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<br /> My emounts disbur6ed by Lender under this Paragraph shall become an additbnal debt of Borrower and be secured by ■+�� ��--
<br /> �' y Ihis Secudty Instrument These amounts sha11 bear Interest hom the dete of dlsbursement et the Note rate,and et the optlon of �;`:°
<br /> � Lender, shell be Immedlatey dus and payable. . ��' _,
<br /> . Borrower shall promptly discharpe any Ifen whbh h�as prbrky over thls Security Instrument un1955 Borrower. (a) aprees In • -:.�°
<br /> " k writiny to the payment of the oblipetlon secured by the Ifen In a manner acceptable to Lender, (b)contests in pood fe�th the Ilen
<br /> by, or delends agalnst enforcement of the Ilen In, legal proceedhps whbh h the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the -_
<br /> . ;� enforCOment ot the Ilen; or (C�eeaures ham tha holder of the Iwn fln apreement Estisfectory to Lender subordlnathp the lion to _ -
<br /> �� thls Seaurky Inatrument. If Lender determinea that any part of ths Property Is subJeot to e Ilen whM�h may attain priority over this __-_
<br /> , Securiiy Inalrument,Lender may givo Borrowor n �iot�o IdontltyUtp the Iion. Borcownr shnll satisfy the lien or teke one or more of ��
<br /> � � � �.'��� the�tCtbns 4et forth CbOVe wkhfn 10 days of the qHklp o1 not�e. k,"~ '
<br /> ,,,,y�w,l�' 8. FECB.Lender may colleot tees and chnrpes authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> �'..,_
<br /> • b..�w'+^+�` �;
<br /> 9. Grounds tor Acceleratlon of DebL u'3 -�
<br /> : (!1) D01QUIt. Lender may, oxcept as 1knRed by reyuktlons Issued by the Secretnry In the aaee of payment defauka, ' --
<br /> � requke knmedlete payment in lull of ali sume secured by thls SecurRy Instrument Ih �
<br /> � (I)Bortower defauA& by faflinp to pay In luil any monthly payment roquked by thls Securky Instrumant prbr to or on � �-
<br /> , � the due date of the neM monthly payment, or
<br /> . , • . (il)Bortower deleuRS by feiling, far a perlod of thkty days, to perform any other obligations conta�ned in this Securily Q
<br /> � Instrument. � =
<br /> • (b) Sale Wlthaut Credit ApproNAl. Lender shall, ff permitted by applicable law (Includinp sectlon 34�I(d) ot the `"_
<br />-• �� GarnSt �ermain Depocitory Instftutlons Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701J•3(d)) and with the prior approval of the Secratary, �
<br /> requke knmedlate payment in full ot all the sums secured by this Security instrument it: `
<br /> ' (i) All or part of the Property, or a benefbiel Interest h a trust ownhg all or paR of the Property, is sold or _
<br />_ otherwlse transferred (other than by devlse or deacent),and
<br /> (il)The Property�s not cCCUpled by the purch85er or prantee as his or her principal resldence, or the purCheser or E:,
<br />" . grantee does so oCCUpy the Property, but his or her CredR hes not been approved In aCCOrtlance wfth the
<br /> ' requlrements of the Secretary.
<br /> (C� NO Weiver. If pkcumstances occur th8t would permit Lender to requke Immedlate peyment in full, but Lender
<br /> � d0es not requke such paymenty,Lender does not waNe its rphls wRh respect to Subsequent events.
<br /> � ' (d) Reguletiona of HUD Secretery. In many circumstances regulations �ssued by the Secretery will ilmit
<br /> � � Lenders rights, in the case of peymsnt detauks, to requlre immediate payment in tull and foreclose It not pald. Thls
<br /> Security Instrument doxs not nuthorize acceleratlan or foreclosure H not pertnitted by repulatbns of the Secretary.
<br /> � � (e) Mortgaye Not Insured. Bortower aqrees that if thls Security InsWment and the Note are not detormined to
<br />?; 6e eligibte for hsurance under the Natbnal Houshp Act wkhh �Y Ot de� (90) hom the tlnte nereof, Lender `
<br /> may, at ks optlon requfre knmediate payment In tuli of all sums cecured by this Securky Instrument. A wrkten statement
<br />',; ot eny authorized a9ent of the Secret8ry dated subsequent to i1E 01 dA�B 190) hom the date hereof, decllnln0
<br />: to lnsure thls Securiry Instn,ment and the Note, shall be deemed conclushre proof of such inelipibllRy. Notwkhstandhp
<br /> the forepohp, this optbn may not be exercised by Lender when the unavalkbliky of Insurance Is eolely due lo Lenders -- -
<br /> . . fallure to remit a mortyaye hsurance premlum to the Secretary.
