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. - � , . ,,tq,�S_. <br /> .. :J�:r �� .. <br /> . . . . . . ' . �Y�. '!?•.n . ' ' .r1d1L:_. ���„! ...__... "_"' <br /> , <br /> 1 � 4{rl._.. ..: - . _ __-- - <br /> Wi . <br /> � . �. <br /> " ♦ . '. .>:f� 1.! �, si . �. . .. . ._. .. v�'`t�{'�`,.a�.,� .�...__�..�___—__.. .— ... <br /> •lh4��...� �.�. <br /> _�. � �1lr+�owww.r'f�' .. .. .. . . . .. �-_,.. <br /> :� ���.� 98-- 1124�'1 -_ <br /> .�� ��� . <br /> , ;� '� TOQETHER WITH �1 th�knprov�rtNnts now or h�re4tt�r �r�ct�d on the prop�rty, and all easements, �ppuRenancea, nnd �_� <br /> fbctuns now or hKeaftK• Wrt ol th�prop�rty All r�pM�c�m�nte �nd�ddRbns ahall also b�covered by thls Security Instrum�nt. <br />;�;�K� „.� All ol th�IonpoMip it r1Nr►�d to in thl�S�:urily Inetrumsnt as the"PropeAY•" �_ <br /> T,�� �:� � BORROWER COVENANT9 th�t Bortow�r la Nwfulty 6�lied of th� sSt�t� h�rN�y conveyed �nd h�6 th1 rlpht lo pnnt and <br /> :,,.• •-•• convey th� Prop�Ay and th�l th� Prqplrly b un�ncumb�nd, �xc�pt lor �ncumbnnc�s of ncord. Borrowtr warr�nts and will Y <br />_ ' :� d�hnd y�n�nky th1 titN to th1 Prop�rty�0��a�all clakns �nd dsmands, aubJsct to any �ncumbrtnces of ncord. s_ <br /> THIS SECURITY INS'TAUMFNT combfna unMorm covsnants lor n�tbnal uee �nd non•unHorm covsn�nte with Ifmfted <br /> + v�rlatbns by wr�ad�llon lo conLtNut� +�unHorm s�curRy Inetrumsnt covminp rWl property. <br /> �+F;�w�� UNIFOFIM COVENANT9. 9orrower�nd Lend�r coventnt and apree as follows. <br /> � �• � 1, Peyment uf Princlp�l end Intereat; Prepsyment end L�te Cherye�. BorrowK shpll promplly ppY when _N <br /> duo lho Principal ot and Intere�t on the de4t evidenced by ths Note nnd any pr6psyment flnd late chnrqes Cue under the Nute. e_ <br />�� 2. F'unds kr Tuce��nd Inw�ance. SubNCt to app�Y:�bb 41w or to �wrRten waivsr by I.�ndor, Borrower shnll p8y <br /> ` ,, - t o l M d�r on th�d+�y monthy paymenls�trs dus und�r ihe Nots, until th� Not� Is p�id in full,e aum ("Funda") for: (�)yaarly <br /> ��' taxee �nd asseaem�nts whkh m�y adih prbrky over this SecurNy Instrument ae � t i e n on t he P r o p s rt y; (b) y e e r l y l e�s e h ol d <br /> 1 p�ymsnts or pround r�nit on ths Propaty� M any; (c) yeary h�urd or property hsurancs premiums; (d)yearly fbod k�surance <br /> --�- . - 1 prsmlums,M�ny;p) ywry mort�0s hsurance premiums, M R�y�and(f)any sums p�yabb by Borrower to Lender In accardance <br /> � wRh the provlsiane ot parapraph B, fn Ifeu ol the payment of moRpage Insursnce premlums. These items are celled `ESCrnw <br /> �� Items." Lender may,et any tkne, cokct end hold Funds fn en amount not to exceed the maxknum amaunt e lender for e <br /> '" ` federaly related mortfllpe lo�n m�y requka lor Horrowor's escrow account un�er the federal Real Eslate Settlement Procedures _ <br /> � *���' Act of 1974 es amend�d fram tfine to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unbss another law that eppibs to the Funds <br />�'.�yti'•�..,�. <br />= ;�n.�� ; sets a lesser amount. If so,Lendsr m�y, at any tkne, colN�ct end hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br />=''':`'; " Lender msy estirtut9 lM amount of Funds due on thn basis of current data snd reflsoneble estlmates of expendRures of future <br />--.