<br /> �EE� �� T�u�-r
<br /> Loan No: 'I��27�555 {�ontlnued� Page '�D
<br /> DefauIt. The word "�efault" means the De�ault s��forth in this �ee�of Trust in�h�section titfed "De�aul�rr�
<br /> Environm�ntal Laws. The words�"En�irvnmenta[ Laws" mean any and al1 s�at�, federa� and l�cal sta�utes,
<br /> regula��ons and ordinanc�s refating to the pratection af human health or the en�ironm�n�, including v►rithout
<br /> limitatian the �amprehensi�e EnWiranmen�al Respanse. Campensation� and Liability Act o� 198�. as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ecti�n 9G�1, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, fihe Sup�rfund Amendments and Reauthoriza�ion Act vf �986, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99�499 t"SARA"}, �he Hazardous Materials Transp�rtation Act. 49 U.S.C. Section �8��, e�seq.,the Resvurce
<br /> �onserva�ion and Re�o�ery A�t, 4Z 1J.5.C. 5ectian 59��. et seq., �r other applicable state vr fi�dera� laws, rules,
<br /> or regula�ions adop�ed pursuan�theretv.
<br /> Event of Default. Th�wvrds "E�ent af Defau[�" mean any af�the e�en�s o�de�Faul�set�arth in�his Deed of Trust in
<br /> the e�ents vf default section of this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The words "Existing lnde�tedness" mean the indebtedness describe�l in the Existing Liens
<br /> pravision o#this Deed o�F Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guarar��y�From guarantvr� endorser, surety, or a��ommvdation par�y ta
<br /> Lender, in�luding wi�hou�Eimitafiion a guaranty af all vr part vf the N�te.
<br /> Fla�ardous Subs�anc�s. The words "Hazardaus Su�stances" mean materials �hafi, because of their quantity,
<br /> � cancentration or physical, chemical ar intectious characterist�cs, may cause or pvse a present ar potentia[ hazard
<br /> t� human health vr the environment when improper�y used, treated, st�red, disposed o�, generated, manufac�ured,
<br /> transparted ar otherw�se handled. The words "Hazardous 5ubstances" are used in their very broadest sense and
<br /> include without limi�ta�tion any and all ha�ardous or �vxiG substances, materials or waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under�he Envir�onmenfial Laws. The term "Hazardous 5ubstances" also includes, without limita�ian. pefiroleum and
<br /> petroleum �y-products or any frac�ion�hereaf and asbestos,
<br /> Impror�ements. The wo�d "Impro�emen�s" means all existing and future impr��ements, buiEdings� structures,
<br /> mobile homes af�ixe� vn the Rea1 Proper�y� facilities, additions� replacements and other construc�i�n on the Real
<br /> Pr�perty.
<br /> Indeb�edness. The word "Ind�btedn�ss" means a�l �rincipa(, interest, and other amoun�ts, casts and expenses
<br /> payable under �h� Note or Related Documents, tagether with all renewals �f, extensions o�, modificatians o�.
<br /> consolidativns of and substi�u�ions for the Note or Related Docum�nts and any amoun�s expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender t� discharg� Trustor's obligations ar expenses Encurred by Trustee or Lender ta enfvrce Trustor's
<br /> abligations under this Deed a�F Trust, tvge�her ►rvith interes� vn such am�unts as provid�d in this ❑eed �f Trust.
<br /> 5peci�ically, wi�h�ut limitatian, �ndebt�dness in�ludes th� future adWances se� �or�h in th� Future Ad�ances
<br /> pr�visian of this Deed o�Trust, �ogefiher wi�h all infierest the�eon.
<br /> Lender. The word "'Lender" m�ans Five Points Bank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> N�te. The ►nrord "Note" means the promissory note dat�d January �Q, ��14, 1�1 the ori�En�E principal
<br /> amount af $�4,���.�� fr�m Barrower to Lender, together with all renewals ��. extens�ons ❑f, madi�fications
<br /> of, re�inancings flf. consolidations af. and substituti�ns tor the prvmissory no�e or agre�ment.
<br /> Persvnal Property. The w�rds "Personal Property" rnean al1 equipment, �ixtures, and other articles of persvnal
<br /> property now ar hereaft�r owned by Trustor, and now or hereafite�- attached ❑r affiixed to the Rea[ Prvperty;
<br /> togeth�� with al1 accessivns, par�s, and addEtions �o, alE r�placements of, and all su�stitutions far, any �f such
<br /> property; and tagether with all proceeds {in��uding without limi�ation a1� insurance praceeds and refunds o�F
<br /> premiumsy �rom any sale or other disposition of the Proper�ty.
<br /> Property. The ward "Prop�rty" means �v[IectiWely the Real Property and�he Personal Proper�y.
<br /> Real Property. The wvrds "R�al Praperty" m�an�he �-eal property. infierests and rights, as fiurther described in this
<br /> Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Related Dacum�nts. The wards "Related Documents" mean all pramissory nates. cred�t agreements, Ioan
<br /> agreements, env�ronmental agr�ements. guaran'�ies. security agreem�nts, mortgages, deeds ❑f trust, security
<br /> d�eds, coliatera� mor�gages. and all �ther instruments, agreements and documents, vuhe�her na►rv or hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, executed in�onn�ction with the [ndebtedness.
<br /> R�nfis. The word "Rents" means al� present and fu#ure rents, re�enues, incvme, issues, royalties, prafits, and
<br /> ather benefits derived fram th� Property.
<br /> Trus#ee. The ward "Trustee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whose address is P.� Box �5�7, Grand Island, NE
<br /> �8��Z--�5�7 an� any substi�ute or successor trustees.
<br /> Trust�r. The word "Trustar" means JER�ME KRDL1fS�VI1SK1 and DEANNA KR�LIKQVIISK�.
<br />