<br />=�� 10. Reinatatement.Bonower has a rlght to be reinstated H Lender has requlred knmedlete payment In full Uecause of
<br />�,. Borrower's faflure to pny an am�unt due untler the Note or this SeCUrity Instrument. This right applies even aRer forecbsure
<br /> • proceedings are hstituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all amounts required to
<br />- bring Borrawer's account current Incwdhg, to the extent they are oblipations ol Borrower under this Securky Instrument,
<br /> ' •`^• �•.• forecbsuro costs and reasonable and customary attomey's fees and expenses property assoCiated with the fareabsure
<br />�`:;e ,_ ,�, proceedlnq. Upon retnstatement by Borrower, thls Security Instrument and the obligatbns that R secures shall rerMin 1n ettect es t__
<br />;w;:. . it Lender had not requlred knmedlate payment In full. However, Lender Is not requked to permit rohstatement H: (I)Lender has
<br /> • atcepted reinstatement atter the commoncement ot lorecbsure pracoedtnqs within two years knmediately precediny the
<br /> � commencement ot a current lorecbsure proceedlnp, (ii) retnstatement wlll proclude forecbsure an different qrounds In the tuture,
<br />-- or(Iil)reinStatement wlll adver6ely eHeCt the prlorfty of the Ilen CreSted by thls SecurRy Instrument.
<br /> • 11. Borrower Not ReleASed; Forbeerence By Lender Not e Watver. Extensbn ot the tkne of paymsnt or —
<br /> ��° -
<br /> moditfcatbn of amortfration of the sums secured by this SeCUrRy InStrument pranted by Lender to any suCCessor in hterest of —
<br /> �' --�r Barrower shall not operate to rebase the Ilability ot the orlglnai Borrower or Borrower'S sucCes&nr in interest.Lender shall not be —
<br /> required to commence proceedings against any successor In interest or refuse to extond time for payment or othorwlse modily =__
<br /> amorttzatlon of the sums seCUred by thls Securky Instrument by roason of any demend made by the oripinal Borrower o�
<br /> ' Borcowers successors 1n Inlerest. Any forbearanCe by Lender in exerclsing eny right or remedy shall not be a walver of or
<br /> precludo the exerc�se of any right or remedy.
<br /> � 12. Successora and Assigna Bound; Joint and Severnl Liability; Co-aignera. The covenants flnd ' _--
<br /> �� aflreements of thls Securfty Instrument shall bind and benefR the successors and assfpns ot Lender and Borrower, subJect to the
<br /> � � provislons of Paragreph 3(b).Borrower's Covenants nnd agreements shall be Jok�t end several. Any Bortower who co•sipns this
<br /> � �� SecurRy Instrument but does not execute the Noto: (a) is co•sfpnlnp thls Security Inst►ument anry to mortpago, grant and convey
<br /> f thflt Borrower'S k�terest �n the Property under the terms of thls Security Instrument; (b) is not personelly obligated to pay the
<br /> ; sums secured by thfs Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and uny other Borrower may agree to exlend, modify.
<br /> forbear or make eny accommodations with regard to the term of this Security Instrument or the Note wfthout that Borrower'S
<br /> r,onsont.
<br /> ._.
<br /> 13. Notices. My notice to Bortower provided for in ihis SeCUrity instrument Shall be given by d9livering it or by m8flfng it
<br /> _. .- -
<br /> by f�rst C�ess mail unless appliCable law requfres use of enother method. Tho notiCe shall bo tlireCteo to tne rroperty �aorn�a u�
<br />- any Other address Borrower desi�n8tes by notice to Lendec Any notice to Lender shall be givan by first class m8il to Lender'S
<br /> eddress stated hore�n or any address Lender des�gn3te5 by not�e to Borrower. Any nut�e provided for in this Security
<br /> . , tnstrument shall be deemetl to have boen gF✓en to Borrower or Lender when given gs provided in thfs paragraph.
<br /> 1 14. Governfng Law; Severebility. This Socurity Instrumont shnll be governed by Federal 18w and the law of the �
<br /> jurisdiction in whiCh the F'roperty is :oCflted. In ihp event that any provis�on or Clauso ol this Security Instrument or the NOte
<br /> . FSBIJ LMO�G/97) �'igo J o�5 �
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