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w,�wi�s _ <br /> ^�'` • ���y:.�.:r_•_. . ... ... .... .. .'}v.'dF$IrMI��,�;�. <br />- — -- - � <br /> ' _ k - <br />�#:1�F'.+'"•us"`� � � � �- <br />. --� �' :�� •princfpal amount of the Indebtedness secured by thla Deed of Trust,not Including sums edWhiche erps g eate e security oi this Deed oi _ <br /> a�• Trust,exceed the original principal amount stated herein,or S <br /> • '.+�' : 18.Misullan�ous Provislons. � <br /> � : r (a)Borrow�r Not R�Io�s�d.Extenslon ol Sha tlme for payment or modlflct+don of amoRizetion oi the sums seaured by thls `r_ <br /> , � Deed of Trust grenteci by Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrower shell not operate to release,In any manner,the Ilablil- —_ <br /> � ty of the origlnal eorrawer and Borrower's succeasora In Interest LAnder shall not be requlred to commenco proceedlnps �-... <br /> egalnst euch eucceasor or retuae to extend tirne(or payment or otherwlso modify amortlzatlon of the eums secured by thls� r* <br /> � • ��� Deed of Trust by reason ot any demends made by the origtnal Borrower end Borrowets successors In Interest. _, <br /> � r�� (b)L�ntl�r'�IPow�n.Wfthout eHectiny the Ilabllity of any other person Iiablo for the payment ot eny ob��9aeb or Iheret(o e� ��, <br /> �� tloned,and without aNectirfg the Ilen or charge oi thla Dee+d of Trust upon eny portfon of the Property <br /> �,i relaesed as security for the full amount of ell unpald obllgatlone,Lender mey,from time to time and wlthout notice(I) rele�se r � <br />-:.t;#;r,•;r �v:' any perBOn ao Ilable,(ii)extend tho maturlty or altctr eny of the terms of any such obllgations, (III)grant othor Indulgences,(Iv)� c <br /> releese or reconvey,or cause to be releaaed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon any parcel,�ortion or at(of the� <br /> � Property,(v)teke or release Any other or additlonal securfty for any obliQatlon hereln mentloned,or(vi)make compositlons or Q <br />_.,� • other arrangements with debtors In relatlon thereto. <br /> .h (c)Forbearanc�by L�nd�r Not�W�iv�r.Any forbearence by Lender in exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth-� <br /> arvrise aiforded by appliceble law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerclse oi eny such rfght or remedy. The procuro- <br /> �' ment of insurance or tha peyment of taxes or other Iiens or charges by Lender shall not bo a weiver or Lendera nght to acceler- <br /> � ate the meturity oi the fndebtedneas secured by thla Qeed of T�ust <br />=��:•.:.' (d)3uce�ssors�nd Asslyns Bound;Jolnt and 9wsr�l Llability;Captions.The covenants and agreements herein con- <br /> � ' � � tained shell bind,and the rights hereunder shall Inure to,the respectfve suc�essore and assigns of Lender and Trustor. All <br /> covenants and agreements oi Trustor shall be Jolnt and several.The captlons and headings of the peragrephs of thls Deed oi _ <br /> Trust are for convenlence only nnd are not to be used lo interpret or deflne the provisions hereot. of en notice <br /> � (e)Rsqusst tor Notices.The partles hereby requeat that a copy of any notice of dafault hereunder end a copy Y <br /> of sale herounder be melled to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above in the manner prescribed by <br />� ' appllcable law.Except for eny other notice requlred under eppilcable law to be given In another manner,eny notice provided tor <br /> � ° In this Deed of Trust shell be given by meiling such notice by certifled mall addressed to tho other partles, at the address set <br /> ' fortn ebove.Any notice provided for In thla Deed of Trust shall be effecUve upon malling In the manner desic�nated herein.If <br /> 7rustor is more than one person,notice sent to the eddress set forth above shail be notice to all such persons. <br />� (�Insp�ction.