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_ ��14��1�9 <br /> oEEa �F -r�u��r <br /> L�an Na: 'I�1�7�555 ���n#Inu�d� �'ag� 2 <br /> ❑EED�F TRUST 15 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FaLLDWING TERIVIS: <br /> TRUST�R`S REPRESENTATl�NS AND VtiIARRANTIES. Trust�r warrants �tnat: �a} this Deed of Trust is execufied at <br /> Barrow�r's request and n�� a� �he r��uest of Lender; tby Trustor has the full pawer, right, and autharity �v enter into <br /> this D�ed af Trust and ta hypotheca�e the Pr�per�y; {c} the pra�isions af this D�ed o� Trus� do not con�Flict with� or <br /> result in a ��fault under any agreement or afiher instrument b�nding upon Trustor and d� no� result in a viola�ion af any <br /> iaw, regulati�n� cvurt d�cree or order applicable to Trus�or; �d� Trus�or has es�ablishe� adequate means of obtaining <br /> fram B�rrower on a cantinuing basis informa�ion about Sorrower's financial �ondition; and �e� L�nder ha5 made no <br /> repr�sentation ta Trustor abou�t B�rrower{inc[uding without limitatian th� credi�wvrthin�ss of Barrow�r�. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAIVERS. Trustor wai�es all righ�s vr defenses arising by reason af any "one ac�Eon" or "anti-deficiency" <br /> law, or any other law which may preWent Lender �From bringing any action against Trustor, including a claim for <br /> def�ciency ta th� exten�t Lender is otherwise entit�ed to a c�aim f�r d�ficiency, befar� or after Lender's commencement <br /> �r�ompletian af any f�re�losure activn, eith�r judicially or by exercise of a power of sale. <br /> PAV�l1ENT AND PERF�I�MAfV�E. Excep� as otherwise p�vuided in this Deed of Trust, Borrower shall pay to Lender all <br /> lndebte�ness secured by this Deed vf Trust as i� becomes due, and Borrower and Trustar shal! perfarm all �heir <br /> r�specti�e obliga�ions under the Note,this Deed vf Trust, and�he Relafied Documents. <br /> PDSaESSI�N ►4ND IVIAfNTEN►4NCE aF THE PR�PERTY. Barrawer and Trustar agree that Borrower's and Trustor's <br /> passession and use of�he Property shall be gQ�erned by the fallow�ng pravisivns: <br /> Possession and Use. Unfil the o�currence a� an E�enfi a� Default, Trustar may �1� remain in possessian and <br /> ��ntrol of the Property; ��� use, operate or manage the Proper�y; and {3y cotlect the Rents from fhe Prvper�y. <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trustor shall mainfiain the Property in �enantable Gondi�ion and prvmptfy perf�rm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary fi�preser�e i�s vaiue. <br /> Compl�ance With Env�ronmgntal Laws. Trustor �epresents and warran�s t� L�nder that: ��f During the period �f <br /> Trustor's own�rship ofi�he Property, th�re has been n� use, generativn, manufactur�, st�rage.treatment, disposal, <br /> rel�ase or threatened release of any Hazardous 5ubstan�e by any person on, under, about or from the Property; <br /> �2j Trustor has no knowl�dge of, vr r�ason �v �elie�e tha�there has been, except as preWiously disclosed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, [a} any breach ar WEa[ation of any Environmental Laws, �b� any us�, <br /> g�n�ratian. manufactur�, storage, treatment, disposai. release or threa�ened release of any Hazardous 5uhstance <br /> on, under. abvut or frvm fihe Property by any prior own�rs or occupants o�F the Property, or �c} any actual or <br /> threatsned li�igation or claims of any kind by any persan relating ta such matters; and �3� Except as preWiously <br /> disclased �o and acknowledged by Lender in writing, �ay nei�her Trustor nor any tenan�, contract�r, agent vr other <br /> authorized us�r�f the Prvperty shal! use, generafe, manu�acture, s��re, treat. dispase�f or release any Ha�ardous <br /> Subsfiance�n, under. ahout or from the Property; and {b� any such activity shall be condu�ted in complian�e with <br /> all appli�ab[e federal, state, and IQcal laws, regula�ians and ardinances, including without limitation al� <br /> En�ir�nmenta� Laws. Trustvr authariz�s Lender and its agen�s to enter upvn the Property to make such <br /> inspe�tions and t�sts, at Trustvr's expense. as Lender may deem apprapriat� t� de�ermine comp[iance of th� <br /> Property with this section of the Qeed of Trust. Any inspect�ons ar tests ma�e by Lender shal� b� for Lender's <br /> purp�ses anly and shall n�t he construed to create any resp�nsibi�i�y or liability�n the part vf Lend�r tv Trustar or <br /> to any other person. Th� represenfiations and warranties contained herein are based on Trust�r's due diligence in <br /> investigating the Prvperty for Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trus�tor hereby �1 y releases and waiWes any futur� claims <br /> against Lender for ind�mni�y �r contribution in the e�ent Trustar be�omes liable for �leanup or o�her c�sts under <br /> any such laws; and �2y agr�es to indemnify, defend, and hold harml�ss Lender agains�any and al1 cla�ms, losses, <br /> I�abilities. damages. penalties, and expenses which Lend�r may direct[y vr indir�c�ly susta�n ar suffer resulting from <br /> a br�ach of this secti�n of the D��d of Trus� or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture, storagef <br /> disposal, release�r threat�ned release�ccurring privr to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property, whe�her or <br /> not the same was or shauld ha�e been knvwn to Trus#or. The pro�isions of �his section of th� D��d of Trus#, <br /> including th�vbligation to indemnifiy and defend, shal� surviWe�he payment of the lndebtedn�ss and the satistaction <br /> and r��onWeyance ofi the lien of this Deed af Trust and sha�l no�be affe�ted by Lender's acquisition vf any interest <br /> in the Properfiy. whether by fvreclosure or atherwise. <br /> Nuisance. Vllaste. Trustar sha[[ not cause. condu�t vr p�rmit any nuisanc� nar commit, permit, or suf�er any <br /> s�ripping o� or waste vn or ta the Prop�rty or any pQrtian of the Pr�p�rty. Without limiting �he generali�y v� the <br /> foregoing, Trustar will not remv�e, or grant to any other party the r�ght fo r�mo�e, any tirn�er. minerals {including <br /> ail and gas}, c�al, clay, scoria, sai�, graWel or rock pr�ducts without Lender's prior written consen�. � <br /> Removal vf Imprn►�ements. Trustor shali not demvlish or remo�e any�mprflvem�nts from fihe Rea� Praperty w��hau� <br /> Lender's prior uvritt�n cansent. As a condit�on to the rernoval o�any Impr��em�nfs, Lender may require Trust�r fio <br /> make arrang�ments satisfaGtory to Lender to replace such Impro�emen�s with lmpra��ments of a� I�ast equal <br /> value. <br /> Lender's Righfi to Enter. Lender and Lend�r's agents and r�presentati�es may ent�r upon the Rea� Property a� al1 <br /> reasonable times �a a��end ta Lender's interesfs and to inspect the Real Property f�r purposes of Trustvr's <br /> complian�e wi�h�he�errr�s and conditions o�this D�ed of Trus�. <br /> Compl�ance with Gavernmental Requirements. Trustor shall pr�mp�ly comply wi�h all �aws, ordinances. and <br /> r��ulations� now vr hereafter in ef�ect, of a11 gv�ernmentaf authori�ies appiicable �o the use vr occupancy vf the <br />