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'-. <br /> � C_-.� �_ .... <br /> t ����� �c..._'..._ <br /> 'Praceeds')In wnnectlon w(th condemnation or other taking oi tho Property or paA thereof,or for convoyance In li tion. �`.'��=�• <br /> Lender shall be entltied at Its optlon to commenco,appear In and prosocute In Its own name eny acdon or praceedings,ond ehall elso r;,`c3*�;n: <br /> • be ontilled to make any compromise or settlement In connection with such taklnp or demago.In tho event any pnrtion of the Praparty is � <br /> " so takon or dameged, Lender shall have the optlon In tts solo and�bsolute discrotion, to�pply s!I such proceeds, o(ter d�ducting <br /> th9reirom all costs an@ expen&os Incurred by It In connection wlth such Proceeds,upon any Inclebtednoss secured her�by end in such • <br /> . order as Lender may determine,or to apply all such Proceads,�fter such deductlons,to the restorytlon oi the Propurty upon such con• - <br /> j ditions as Lender may determine.Any appllcatlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness shell not extend or postpane the due dete o/any pny <br /> � ments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hareunder.Any unapplled funds shatl be pald to Trustar. . .'^_'^ <br /> �i 8.Performance by tendsr. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder, or if any act is taken or legal pracoeding ' �- <br /> commenc�d whlch materlaily aNects Lender's Interest In the Property, Lender may in its awn dlscrotion,but vrithout obliflatlon to do so. ;•,F, _� <br /> and wllhout noilce to or demand upon Trustor end wlthout reloasing Trustor from eny obllgetlon, do any act which Truator has agreed ,:;;%`� <br /> � but failed to do and may also do any other ect it deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shall, Immodlately upon - - <br /> h +��, demand therefor by Lender,pey to LRnde�ell costo ond axpenses Incurred end sums expended by LondQr In connoction with the exer- _- <br /> . clse by Lender ot the toregoing righte,logether with Interest thereon et the default rate provlded in thb Note,which shail be added to "� <br /> the indebtedness eecured hereby.Lendor shall not Incur any liablllty beceuse of enythinp It may do or omit to do hereunder. �`�u <br /> 9. Hazardous Materlels. Tru�tor shell keep the Property In compllance with ali appilcable laws, ordinances and regulations �����" <br /> ''--- <br /> relating to Industrial hyglene or environmental proter,tlon (cottoctively referred to hareln es`Envlronmental Lews").Trustor shali keep ° <br /> the Property free from all substancea deemed to be hazerdous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectively reterred to hereln <br /> as"Hezardous Meterlals').Trustor hereby warcants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on ar under the <br /> , Properly. Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender,its directors,o�cers,employees and agents, and any succes- <br /> sors to Lender's Interest,from and agalnst any and ail clalms,damages,losses and ilabilities arising In connection with the presence, <br /> use, dlsposal or transport of any Hazerdous Materials on,under,from or abaut the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ANO <br /> �' REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBL.IGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY,SHALL SURVIVE -- <br /> �� RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEQ OF TRUST. - <br /> �l 10.Asslpnment oi R�nts.Trustor hereby asalqns to Lender,and grants Lender a securiry interest In, atl present,future and -__ <br /> , � after adsing rents,Issues and proflta of the Property;provlded that Trustor shall,until the occurrence of en Event of Deteult,horounder, <br /> !: have the right to coliect�nd retoln such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of --- <br /> ..�`____ <br /> � qefault,Lender may,elther in person or by egent,with or wlthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver appotnted by a :�____ <br /> court and without regard to the edequacy of Its security,enter upon end take possession of the Property,or any part thereof,In its own `��,��,_ <br /> , name or in the neme of the Trustee,and do eny acts whlch ft deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, merketabflity or - <br /> �� rentabluly of the Property,or any part thereof or Interest therein,or to Increase the Income therefrom or protect fhe security hereof and, <br /> � wlth or without taking possessfon ot the PropeAy,sue for or othen�vise collect the rents,Issues and profits thereof,includ(ng those past <br /> � due and un aid,b notl In tenantu to <br /> P Y fY 9 meke payments to Lender. Lender may apply rents,issues and profits,less costs and expens• _- <br /> es of operatlon and collectlon Including ettomey's fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,ali In such order as Lender mey deter- <br /> � mine. The entering upon and taking possesslon oi the Proporly, the collect(on of such rents, Issues end profits,and the application <br /> � thereoi as aForesafd shall not cure or walve any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidete any act done In response to such - <br /> _- _._. .- s- defauli or �;.�ssL'9R:!o such rciics o;dsfaLii and, riutv�iti�eianding the confinuance in possession ot the property or the collectfon. � <br /> o- _ <br /> '� recelpt and applicatlon of rents,Issues or proftts,Trustee and Lender sheil be enNtled to exercise every right provided for in eny oi the �;= <br /> �' Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi eny Event of Jefeutt,Including wfthout Ilmltation the rlght to exerctse the power of sala. E, <br /> Further,Lender's rights and remedles under thls paragraph ahall be cumulative wlth,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lender's rights and = <br /> ramedles under any asslgnment of leases and rents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustae and the receiver shall be Ilable to <br /> eccount only for those rents actually recelved. <br /> 11. Evenb of Dsfault.The following shall const(tute en Event of Detault under thls Deed of Trust: - <br /> (a)Fallure to pay any Instellment of princlpal or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provlsion c4ntalned In the Note,thts Deed of Trust,any of the Lodn Instruments,or any <br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> (c)A wr(t ot executlon or attachment or any slmllar process shall be entered agalnst Trustor whfch shall bocome a Ilen on �., <br /> the Property or any portlon thereof or Interest thereln; �.-_ <br />-_ (d)There shall be flled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an ection under any present or future federal,state or other statute, <br /> . _ ' law or regulatlon rolating to bank�uptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtore;or there shall be appolntad any trustee, recelver or <br /> - Ilqut�ator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or eny part of the Property,or the rents,issues ar profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower <br />- � shall make any general asslgnment for the bonefit of credltors; <br /> (o)The sele, transfer, lease,asslgnment, conveyance or fuRher encumbrance of ell or any part of or any Interest In the � <br /> Property,elthor voluntarlly or Involunterlly,wlthout the express wrftten consent of Lender;provlded that Trustor shatl be permlt- '" <br /> � � ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contoln an optlon to purchase and the term of whlch does not exceed�ne <br /> yoar; <br /> S (�Abandonment of the Property; or -� <br /> (g)If Trustor fn not an(ndlvldual, the Issuence, selo,trenster, asslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(ff a <br />-� corpor�tfon)a total of percent of its Issuad and outstanding stock,or(if a partnershlp)a total of per- -- <br />_ cent oi paRnership Interests,or(If a Ilmlted liablllty companyj a total of percent of the Ilmlted Ilabillty compa- <br /> ny interests or voting rights during the petlod thls Deed oi Trust remalns a lien on the property. <br /> 12. Remedles;/lcceleratlon Upon Deteult.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred --- <br /> - by law,doclare ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shell thereupon becc�me due and payablo wlth• ,.,•,;.n:��_ <br /> _ out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender may: ' �y�: <br /> (a)Demand that Trusteo exerGse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee uhall thereafter cause Trustor's Inter- ' <br /> _ est in the Property to be sold and lhe proceeds to be dlstrlbuted,all In the manner provldod In the Nebraska Trust Doeds Act; <br /> (b)Exerclse any and all rlghts provlded for In eny o(the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of <br /> Default;and , <br /> • (c)Commence an actlon to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a receivor,or speclFlcally anforco any of the <br /> • covenants hereot. <br /> . No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Ler�der is Intended to bo oxclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan <br /> Instruments or by law provided or permlried, but each shall be cumulative,shall be In additlon to eve�y other remedy given hereunder, <br /> , � In rho Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exlsting at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrently,lndependently <br />- or succesivety. <br /> JrQOO^' 130 T�ustee.T he Trustee may resign at eny time wfthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a suc- <br /> ----�• -• •oo• ���o�aa anm�noi oa iiaoie[v any perty,inctuaing without Ilmitatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- ��-� <br /> _. ; chaser of the Proporty,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wfllful mlxconduct,and shall nol be requlred to take any actlon <br /> I in connectfon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless IndemniTied,(n writing,for all costs,compensation or expenses which <br /> j may be assocfated tli�rowith. In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judiclal or under the power oi <br /> � sale granted herein);postpone tha salQ ot all or any portion of the Propertyr,as provided by law;or sell tho Property as a whole,or in <br /> , separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discrotlon. <br /> 14. Fees and Expenses.In the event 7rustee sells the Property by exerclse of power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply <br /> � any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of axerc[sing power of sale,Including aIl Trustee's fees,and Lender's and <br /> ' Trustee's attorney's fees, actually incurred to extent permltted by appllcable law. In the event Borcower or Trustor exercises any r�ght <br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Default, Lender shall be endtled to rocover from Trustor aIl costs and axpenses actually fncurrod as <br /> ; a rosult of Trustor's default,fncluding without limitation ell Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the pxtent permittod by appllcable law. � <br />_ . 15. Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lond�•may, at Its optlon, mako addilional and future advances and read- I <br /> vances lo Borcowor.Such advancos and roadvances,with interost thereon,st�all be socured by this Deed of Trust. At no time shall the <br />_ � <br /> i_ __ <br />