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�� , : <br /> ax,� . , . .�, �. .._ . <br /> • ,a.,. ��° - . , . , .. � . . i^ _ :��,-- <br /> - ' .R . .. _..rr:.{Y�::.:.....`:..«r.+�tni.i:", • - .. � °.S,.:ti:�'r.,,. <br /> �� OF TRUST 98' �1-x+`���� Pape 2 "�� <br /> � � y2-07-199d DEED ', �;'7'�°� <br /> � � (Continued) _ --- —_._- ���''' <br /> k Loan No 64a6b ----_--_---__—_=-------- –===�•�-'- <br /> �.� �---- <br /> �.;::-;,� <br /> ;. b�cort»barnd by�ny�1�lute of Ilmitations,�nd whether duch IndWl�d��sss m�y be or hereaRsr m�y becoms otherwls�uneMorce� e. �-..,1� ' <br /> • �•�•,�;:e r,--: <br /> L�nd�r, Th�word'L�nder"m�ans Kwrney Sl�t�Bank d Trusl Company,Its auccesson and�ssipns. 9�,69�rom Truetor to �'��"^`' <br /> ,-� Hol�. Th�word "NOt�" me�n�lhe Nob d�t�d D�c�mb�r 7,if9�,In the �rinclpel emount ot 5120, ����;�,�- <br /> L�nd�r,topdMr with all nn�w�le,�xt�nsinM,modiflcatlona,nMn�ncinps,and wbs Ilutions for Ih�Nol�. —.,,--��e•-- <br /> P�rWtui P�operty. 7he words"Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixlures,and other nrticles of personel prcperty now or horsafl�r �•_ - <br /> � . pw Ir�l��ruofa�d dl�substltuteons for a�inyhod u hmP oPe�►Y'hand�:�eth�sr with�N�pr�ocesdsL(I cludinp wilhout Ilmitallon a Ii�naur�nc� `j��� <br /> � tta <br /> . ,:..� m <br /> proceeds en�refunds o t prom lums)fro m a n y s a l e o r o l h e r d i s p o s i l i o n o f t h e P r o p e r t y <br /> ' *�� P�operly. The wor d"Prop e r t y'm e a n s c o l l e c t i v e l y l h e R e a l P r o p e r ry a n d l h e Persond Propsrty. <br />-���""� ReN Propetty. The words"Real Prop e r t Y'mea n t h e P r o p e r t Y��n�erest9�nd r{phts described abova In lhe'Conveyanaa�nd OnnC ssctlon, <br /> ti . <br /> p�l�ted DoCUrtNnta. The words "R�lated Documents" mean �nd Includ�wtthout Ilmitauon all promissory notss, crodit�pnemanls, an <br /> t eprMments,snvlronmantal ayreemenb,Quarantks,securily aqreements,morlpsp�s,deeds of Irust,�nd dl other instrumanls�I�Greerr�nts and <br /> • dxurrNnts,whsther now a herNRer�xis4rq,ex�cut�d In connecNOn with tM Ind�bl�dnssa• <br /> � R�nt�. The wwd"Ranls"means all present and future rent�,rsvenuss,Income�►ssues�royalNes,proflh,snd olher b�nofib deri�sd kom tM — <br /> . . �{ Prop.rq�. <br /> Tru�tN. The wad"TrustM"m�ns Warney St�N B�nk d Truat Comp�ny�nd�ny�ubsdtut�or suxessor truat�. <br /> Trutlur. The word"Trustor"means any and all persons and entities executing thls Deed ot Trust,Including withoul IlmilaHon ell Trustors named = <br /> , � , above. <br /> PROPERTY,SFGIVEN TO S CURE (1)PAYMENT OF 7HE�NDEBTEDNESS AHD (1CPERIFORMANC SOF ANY AiVDEALL OBtI(iATI0N3Nn � - <br /> � TNUSTOR UMDER T H E N O T E,7 H E R E I A T E D D O CUMENTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS QIVEN AMD ACCEPTED <br /> ON TFIE FOU.OWINQ TEFMS: <br /> = of TruAst as theybecort e dueA and shall sp�Clly end Ini�fimelydmanner iperfam all orf Tr stor's obllpationstundertheBNOte,thh Deed ot Tbusthand the - <br /> • Related Documents. <br />�',' POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE QF THE PROPERTY. Trustor eqree9 that Trustors posseulon and use of the Property shall be poverned y <br /> ;• � the tdlowirp provislonr. <br />�� pptNasion and Use. Until the occurrence oi en Event of De}ault,Trustor may (a)remain in possesslon Rnd contrd of the Properiy, (b)use, — <br /> < :. ��te a�n��the Propariy�and(c)coltect�ny Rents ham the Property <br /> � �� �t �� Duty to I�Mlntaln. Trusta ahall mainuln the Property In lenantable conditlon and promptly psrtorm sll repairs,rePlaceme^ts�and mAlntenance <br /> ! nocessAry to pfM9�V9��S�a�ue. , a nraalwnad rNOaSO."a5 USYd I�ihlS - <br /> � � FlWrdous Sub�t�nas. The tarms"ha=udous wasb,""hAZ�rd0U3 SUbSUnce; uisPira�i��"�°"��""'"�' <br /> 1g�8p,�sTimant6Nd!2 U S.C�Secdon 96U1 set saq.CERCLA�CtMpSuperfu dCArtwndrrNnts��d Rewthoriuton AcHt of tn96a�Pulb L^.cNo. <br />�'�. .