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I.�ndsr may�etNn�t�lhe�moum oi lunda du� on th�br�tl� ol current data ` <br /> snd rw�on�bN�etkn�he ot exp�ndtturee o1 lutun E�c�ow Itema or oth«wlee In�ccordance wfth�ppNc�ble law. = <br /> The Funds ehep b� hNd in�n Inelkutlon whoe• d�posfte �re Ineursd by � lederal �psncy, Instrummt�lfty, or entRy (Includinp = <br /> Land�r, H Laid�r le euch �n InatNutlon) or In �ny Fedenl Home Lwn B�nk. Lendx ehall opply the Funda to pay lhe Eccrow Iteme. _, <br /> L�ndK rn�y not chupo Borrower lor holdMq�nd �ppyfnp tha Funds,�nnwky �n�y�np the esaow �ccount, or verltylnp ih�Escrow <br /> It�me, unleae Lend�r pays QorrowK interest on the Funda�nd spplic�bb I�w permKe Lenda to m�ke euch� chup�. However, Lendx �-`: <br /> may r�quke Borrow�r tu pry� onFtkn� ch�rp�lor�n Indspend�nt rsd est�U tax reportinp eervice uand by Lendx In conn�ctlon w4h `— <br /> thl�ban, unNss�ppNc�bl�I�w provides otherwlee, Unlees�n aprenment Is made or epp{lable 4w requkea Intxest to bo pald, Lender — <br /> sh�M not be ret�uked ta p�y Bortowsr�ny Intaeal or e�minge on the Funda. Horrower snd Lender may�gree In wrNfny, howw�r,that <br /> Intw�st eh�q be pald on ths Funds. Lender ahaB qhre to Borrower, wkhout cherpe, an �nnu�l ■ccountlnp ot the Funds, ehowinp <br /> asdits �nd debSte to the Fundrs �nd the purpoes lor which e�ch d�bft to the Funda w�s rn�de. Ths Funde �n pl�dyed�s �ddfllon�l <br /> searity tor�M sume nsaired by lhia 3ecurily Inetrument. <br /> If the Funda held by Lender exceed tha.�mounto penr�itted to be held by�ppMcabb I�w, Londer eh�U account to Borrow�r lor lhs <br /> excesn Funde fn accordance wrih the requkements ot appNcable kw. I} the �mount of the Funde held by L�nd�r �t �ny ikn� is not <br /> auMdent to py ihe Esaow Itsrn�whm due, Lendx m+iy ao notify Borrower In wrNinq,�nd,In such cu�Borrower sh�N pay to L�nd�r <br /> tha�mount n�ceasuy to m�ks up the de4lcbnq. Borrower nhaM m�ke up the delldency fn no moro th�n tweN�monthy p�ymK►ts, �t <br /> Lender'e sole cNscreGon. <br /> Upon payment In tull oi all sums eecured by thln Sxurity Insirument, l.ender shall promptty relund to Bo�rower any Funds hdd by <br /> Lender. I}, under paragreph 21,Latdar shaN ecquke or aeN the Property, Lender, prior to the acqulaltl�sn or s�le of the Property, ahall <br /> apply�ny Funda held by Lender�t the time of acqulsklon or sele es a aredfl sg�inst the sums aecured hy this Securfly Instrume�t. <br /> 3. Applicatlon of P�ym�nt�. Unlesa �ppNc,�ble law provides othcKwiae, �II p�ymente recefved by Lender und�r p�nqnphs <br /> 1 and 2 ah�N be appAed: 1kst, to any prepayment chargee due under the Note; second, to�mounts pay�ble untiar p�nqraph 2; thkd <br /> to Intweet due; fourth,to principU due;and kat,to�ny lele r,harpes due unda lhe Note. <br /> 4. Charp�e; L.1�11l. Barower sh�q pay �N taxes, naaeasments, chargee, flnea �nd knpoalUona attrfbut�ble to ths Property <br /> whfch may �tWn prlority over thl� Securfty Inatrument, �nd lersahdd paymants or pround rents, M any. Borrower ahaN pay these <br /> obNyatbns In the mannx provided in p�tx9nph 2, or H not pald In that m�nner,BoROwe►ehaN pay them on time dkectly to the penon <br /> ow�d paymant. Borrower ehsif prompHy fumiah to Lender sll noUcea o}emounte to be pnW under thla par�ynph. I} Borrow�r rtwk�s <br /> th�ae payments dksctly, Borrower nhaN pTOmptly tumleh to Lendx receipts evidencing the ptymenta. <br /> Borrowar sh�M promptty diacharye any Nat whlch h�e priority over ihia Sewrity Inatrument unlesa Borrower. (�) �flreee In wrMinfl to <br /> the payment of lhe obAgaUon secured hy the Rm In a rrwnner�ccepuble to Lender; (b) conteata In pood I�kh the Nen by, a ddmda <br /> ■pahst eniorcernent oT ihe lien N,leyd proeasdinps wh�h in the Lender'a opinion opente to prevant tna enforcan�i oi ihe ii.n; �i(�j <br /> a�cures irom the hoWer of the Yen �n a9reement uUsf�ctory to Lender subordin�tMg the Nen to thla Securtty Instrument. If Lendx <br /> dNKmines th�t �ny part ot thA Property le subJect to a Nen which m�y �ttaln prlorily over thia Securfty Inatrument, Lender rrMY pive <br /> Borrowx a noUce Identilykip the Yen. Bortower aheA satlaly the Ilen a t�ke one or more ol the�ctlona eet forth �bove wlthin 10 d�ys <br /> of ihe qlvinp of nodce. <br /> 5. Hwird or Prop�rty Insur�nc�. Borrowa ahaA keep the Improvemente now existing or hxsafter ascted on the <br /> Propaiy Inaured sy�kiat loaa !