon appl�atbn for�pprowl to �Now�ssumptbn and MansNr of thk lo�n, a <br /> procKNny 1N m�y b� chup�d by th� mortq�pM or ks �uthorix�d a9ent for dYNrmfnktG th�Cr�d4worthh�ss of ihY asium�r lutd <br /> subsequ�nty nvkhQ th� hokNr'a own�rship ncords wh�n an approwd U�n�iK Is compMl�d. Th� urwunt of thls chup� �haN not <br /> oxco�d th�Ioss�r�t th�rtwximum�sUbWh�d by th�D�partment of Vk�nn� Afh�ks for�ban to whbh Soctbn 3714 of Chy�t�r 37,TkM <br /> 3e, UnkW Stat�e Cod��pP�or�^Y��m pnscrbsd by apP��M �te lew. <br /> (C) ASSUMPTION INDEMNI7Y LIABILITY: If thls oblq�tbn �s assum�d, th�n th� i66Uf►�M h�rlby apn�� to �swrrw �N ot <br /> the obNq�tbns of ih�wbran und�r th�terms of the hstrurnents crwllnfl end 8ecurinp tha ban. The �ssumer further�qrM�to IndMrnMy <br /> th� D�putnNnt of Vat�nna Afhks to the exlent ot any cl�kn payment�rfalny hom the puaranty or haurnnc�of th�hcMbtadnesa crMtad <br /> by thM kutrum�nt. <br /> IN WITNtSS WFlEF�OF,tha prantor has h�nunto t�t his h�nd and s�l on th� day and ysar Hrst h�r�InbMon writtan. <br /> ��,��� (SEAL) <br /> ��o•co�� , a r n s <br /> _ ���� <br /> Monpapor � <br />-- /SEALI <br />� Monpapor <br />.� <br />:7 <br />-iti <br />_� ���� <br />,�•� Monpapor <br /> FSEEa.lMO(E/07) <br /> gdIB9 <br />