� • 42.U.S.0 S�cdo�n 6 1�rssq.sot other 1pP�le atate or Fsderal laws,�rut�n 190��ue�d��adoPt�puis�ua^►fso�innytlo}ths fdor�qdrq Tche, <br />' `"' '�' tsrmf"ha:ardous w�st�"lnd'hazardous wbsUna"shaM also InclucM,without IlmitaNOn,p�hol�um and patroieum by-producb a�^Y N��^ <br /> � fh�roof and aab�stos• Truetor npr�nb uid w�rc�nts tu lend�r that: (a)Durirq Ihe p�od ot Trustor'e own�rshlp of iM P►o�»rlY�«�r��s <br /> r�� � ' ' bMn no ut�,O��allon,manuhctun,sta�p��tr�tm�nt,disposal,nlsas�or thnat�nsd rslNS�ol any haurdous w�sta or subt���o�Y <br /> ';..' `'�' pxaon on,und�r��bout a hom th�PropatY� lb)Trustor has no kna�al�dp�o�nuhclur��ttor�9e,trMtmsnt�disPos��nr�Maa�°r��W'� <br /> �t • •�-f d�scios►,tl to and�cknowMdp�tf bY l�nda in wddnp, (1)any us�,pe <br /> :•. M . rN�,q a�ny h�sardow wast�a�ubstanc�on�und�r,about a hom tM Rop�rlY by any prior own�n a occup�nb of tt►�Prop�rty a (II)�ny <br /> .: i:• • <br />-x- �ctwl or IhrMunW WtlpnMon or c4ima d Rny kind by�nY P�on rM�qrq to tuch maHwtp�nd (o)Exc�Pt�s pnviously dlsCl f�fN�, <br /> �q�noWl�dp�d bY L�nd�r In wriHny, (q nNtha Trustor nor any f�n�nt,canM�dor,�O�nt a otMr authoriz�d user ot tlw Prop�rtY <br /> __�_���:_-� p�n�r�1�,m�nuhctun,�tore,tnat,dispos�of,a rslNS�any huardous w�st�or tubstanu on,und�r,�bout a kom tl►�Prop�rb�^d (N)�ny <br /> -�__,s,,.t_,:. such�clivfq�shaM b�conducMd In complkna with�II applirabls fsdsrsl,state,tnd lacal I�ws,rqul�BOns and ordinances�Irocludinp wlthout <br />�-.;+%;,•, . With thls <br /> _� , � Iimf4flon Ihos�I�w�,npukMons, �nd udnanas d�scribod�bova. Trustor authoriris Lender�nd Ils apents to�nter upon the Proputy c <br />�,i[:„ : , rtuik�sueh insp�ctlons�nd lats,d Trustor's axpanse,as Lender may doem�pprapri4le to determirN compllance of th�Prop�rly <br />,-�a�a`;ti, �tlo�of Ih�p«d ol Trust. Any Inspectlons a tests madu by Lender shaY be lor Lender's purposes only�nd ahall not ba constrwd to cre�ta <br />;;:y,u���,;ra�, �ny r�spon5lbiAty or IIablNly on the put ol Lender to Trostor or to�nY otMr P�on. The roprosentations and wnrranAes cont�lned hereln are <br /> _� ,.. wNvas�ny fu un cklrt►s apaln�st L nder aa n�da mly n�r on buNon dohe awnt Trustor bocomes I�iablo fcx cleanup or ohh r cos�der�ny <br />°.. .�. • ., <br /> such IRwa, and (b)�9raas to Indemnfy and hdd harmless landor�ptlnst Qny and all clalms, losses, Ilabilities,damapes,Pe�����es��" <br /> _ -- Gpr�isenqwnce of any��paner4 on,Yrtu utaaturtay stor flia�disposal,rele��throalened release o't�aza daus wasDte odr s bstaace on lhe <br /> `.``,�,' � Tha Provis�ons o1 this secNOn of tM DeQd of Trust, Inciudinfl ths oblipation to indomnlfy, shall survive the PW�nt of th� <br />- . prop�tl�s. e d <br /> � ` Indobt�dnsss�nd the SalkfacHon�nd r�conwyancv ol the Iion ol thlt D�d of Trust and shall not ba aflected by Lender's acqulsiBon ot any <br />-�. . ��� Intinst In th�ProMrtY�whethar by lorecbsura or otMrw�isa. <br /> r ..