*r:,•:_:, <br /> Escrow Items or olharwise In accordance wfth appl�able law. <br />" �� "M�� Ths Funds Sh411 be held k� �n Insldution whose deposRs ere tnsured by e federal eqency,hstrumentalRy, or entfty („cludhp <br />_:.5`�T:;� <br /> -����,,;F Lender, M Lenderfs such �n hstkution)or h any Fedoral Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pey the scrow <br /> Items. L�ider mey nol charpe Borrower for holdinp and �pplyinQ the Funds, ennuelly analyzlnp the escrow account, or verHyfnq <br /> �'' � the Escrow Itame, unbss Undar pays Borcower interest on the Funds and appl�able law permR6 Lender to make such a _ <br /> `'`"�`,":�I. charye. Howwe�,Lander m�y nquke Borrowar to pay a onedkne charpe for an independent real eslate tex reportinp serv�ce <br />__ ,• •?;." <br /> used by Lenden c �onneclbn wRh this b�n, unless applfc�bM 4w provides otherwlse. Unbss an agreem�nl Is ma or <br /> Ji��;,;� , applbable law requkes htenst to be p�id, Lender shall not be raquksd to pay Bonower any hterest or eaminps on the Funds. <br />_��+:,�1: Borruwsr and LMdsr may�prse In writhp, howwsr, that intenst shall be pald an the Funds. Lendar shell yN� to Borrower, <br />_�"'"� debk to th�rFunda w�s mad�cUThs Fundshare pledyedhas addKlonalssecurky�fo6al/uhmsFsxured hy the uSecusity'Inst►umen�ch <br /> ����'.���� If ths Funds heW by Lenddr exceed the nmounts pertnkted ta be he!d by appibsbb Inw,Lender �hell account to Bonower <br />'�1f`� for the excss5 Funds h accord�nce with th� reyukements of�ppl�eble Inw. If the amount of lhe Funds held by LentNr at any <br /> .r+r�,,::�Ii� time Is not SuHbleni lo pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notNy Borrower fn wrkinp,�nd, in auch case Bortower <br />��`�,-`?�• � shail pay to Lendsr the amount necess�ry to meke up the defblency. Borcower shall make up the defbbncy In no moro th�n <br />_�sa:; .. <br /> , tweNe manthy p�ym�n�s, �l Lender'a sole discretbn. <br />�s';' Upon payment �i lull o�RII sums securod by thls SecurRy Instrument, Lender shall prompty relund to Borrowsr eny Funds <br /> __- � <br /> --' h1W by Lender. 1f, unuisr y.ra��aSh=1� '�•"•"��'g��� "-"�'-'k" nr sell the Pronertv. Lender, prbr to the acqulsRbn or s�b o t e <br />�•,��' Prop�rty� sh�ll �ppty�ny Funds hsld by Lender at the tkne of acqulskbn or saie as a credk epainst the sums sscurea qy tnis <br /> _�y� Securky Inetrurnat. <br /> ,.�-„�.�, 3, Appllcetion of Paymenta. Unless applVcable law provldes otherwise, all peymants receNed by Lender un r <br /> - �=�r�� paroprephs t and 2 6ha11 be applied: fhst,to any prepayment cherpes due under the Note; second, to emounts p+ayeble under <br /> a`F�;4'�•� pareyreph 2;thYd, to hterest due; founh, to princfpol due; and lest,to �ny lete chupes due under the Noto. <br />-_:���r_ <br /> -�'�=� �� 4. Cheryei; LIE11t. BorrowK shall pey all texes, essessments, charQes, fines and Imposkbns attributabk ro t e <br />�-`�?�.� Propsrty wh�h msy tltain prbrRy ovu this Sscurky Instrument,and le�aehold p�yments or pround renta,M anY. Borrawer ahall <br /> ��..._.��] pay thesb oblip�tbne In th� manner provklsd fn parnpraph 2, or A not pald h that mannx, Horcower shall pay them on thie <br /> a=^%�� dker,ty to Iha person owed paymenl. 6orcower shall promptly}umish to I.ender ell not�es of emounts to be pald under this <br /> -_�_�.� pRnlqraph. If Borroxlr rnkes thesl payments directly, Bonower shnll promptly turnish to Lender recelpts evidenciny the <br />�L"'+=��+��i payments. <br />-_=�»���1 Borrower shnll prompty discherpe any Ifen whbh has priorky over this Security Instrument unkss Borrowsr: (a)�9rees fn <br /> '°�^ wrkfnp to tha poymanl ot Ihe oblf�etbn secured by the Ifen In a mpnner occeptable to Lender, (b) contests fn Oood fakh the <br /> �_;;,,���� Ibn by, or dellnds �painsl allorcemmt of th� Ilen fn, lepnl proceedlnfls whbh in the Lsnd�s ophbn operate to prw�nt th• <br /> y_,��,-���� enlorcement of Ihe ien; or(c) securos from tha holder of the Ilen an epreement satisfflctory to Lender suhordin�tinp ths Ilen to <br /> , ,���� this Securfly Inatrum�nt. II Lender de�irmines that any part ot the Property �s 6ubJect to a Ifen whfch may attah priorRy over this <br /> �„ SeCUrRy Instru�t,Lender may pive Borrower a nottce Ideniflyinp the I"ien.Bonower shall satisfy the Iien or teke one or more ot <br />—+���.Y„�,�� the ectbns set lorth�bove wkhin 10 day6 ot the gNhp of notbe. <br />�;y;;�i�:� F. Hezafd or Property InsurenCe. Borrower Shflll keep the fmprovement5 nOw existhp or hereflftM erected on tha <br />�.