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<br /> '`'' '� " k� ' ASSIGNM�NT f)F RENTS RIDEFt i��j�;,� �..a
<br /> ,.. ,,jz,
<br /> � `�.:. ,� _
<br /> �:��-�:�-
<br /> • + THIS ASSICiNMENT OF RENTS FI�DEF�fs made and executed lhls 22nd day o� December ,„�9_�� md Is - --
<br /> :%:,_
<br /> ,t� � haorporat�d hto and ahall be deumed to �mend and auppbment the Mortpape or Deed of Truet, here�nafter re(arred to u th� "S1curKy _l,
<br /> �4.,-�
<br /> Inatrumsnt", ot the s�rrN date gNen by 4he undwsipned, hxeina k�r re ferte d t o a 8 t h e "B o R Ow er", to secure Borrow�s ktdebt�dnes�, ,��+:•
<br /> . + ';,^-_
<br /> ,�„; hwpfnaft�r rsf�rred to es tho"Note', to I�.NITED NEBR KA BANK -- - .
<br />_T�,�.: ,. � , hersinafter referred to as the "Lender", of the same dete and coverinp ths �.__•'
<br /> �- properlY dd�crlbed fn the Soc ru YR InSWment and bcated at: � ��_r-.::.
<br /> �.-�-
<br /> •:°r'• .,
<br /> z�:ri'- - �21 W 1ST ST (3RAND I LAND NEBRA 8 801 �;__
<br /> (Pro0�t1Y Atldntt) �...
<br />-i_ _-
<br />__ � ? WITNESSETH:
<br /> � WHEREAS, Bonower and Lender htve ayreed that any rents and profke attributable to the property should constkute addklonai s�urky _
<br /> ' to the Lender tor the payment of the Note; �
<br /> �s NOW,THEREFORE, It Is aqreed in�t the SecurRy Instrument ehall be amended hereby and deemed to k►alude the fo9owfnp provlsbna: _
<br />,-;tv - -.
<br /> �, �anm.r t of I��ts and Lender Fbntal Golinatbn Rlohts. Bo�TOwer hereby absolutely and uncondkionaly aaaipns all rente, lasues r
<br /> - '� • and profita of ths property to BenetbMry. Lender shall hKVe the ripht,power and authorky durhp the conthuencs ot the Securky Instrument
<br /> to collscl the rents, isaues and profit�of the property end of any personal praperty bcated thareon wkh or wRhout takhq poaseasbn of the
<br /> _ property aNected hereby. Lertder, howeve��hereby consents to Borrower's colleotbn and retentlon of such rents,Isaues and protRa ns they _
<br /> nccrue and become payabie, so bnp as Borrower Is not, at suoh tkne, h datauk wlth respeat to payment ot eny Indeblednass secured
<br /> � � hereby,or h the peAOrtnance of any epreertient hereunder.
<br /> . 2. �puohtment o}Recehrer. If eny event of defauk In respect to the Securky Instrument shall have occurred and bo conttnuhp,Lender,
<br /> � as a matter of rlght end wRhout notice to Borrower or enyone claNnfng under Bortower, and wfthout regard to the vAtue of the trust ostats or
<br /> - .�.� the hterest of the Bonower thereln, shall have the rtght to epply to any court having Jurisdbtlon to appolnt a reoeNer of the property.
<br /> ~,!`"x f 3. Rlnht to Possessbn. In case of defauR In the payment ot the aald prfnolpal Note or interest,or any pan Ihereof,as k shaa mature,
<br /> or In the aase of (ailure to keep or perform any of the convenants or aqreemente contalned In the Securky InatNment, then th� Lender,ks
<br /> ' , succeaeors or essf�ns, shail be and Is hereby authorizehe proceeds theref to the payment�of the Note.bn of the sald premises therein
<br /> ..,;, ,:• . described end to colbot the rents therefrom,and to appy
<br /> ..:.-�!`•::I•�;� 4, e �� ��3n of Rants Issues enci Froiiis. AiS r�nts ca!!°..,.^:ed 4y L!�+� or the receNer shafl be applled fk6t to payment of the cotts
<br /> � � of msnaaement of the property and collectbn ol rents, hcludhp, hut not Iknfted to, receivers foes, premiume pn recelvar'a bonds �nd
<br /> �;.'t'�" reasonable attomey's feos,and then lo the sums secured by ttie Security Instrument. Lender and the receNer shaY be Nubie to account only
<br />�-"���=...fi.�w: for those rents aatualy reCeived.
<br /> ':i%�:.+,���,"•.
<br />•`T=f�~.�' ." 6. �onsttuctlon of Provisbns. Each of the provlsbns Contahed In thls Asspnment of Rents Rlder and the SecurRy Instrument shai,
<br />— .1n A'�.7
<br />— ��R'��
<br /> ;-�•uL��� _a unleos otherwise speoH�ally requked, be constmed In accordtnce wkh Nebraska law, end tn the event any Drovisbn hsreh o t ere
<br /> - �"'+'' � conttfned ehnll be determinsd by a court of compotant lurisd�tbn ta be unenforceabte, the snme shall be conawed as thouph suah
<br /> � ���� unenforceable provisbn were not paA hersof or theraof.
<br /> ,z�>�+c�;�+, modMiad by or Inaonsistent wlth this Asslqnment ot RentR Rider or by �ny other �pplbabN
<br /> ��:.i:;:yf�,,f 6. FBeat ot Fider. Except as spooMke�N
<br />_';,.,�a;� ridor,all ot the tem�s and proviabna contalned h the SecurRy Inatrument shall aontlnue h tull force and eflect.
<br /> r-"'r::�'L'-� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower hes executed this Asslpnment o1 Rents Filder on th�da firet not�d ovo.
<br />-��;,�, .�'! �
<br />�.�C.��.j•'-.}.
<br />- ���•? � :�? aa«o..� REY S ULLIE�IE
<br /> �'-_.e;..4=:,• lG ` � —.
<br /> ,.r.,.F•;,�' _I 11 A/1Lit2il.l�. /lJ� J
<br />-° -' o«ow•� DEAN A L MA �I
<br /> - " ��Ft,w
<br /> ..*y.1 �
<br /> . " -�J' .•
<br /> -�5.:. . �
<br /> ." � STATE OF NHBRASKA � ss: _
<br /> . COUNTY OF HALL =
<br /> j On thls 22f1d day o} December , 1997 before me, the undersfgned, e Nolary Publlc duly commissbned and �-_
<br /> � qu8lHled for sald county,personeuy ceme JEFFREY G SOULLIERE AND DEANNA L MAR71N BOTH AS UNMARRIED to -
<br /> be the ident�e� persan(s) whose neme(s) is/ere subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge the executlon thereof
<br /> to be hfs/herltheir voluntary ect and deed.
<br /> Wimess my hand and Noturial Sea1 et GRAN��
<br /> , NEBRASKA In sald county,the
<br /> date aforesald. �
<br /> i►+ w � w _
<br /> _ . .,._.:_,._ - n�a�aricnn� �.. v v..��-
<br /> /
<br /> rv�y Comm�ss�on exp�res: SEPTEMBER 28. 1998
<br /> 1 Ili GENERAL HOTARY Stole ol Nebraska
<br /> 1 My Comm.E�p.Sept 28.1999
<br /> i
<br /> I �
<br /> � Ft0615LM0 (0/9A) I
<br />- 1 i ..
<br /> �
<br /> , 032 �
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<br />