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. . `i�� �i�"'��"""dar�+:� <br /> ,:� , <br /> .. . - ; . - - <br /> �;:�,�.i=�-- � - .�._.�„�. <br /> �Y�r•r.;g��:=` <br /> . --.- _... ..:�.. ..."_�_ t.:--r,-:.�-�. _- - —�- <br /> •�- --- ....��_-- - - <br /> 98- i�.z�1s <br /> TOQETHER WITH all tho improvements now or hereafter erectod on the property. �nd all cascments,appurtenances,and <br /> fixtures now or hereafter a pan of the propetty. All replecements and additions shall also be covcred by this Security <br /> Instrument.All of the foregoing is refcrreci to in this Security Instrunxnt as thc"Property," <br /> BORRUWER COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully seised of the estnte hercby convcyed and has thc right to grant arw <br /> canvey the Property and that the Property is unencumbereci, except far encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants und will <br /> Jefend generally the title to the Propeny against all claims und demand�,subject to uny encumbrances�if record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combincc unifarm covenunts for nutional usc and non-unifonn covcnants witl► limital <br /> variations by jurisdiction to wnstitutc u uniform sccuriry instrumem covcring rcal propcny. _^ <br /> UNIFURM COVENANTS. l3orrowcr anci Lcndcr cuvr�iunt uixl ugrcc u�foilows: <br /> 1. Payment at Principwl And Interat; PrcppYmmt wnd I,�te Ch�rRa+� Borrowcr +hull pmmptly puy whcn due the <br /> principul of nnd interest on the debt evidenctd by Ihc Note u�xl uny prepayment und lacc ch�ugcs duc undcr the Notc, <br /> 2. Funds for 'fwxe.s and In�+urance. Subject to upplicuble luw ur t�� a written wuivcr by i.cnder, Bormwcr �hall puy to <br /> [..cndcr on the day monthly payment�urc due undcr the Notc,until the Notc is puid in full,u sum("�unds")f'or. (a)ycarly taxes <br /> and assessments which may attain�riority aver thig Security lnstrument as a lien on tlie Property; (b)ycarly leasehold payments <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)ycarly hui.urJ or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly flcxxl intiurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurnnce premiums, if sny; and(� any sums payable by Borrower to I..ender, in accardance with <br /> the pravisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance pretniums.These items are called "Escrow Items." <br /> L.ender may, at any time, collect ond hold Frands in an amount not to exceed the maxirnum amount a lender for a federally <br /> related mortgage loan may rcquire far Borrower's escrow aeeount under the fecieral Real Estate Settlement Procedures Aet of <br /> 1974 ns amended from time to time, 12 U.S,C, Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount.lf so, L.ender may. ut nny time, collect and hold F��nds in un amount not to exceed the Iesser umount. <br /> Lcnder may estimate the nmount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonuble estimztes of expenditures of future <br /> L�scrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicuble Inw. <br /> Thc Funds shall be held in an iiistitution whose de�wsits urc insured by u federal agency, instrwnentality, or cntity <br /> (including Lender, if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Bscrow Items. Lender may not churge Aorrower for holding nnd applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unless i..ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemiits Lender to make such <br /> a cherge, However,I.ender muy require Barrower to pay a one-time charge for nn independent real estate tax reporting urvice <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless npplicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made oc <br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> Bonower and L.ender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shall give to L'corrower, <br /> without charQe, an annual accountin�of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Funds was mada.The Funds ate pledged as addu►onal securiry ior aii suu�n�.a��.d by t�is S:,c�.:.Y I•"•�insment. <br /> If the Punds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to I3orrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accdrdance with tha requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due, I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and. in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to L.ender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tl�e deficiency in no more than <br /> twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in tull of all sums secureci by th:s Security Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrawer any <br /> Funds held by l.ender. If, under paragraph 21,Lender shall ucquire ur sell thc Property,L.ender, prior to thc acquisition or sale <br /> �f the Property,shall Apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credi►against the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 3.Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by L.ender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and '2 shall be applied: first, to any prepaymcnt char�es due under the Notc; second, to amounts payable uixler parag�aph 2; <br /> third, to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late chargcs due undcr the Note. <br /> 4.Charges; I.lens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments, chnrges, fincs and impositions attributablc to tlic Property <br /> which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument, and lcasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shull pay <br /> these obligations in tt►e manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not puid in that manner, Borrower shull pay thcm on time directly <br /> to the petson owed payment.Borrowcr shall promptly furnisli to Lender all noticcs of amounts to bc paid undcr this para�raph. <br /> If Borruwer makes these paymcnts directly,Borrower sh:►11 promptly furnish to Lcnder rcccipts cvidencing ti�e payments. <br /> Borrower shall pramptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)ugrees in <br /> writing to thc payment of thc oblibation securcd by tlie lien in a manncr acccptnble to Lcndcr; (b)contests in good faith the lie� <br />— by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, Iegal proceeciings which in Nic Leixter's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of thc lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc licn an agrcemcnt satisfactory to I.ender subordinating thc licn to <br /> this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that mry part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Security Instrument, [.ender may 6ivc Ek�rrowcr a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take onc or <br />-:,: mo��e of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thc givinb af�iotice. <br />_ Form 3028 9190 <br />:� Pego Y of 6 <br /> 7 <br /> = --- <br />-� . .... . _ . . . .. _ _ .. ._ . — <br /> ,�w.�..�.-+—.s....�-,.- 1 _ . . ._ _ ..i.�t' .. . a-.:-`.-�=.�— --- - <br />_ �� . .. .�Y� �Cy'L�-a�.�.�e— <br /> ....... :4'ii_. .t� ..r�'f4rsh.��==�_°— '__ <br /> ..-"__ _., .. _____ _ __._ __.' . <br /> ____'_ ___. __.-.._ ._ ._ _ ._ � _.._.__ __. <br /> � . -- . . . . ;.� -3i..'i'.a' �n�y'�' --� �.` — <br /> .. . _ y " 'f�+� - �I��MI`�{d 1 �� ��� .: y ..,� <br /> �� / �.. .. • .. .. ��;•�'yr�t�� ��J�M..f�;....�'t S . ."_- <br /> . Ul ,1 ,-���r2� l. �.1� . . �t. 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