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�' � . � , <br /> � �,:,�::=== �--.�._._,_ _.,,�._.,.r-_ �.e <br /> . _w�°--�� <br /> . , .. _..1. --�-� ---- <br /> �� -"�--- �r__.::��d....�.,.�•.,-:�_�-""=-.r._.v�._.���.--_—_-=-___=__� <br /> .--- ---�-- -- ---� <br /> - <br /> __ -_ _ _ _ g8_iszss� - <br /> paymcros rnay no longcr be requircd, at the opti�m of l.c�xlcr, if mangugc in5urancc covcragc(in tF�c umount and for thc perioci <br /> tha�Lxnder reyuirex)pmvided hy un insurer uppmvcd by l.eixler ugnin txmmcs avuiluble und is obtuincd. Borrowar shall pay <br /> the prendum�requircd to maintuin niortgage insurnncc hi c(fcct,or to pmvidc u Ic�ss reservc,un[il the rcyuiremcnt far mortgage � <br /> inruru�xe c��xls in uccordunce with uny written ngmenu�u hetween 13orrower nnd L.ender nr applicnble luw. <br /> Sl,InxpecUnn. l.cndcr or its i►gcnt muy mnkc rcasanablc cntrics u{xm and inspcctions of'thc Pmperty, l.cndcr shall givc <br /> &�rrciwcr ni�ifcc at thc timc of or pcior to un inspcction spcdFying rcasonablc causc far thc inspectic�n. <br /> l0. Cnndemnatlon. The proceeds of iiny uwurd or cluim for dumages, direct ar c�nsequential, in connection with any <br /> coiKiemnation or other utking of uny purt of'the Property,ur for convcyuncc in lieu of condemnation, ure hereby assi6ned iind <br /> tihull bc puid to I.cnder. <br /> in thc cvcnt of n totul tuking uf the Property.Utc pracccds shull bc applied to thc sums sccured by this Sccurity Inslrumatt, _ <br /> whether or not thcn due, with uny excess puid to Borrower. (n thc evenc of a partial taking�f the Property in which the fuir <br /> markct vuluc of Ihc Property immediatcly beforc thc tuking is cqual to or grcatcr thnn thc amount of thc sums sccurcd by this <br /> Security Instrument immecliutely before the taking, unless Dorrower und I.ender otherwise agre�in writin�;, thc sums secured by = <br /> this Securiry Instn�ment shnll be reduccd by thc umount of the procecds multiplicd by thc fallowing fraction: (u) the total <br /> amount af thc sums sccurcd immediatcly bcf��rc thc taking, dividcci by (b) thc fair markct valuc of thc Property immcdiatcly <br /> befnre the tnking. Any balnnce shall be puid to Borro«�cr. In the event of �panial taking of the Property in which thc fair <br /> market value of thc Property immediately before the taking is Icss than tlic amount of the sums secured immediutcly beforc the <br /> taking,unless Bon•ower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law atherwise provides, the proceeds shall <br /> bc uppliai ro thc sums secured by this Security Instniment whether ar not the sums are then duc. <br /> If the Property is abandoneci by Borrower,or if,afler notice by L.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ta make an <br /> award or settle a claim for damnges, Borrower fails to res�nd to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, <br /> L.cnder is uuthorized to collect und apply the proceeds, at its opti�n,eitt►er to restorntion or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwise ngree in w�riting, any application of proceeds to principal sliall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments re�errai to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> 11, Iiorrower Not Released; Forbearance By l.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for paymeut or moditication <br /> of amortizntion of the sums secureci by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Barrower's sttccessors in interest. L,ender shall not be required to <br /> commenee proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ot otherwise modify amorti�ation <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of uny demand made by the originnl Borrower or Borrower's <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or precl��de the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several Llability; Caslgners. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> Secunry Instrument shall bind and benetit the successors and a�aigis �� Lcr�de; ar,d B�::o::'er, su��rrt s� r�P pmvicions of <br /> paragraph 17• Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but dces not cxecutc the Note: (a) is co•signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Borrower's interest in thc Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is nat personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secund by this Security Instrumer�t;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify, forbear or <br /> make any xcommodations with regard to the terms of this Security InstNment or thc Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by tliis Security[ns�rument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connecti�n with the <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitteci limir and (b)any sums already cullected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiU be refunded to <br /> Horrower. l.ender may cl�oose to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owed undcr the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prcpayment without any <br /> prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> l4.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first cla�s mail unless applicable law requires use of another methai. The notice shall be directed to tlie Property Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first class mail co <br /> l.ender's address statcd hercin or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrowcr. Any noticc providcd for in this <br /> Security instrument shall bc deemed to have bcen give�i to Borrower or Lcnder when given as providecl in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Law; Serecabllity. This Security Instrument shall be governed by feclerul law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Propc�ty is located. In tl�c evcnt that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall nut affect other provisions of tliis Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the conflicting provision,To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and tlie Note are declaral <br /> to bcseverable. <br /> 16.BorroH�er's Copy.Borrowcr shall be givcn one conformed copy of the Notc and of this Security Instrunxnt. <br /> Form 3028 9/d0 <br /> Pap��ot 0 <br /> -.-�.. --- -._ -- --�. . T-�. .. .,...�,�.,.�,.;R-,a•nw - - -- — -----"'�k�<[+1�`"�...--�-==—�•,,--- <br /> _ . .. .. <br /> ._..�,�---.�. --- . . <br /> .. . . � 4�1LC''l� �` .n I L G�y . _ . <br /> � • Z� <br />'� . 1 ' • —_ _ <br /> _ �-f... .,t}+s <br /> ,, s c <br /> � .., _._!��L'k� I � •+�li�.� T �uv,'°-_'--.—_'__ <br /> . . <br /> . _ __..__ .__ .`__ . _ . . _ . <br /> __.__ '__�_. .___-- _ _. _._. ____ __,. . � <br /> Y' '� ' . 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