�y tf�e,h�zarda included withln the tertn 'extended coverage'and�ny othx hezuds, {ndudlnp flood� or <br /> Aoodiny, fa whlch Lender rec�ulras fnauranoe. Thla Ineur�nce sh�A be rru�inU�ined in the amounts �nd lor ths pxlods th�t Lender <br /> requkee, The insunnce artier provlding the Insunnce shall be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender'e �pproval whkh eh�N not ba <br /> uruMeonaby wtthheld. fl Borrowx talls to mslntNn covenge desaibed ebove, Lender may,�t Lender'e opdon, obtaki covsnqe to <br /> protect L�ndx'e rlqhte In lhe Property in aceord�nca wflh panynph 7. <br /> AN Inaunnce poNdes�nd �ewds sh�ll be�r.capt�bls to Lender and ehaM Indude� eUndud morty�y� cyus�, Lender ehar hav� <br /> the riqht to hold the �►oMdea and renewda. If lender roqulrea, Bortower ehaR promptly qNe to Lender�M rocefpts of pald prsmlum• <br /> •nd renewd noticee. In the event ot bsn, Borrowx sh�N gNe prompt notk:e to the Inaunnce cartler and LendK. Lendx rrNy tn�k� <br /> proof ol bsa H not m�da promply by Bortower. <br /> Unlees Lender and Bortowx otherwise�pree M writinp, Insunnce procesde ahaq be applied to reetontion or rep�lr ot the Property <br /> d�Qed, N the roatoration or ropak Is economiuNy feesible end Lender'e security ia not bssened. II the reatontlon or repak la not <br /> econortAcaNy teaafble a Lender's security would be leaeened, the Insurance proceeda sh�H 6e appNed to the sums eecursd by thia <br /> SscurHy Inatrumant, whelher or not then due, wRh any exceee pald to BoROwa. If BorrowK �ba�dona the Property, or doh nei <br /> �nswer wlthin 30 days ■ notla irom Lender that the Insunnce artix has otterad to aettle e clakn, then Lmder may coNect the <br /> - Inwroncu proceede. Lmder m�y use the proceeda to reFv!r or restwe the Property or to pay sums aecured by thla Sec:urity <br /> InaVwnent,whether or not lhen due.The 30•day palod witl begln when the notice la given. <br /> Unlesa lender snd Borrower othervvise apree In wrking, any appRcetlon ot proceecla to prindpal nheN not extend or poatpone the <br /> due d�te o1 the monthly pnyrnents referred to In peregrapha 1 �nd 2 or ch�npo the�mount oi the payments. If undx puoynph 21 <br /> the PropeAy Is acquked by Le.nder, Borrowei s right to eny insunnce poNcles end proceeda reaultk�g hom damt0e to the Propaty prior <br /> to th� �cquisitlon shaW p�sa to Lender to the ext�nt ot the aums secured by this Securfty InnGUment fmmedi�tdy prlor to th� <br /> �cquhkion. <br /> 6. Occupancy� Prasrvrtlon, Malntsn�nce �nd Prot�ction oi th� Prop�rty; Bonrow�r's Loan <br /> - A�7pIICitIOtt; Leas�hoida. Borrower shall occupy, �stnbNsh, end use the Prope�ty e� tlorrower's princl�d reeldence wRhin elxty <br /> d�ys etter the execution o1 this Securily Instrument end shell continue to occupy the Property es BortowFr's principel residenco for at <br /> le�st one year efter the date of occupancy, unless Lenda othetwise agrees In wrtting, whkh cons�ent shell not be unreason�bly <br />— wkhhMd, or unlese extenwting clrcumstances exlst which ere beyond Bortower'e conirol. Borrower eh�M nqt destroy, d�mepe or knpak <br /> � the property, sNow ihe Property to deterionte, or corrxnit w�ete on the Property. Borcower sh�N b�in def�uk N any torleKure actlon or <br /> proce�ding,whethx cNM or crM�hal,Is begun th�t In Lmder'e qood lafth)udymant could resuR In foAeiture of ihe Propaty or otherwiae <br /> rrkteri�Ny knpak the Ilen ueated by this Security Instrument or Lender'n eecurtty Intcrest. eortower msy cure sucn w airiun ��d <br /> relnstete, as provided In peragnPh 1B, by c+�uaing the�cllon or proceeding to be dismissed wRh � ruHng that, 6� Lender'e pood tekh <br /> � detertnination, predudey forfeYure o1 the Bortower's k�lerest In ihe Property or other m�terial knpakment o1 the Nen cre�ted hy thls <br /> ; SecurHy InsWmant or Lendeie aecuriry i�terest. Bortower eh�N deo be In defauR H 8arower, duriny the Iwn �ppNcatbn procsae, <br /> prve rtuetarl�Ny false or in�ccunte Inlorrnetion or stetementa to Lender (or talted to provicle Lmder wkh any materi�l intonnatlon) In <br /> connection wfth the loan evidenced by the Nute, InGuding, but not NmF;ed to, represmUtbna caiceminp E�orrower'a occupancy ol th• <br /> Property as e princlpal rosidence. H tlils Security Instrument Is on e leasehold, Borrower ah�M compty wMh aM ths provlslone oi the <br /> le�se. If Bortower ecqukes 1ee tftle to the Property, the leaseho�d�nd the lee titie shil not mexga unlesa the Lender �yreea to the <br /> merqer In rn4ting. Form ao�e s�so <br /> � F10Y.3.1M0(tON� t'aqc 2 of 5 <br />, � <br /> � <br /> j tp�x�n7J <br />