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonebte entriea upon and Inapectlons oi the Property, provided <br /> - that Lender sheil gfve Trustor notice prlor ta eny such inspection specifying reasonebie cause therefor related to Lenders Inter- <br />'� ' , est in the Property. <br /> (g)Rsconveyance.Upon payment of all sums securod by thls Doed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the <br />"°�: Property end shali surrender this Deed ot Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to <br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property, without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitlAd <br /> � thereto.Trustor shall pay ell wsts of recoMetion,if eny. ment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants <br /> (h) Personal Property►; Security AgrNmsnt.As additional security for the pay <br /> Lender under the Nebraska Unliorm Commercial Code e secudty interest In all fixtures,equlpment,and other personal property <br /> used in connectlon wfth the real estate or Improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declered or deemed to be e part of <br /> the real estete secured hereby.This Instrument shell be construed es a Securlty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender <br /> " shali have all the nghts end remedias ui a sacdrnu'pariy urd�r�ald�Qde!n?ddltion to the riphts and remadles created under <br />' Y be cumuletive wth,and in no way a�llmlta on onf Lende psriphts and remediesrundter eny o her�secu ity agrieemen9sig ed by <br /> ." .) . <br />:t• Borrower or Trustor. <br />-�{� :; � (I)Lbns�nd Encumbrances.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no defeult under tho provislons of eny <br />-k- ' mortgage,deed ot trust,lease or purchese contrect descrlbfng all or any part of the Property,or other contrect, Instrument or <br /> �'.�, agreement canstituting a Ilen or encumbrance egalnst all or any part of the Properly(co��ectivety,"Llens"),existing as of the <br />_�� date of this Deod of Trust,and thet eny and all existing Llens remain unmodifled except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ- <br /> ten d(sclosure of Iiens end encumbrances provfded for herein.7rustor shell timely perform ell of Trustor's obiigatfons, <br /> ` ' covenants,representatlons and warrantles under any end ell existing and future Llens,ohali promptly forward 4o Lender copies <br />' '"� oi all notices of detault sent In connection with eny end eli existing or future Llens,and ahali not without Lender's prior writte� <br /> ;;� cunsent In eny menner modify the provislons of or ellow any future advances under eny exlsting or future Ilens. <br />:,' . ,,t,,, Q)Applicetlon of Paym�nts.Uniess othervvise required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Includinp without Iimitatlon <br /> -= � ��4`` payments of princlpai and Interest,insurence proceeds,condemnatfon prxeeds and rents and profits, shell be epplled by <br /> T��•'�'�� ��� Lender to the amounts due end owing from Trusror and Borrower In such order as Lender in its sole discretlon doems desir- <br /> _.'=;.;. • ., .rti able. <br />- �'''�""'�" (k)Sw�reblllty.If eny provision of thls Deed ot Truat conilicts with appllcable law or Is declared invelid or othervvise unen- <br /> forceable, such conflict or fnvalidity shall not effect the othor provisions of thls Deed of Trust or the Note which cen be given <br />�.,,. � effQCt without the conflicting provisfon,and to this and the provfsi�ns of this Deed oi Trust and the Note are declared to be sev- <br />- ereble. <br />_ , �.���.q= (q Terms.The terms"Trusto�'and"Borrower shall(nr,lude both singular and plural,and when the Trusta end Borrower are <br />�_�-°' � � ' the seme person(s),those terms as used In thls Deed of 7rust shall bo interchangeable. <br /> -.•�- <br /> (m}Governing Law.This Deed ot Trust shall be govAmed by the lawa of the Stete ot Nebras e. <br />- k <br /> . <br /> Trustor has executod this Deed of Trust as of the date written above. <br /> � I d.Q <br /> - c Trustor <br /> - Trustor ADINE R. TERRY� <br /> 1 Trustor Truator <br /> � <br /> � ' 1 . 1 <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> I <br /> _ � <br /> - I <br /> - ' <br /> _� _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />