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' <br /> 4 . <br /> " � -�....Y�wrn.rr�..M+�"o'BR1��•+ew'.yRYl�h�i+!!.�w:t........,......_ ._..... ~ . <br /> t..:Ec�� ���Il!'d+YH+:{''... . - ';,==- <br /> . . , ly�AT�� <br /> • �?� _ <br /> ��S... � �__•_. . <br /> , e �/ �'__.�,._. <br /> principal emount of the Indebtedneas secured by thia Oeed of Truat,not tnGuding sums ed�ehlch verPs geeate e securit,o(thla Deed ot _ ��� <br /> •� } Trust,exceed tha original prfncipal amount steted hereln, or S 9� (1�0 On �., <br /> 18.MlscNlan�ous Provldon�, •;4Y�.:- <br /> �� (a)B o r r o w�r N o t R�I�a�t�d.Bxtenslon o1 lhe tlme(or peymeni or modlflcatlon of amflrtizetion ot the auma aecured by lhis -- .- <br /> Oned of Tn�st granted by Lender to eny succeesor In lntarost o i Borrow�r s h e l l n o t o p a r a t e t o r o l e a s e,I n e n y m a nner,the Ilab111-� <br /> � ty oi Ihe orlglnai �orrower and Borrflwer'R euccessore In Interest.Le�der shafl not be requlrod ta commence prceAOdings y ,.;;��n. <br />. , f a nelnat such successor or refuue to axtand Ilme tor payment or olhenvlse modlty emortlzatlon of the sums secured by lhle ` �,r.��i.z;.. <br /> �� D�ed ot Trust by reason of eny demande meda by lhe odginel Borrower and Borrower's successors In Interest. �.�.�:_ <br /> .i (b)L�nd�r's Pow�n.Without eKaoting the Ilabllity o(any otlier person Ilable fo�'�n of lheeProperty otI't n�or theretofo e `.► �:{Ij:-�}�- <br /> i tioned,end without aHecting the Ilen or charge oi thls Deed of Trust upon eny po _ - <br /> ' released es security for the full c�m�unt of all unpald obllgntlons, lender mey,irom tlme to time end without notico(I)relevse F.i ���t <br /> � any pereon so Ilable,(II)extend tho matuitty or elter Hny of Ihe terms of any such oblic�etlana.(III)grant other Indulgences,(Iv) � � � -_. <br /> y�,�,� release or rACOnvey, or cause to be releesed or reconvoyed et eny tlme at Lender's optlon any parcel, portlon or all of the � �- <br /> ti�,,,,� Proporty,(v)teke ar retease eny other a additlonal securily for eny obllgetlon hereln mentfaned,or(vl�make composillons ar � — <br /> other arrangements with debtas fn relation ihereto. <br /> t (c)Forbearanc�by Lend�r Not a W�Iv�r.Any torbearance by LQnder In exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- <br /> . � erwlsa afforded by appliceble lew,shall not be a waiver oi or preclude the exercise of any such right or romedy.The Frocure- <br /> ment of Insurance or the payment of taxes or other Iiena or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders right to accoler- <br /> ate the maturfty of the indabtednesa secured by this Deed ot Trust �, p �-__-- <br /> (d)Suacessors end Asslans Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�nl Lisblli C� tlons.The covonants and egreements herefn con- <br /> �, tained shall bind, and the rights hereunder sheil Inura to,tho reepectNe succesaors and esafgna of Lender and T�ustor.All <br /> � covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be Jolnt and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of <br /> � Trust are for conveniAnce only and ere not to be used to Interpret a define the provislons hereof. <br /> �. v (e)Requeat for Noticss.The partles hereby request that a copY of any notice of defeult hereunder and a copy of eny notice <br /> ' �, of sale hereunder ba melled to each party to thls Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by <br /> appllcable lew.Except for any other notice required under epplicable law to be gfvAn In enother manner,any notica providod for <br /> In thts Deed of Trust sheli be given by mailing such notice by cerUBed mail addressed to the other parties,at the address set �_ <br /> forth ebove.Any notice provided for in lhis Deed of Trust shail be eftective upon mailing in the manner designeted hereln.if <br /> Trustor is more than one person, notfce sent to the address set fo�h above ahall be notico to ell such persons. <br /> (� Insp�ctlon.Londer may make �r cauae to be made reasoneble entdea upon end Inspections of the Propertyr,provlded <br /> '� � that Lender ohall give Trustor noUce prlor to any such Inspection apecitying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's Inter- <br /> � est in the Property. <br /> (g)Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed ci Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to roconvey the <br /> Property and shall surrender this Deed oi Trust and aII notes evidenciny indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust to <br />_ � Trustee. Trustee shell reconvey the Properly, without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally enUtled <br /> thereto.Trustor shall pay all costs oi recordetlon,it eny. <br /> . (h) Psnon�l Prop�rty; S�curity AprNment.As additfonel security for the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grants <br /> � Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code e security Interest in ell flxtures,equlpment,end other personal property <br /> � used In connectlon with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be e paR of <br /> - " ths rc:.!��tsts sscu�Qd harphy Thls insVument shall be construed es e Security Agreement under said Code,end the Lender <br /> shall have ali the rights end remedles oi a secured party under seb �:aie in addiiiuri i�4i��a right�and:�SY�I89 Ci!�8tp���ndeY <br />____.__.._._..__. _ <br /> be cumu ative with,eandeln no way a/mltatDion onf Lenderp's rights and re ed as under enyrother�secu Ity agr'eemernt s g ed by <br /> Borrower or Trustor. <br /> � (I)Li�ns and Hncumbrances.Trustor hereby warrents and represents that there Is no default under the provislons of eny <br /> . mortgago,deed oi trust,lease or purchase conVect describing aq or eny part of the Property,or other wntract, instrument or <br />-� agreement constituting e Ilen or encumbrance agalnst aIl or any part of ihe Property(co�lectively,"Liens"), exlsUng as of the <br /> •yT date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and ell axisting Llens rerneln unmodifled except es disclosed to Lender fn Trustor's wdt- <br /> ten dlsciosure oi Ilens and encumbrances provided for hereln. Trustor shall timely periorm ail of Trustor's obiifletions, <br /> covenants,representaUons and warcanties under eny and ail exisdng and future Llens,shall prompdy forward to Lender coptes _ <br /> of all notices of defauit sent In connectlon with any and ell dxisting or future Llens,end shall not without Lenders prior written <br /> �� " consent in any manner modify the provlsions of or ellow any future edvances under eny existing or future Ilens. <br />- ;, 5;•„ Q)Appllcation oi P�ym�nts•Unless othenivise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereunder,Including without Iimftetbn <br /> •� :,�• ••,� . payments of principal and Interest, insurance proceeds, condemnatbn proceeds and rents end proflta,shell be applied by <br /> • Lender to the amounts due end owing from Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender In Its sole dtscreUon deems 6asir- <br />- able. <br /> (k)3ev�rebility.Ii eny provision of lhis Deed of Trust conflicts wlth applicable law or is declared Invelfd or othe�wise unen- <br /> effecc witnouc h conflicting provi Is onhand to thiseend thetp ovisbnsioi this Deed of TNSt and thetNote are dectared t be9sev- <br /> erable. --_ <br /> • 1 (I)Tarms.The terms"Trustor and'Borrowor shali include bWh singular and plural,and when the Trusior and Borrower are __ <br />- � the same person(s),those terms as used In this Deed oi Trust shall be Interchangeable. <br /> _ �� � (m)Governing Deed ofTrustshall be govemed bylhe lawsof ihe Stete of Nebraska. <br /> .. � ' } I ��--- <br /> .. f2 r;.�.� <br /> E -�-��-- <br /> .i.*y..�,-. <br /> vue _ _ <br /> R - <br /> , Trustor has executed thfs Deed of Trust as�f the date written above. ; <br /> � JI <br /> , <br /> I Trustor Trustor <br /> (SANDY K. ME ER) <br /> iTrustor Trustor <br /> I ; ; , <br /> � <br /> I ' <br /> � <br /> � 1 . _ -- — <br />