�, - <br />-��;�°�4 • I Nuls�nc��Wa1e. Trustor sha�l nof ca Wfthout m1iHr�qthe Iqenerdi�ty of lhenfaeOolnGt�Trusmo�w I note emovd,�orpprint'to anysoeher P�Y�� - <br /> '�� prpperly or I�ny porHon of the Prope�ty. <br /> �'�-• � r{pht to nmOVe,anY flmber�minerek(Inc�udlnp oll and p�s),soN,pravel or rxk products wNhout ths prla written consent ot Lender• R_ <br /> R�mov�of ImprovNMnts. Trustor s1uY not damdfsh w removo any Improwrtwnts from the Rsal PropMty sMth �t�P�«Written consant <br /> � af�a�d�r, As a conditlon to►he removU of�ny Improvomenhs.L�nder may requln Trustor to ma�Oe ur�pertw��s u�stactory to Landw to —� <br /> j� r�plac�suCh Improwrtwnts with Improwmenb ot�t last�qwl v�lue. _� <br /> �� �' L ndef's I Rte�sts�t d to Inspec��Pd I�Y�a P�Pd�A�T usa's comP�lanca w h ttu terms and�condiHons'ofethis Deed of T usL a�end to -- <br /> • � Compll�nce wllh Govenmental Requlnmente. Trustor sholl promptly Comply with all IawsT�usto�may contest�oeGOOd fath any such law, ��;,�_ <br /> ; eRnat, ol all povernmental authori�es ap0�►cable to tho use a occupancy of Ihe PropertY. - <br /> • � «wl IH�A.r�rt�dd'ny onanditsa onp�s,pin,ender's sols opin onele�slinlerosts pn�ohe�Frope►h�o�es ot�jeopardlzed.rLender��may equlre <br /> IIn nGP °Y� <br /> ` Trustor to pnsl adeQuate security a a surety bond,reasonnbly satlsf�ctory to Lender,to protect Unda's interesf. <br /> Duty to Protect. Tiustor ayrees ne�►her to ebandon nor leave unaltended the Property 7rustor shall do all olher acls,in eddition to those ecis <br /> ' _•J � set}orth nbove In lhis section,whkh hom the character and use of the Property ere reasonebly nacoss�ry to protect nnd preserve the Proptxly <br /> - ---•-�.__.........� <br /> ., �....,.,.....,, e�o�nn!ion.declare Immediately due nnd payabW all sums secu�ed by lpi�QDeedn f�Trus^t <br /> - --� --- '� Dll�ON SALE-(.LlI�Cn i or�cr.v�... �n........ _i.-• -- -� r u�.o�oo.......�..__. _. . _ <br /> � � upon the sale or transfer,without tha Lender'6 prlor wrlHer consent,ol all or Yny pert of the Reai Yroperiy,vr nrr''- , <br /> "sale a trenster"means ihe Conveya�ce ot Real Properly or any ripht,title or interest Iherein;whethor IE►pel,beneficial or equitabs;whether voluntary <br /> ! or Invduntary;whalher by outri9hl sale,deed,inslallment saie contrsct,lend contrect,contract for deed,leasehold Interest with a term greater than <br /> � pr perly,o�r by any o�the�Ime�hodrof conveyenCe ot Re91 operty inter�est�}II any Trus oralsl a corporation�partnershiprortlim�ed�liabifty company, <br /> � translor also IncludE►s any chanpe In ownorship ol more than tv+enly-five percent(26%)ot the voti ende k�1 such exerCisdtes p�ohibft dtby fedelr8 , <br /> , company Inleresls,es the case may be,of Trusta. However,thls option shull not he exerclsed by <br /> - Iaw or by Nebrflske law. <br /> � � TAXES ANO LIEHS. The following prov�slons relaling to the taxes and Ilens on lhe Property aro a pa�of Ihis Deed of Trust. <br /> � Payment. Trustnr shall pay when due(and in all events prior to delinquency)sll Iaxes,specia�wr�en due ali c aims tor�woric��donue�on oretor <br /> � end sewer),tines and�mpositions levied age�nst or on account of the Property, and shall pay <br /> ISnteresl o fLender unde8 hls IDeed of Trustt exCerpp o�r the Ilen�ol taxes enidtdssessmentsenot'due�exeept fo hthenexisting'Indebtedne55Aelerred <br /> � lo below,and except as othervvlse provlded In this Daed of Trust. <br />