�, 9i{�{�.Y <br /> Property Insurod aq�h�t bss by fke, hazarda Sncluded wRhin the term "extended cm�ernfle' snd any other hazar�t,Includhy <br /> w�.� fbods or fbodhq, Por whkh Lender requ'res Insurence. This „surance shall be mahtafned in the amounts end for tha perb s <br /> ��a�± • that Und�r requkde. The insurence canler provid'np the Insuronce shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to I.ender's epproval <br /> "�r�= whbh sheN nol be unreasonabty withheld. It Bortower feils to malnteh coverepe described ebove, Lender m4y, nt Lender's <br />_es��� <br />__:.,�s.��=. optbn,obt4�n coverpe to protect Lender's rfphts In the Property h accordance wkh parepreph 7. <br /> -fi�--�"��^� All Insurance po�ictes and renewals shall be eccepteble to Lender and shall fnclude e standard mortyaqe cleuae. Lender <br /> -'-��r� shali have the ripht lo hold the po��cies and renewels. If Lender requkes, Borrower shall promplly pNe to LendK ull recelpts of <br /> :;,.:s,..�'�i': pald prAmiums and renewel notfces. In the event ot loss, Borrower shall yNe prompt not�e ro the fnsurence cartler end Lender. <br /> �.,_ :�:^,� . Lender mey rneke proof al bss M not made promptly by Borrawer. <br /> � •. Unless Lender end florrower olherwise apree in wrkfnp, insurance proCeeds shflll be epp�fed to restoration or repak ot the <br /> •- Pmperty dameqed,�the restord8on or repafr is econombally feasfble and lender's security fs not�essened. If lhe reslorutbn or <br /> '� � • repair Is not econom�Caly feasfble or Lender's security would be lesssned,the insurence proceeds shall be applied to the sums <br /> secured by thk Seturity Instrument,whelher or not then due, wkh any excess patd to Borrower, If Borrower abandons the <br />- . ; Property, or does not answer wfthh 30 days e notlCe hom Lender thet the Insurance carrier hets oMered to setlla e clnkn�sums <br /> � f Lender m�y collect tha hsurence proceeds. Lender may use the p�oceeds to repek or restore the Property or to pay <br /> secured by thb Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day period wlll begk� when the not�e is pNyn. <br /> � Unless Lender a�d Borrower otherw�se egree k� wrkinp, any epplbetion of proCeeds to principal 6hpll not extend or <br /> � postpone the due dete ol the monlhy peyments referred to in paregrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot the p�yments. II <br /> under paragreph 21 the Property Is flcquked by Lender, Borrower's riqht tu any insurance polkfes and proceeds resuftinp trom <br /> . � � dflmage lo the Property prlor to Ihe acquisRion shall pass to Lender to the eMent of the sums hy this Security Inslrument <br /> " knmedfately pr',or tome ocquist�ion. Borrower's Loen <br />-- ---- - -� - �.____.._.�_.� u�1..��..�nn� �nil Prnt�ctl011 O} t�1E Property� <br /> ^� 6. occupancy, rrCarrvo►w��, ����+�����••M^�� � --� <br /> ; Applicetion; Leeaeholds. Borrower shell occupy, establish and use the Property ns BoROwer'6 prnCipfll re5ldence wRhin <br /> sixty deys a4er the execution ot Ihis Security Instrument end shall contfnue to occupy lhe Property as BorrOwer's princfpal <br /> residence tor at leest one year attx tho dete of occupency, unless Lender otherwise agrees k� W��MO�Whbh consent shell nol <br /> ` be unreasonebly wihheld,or unless extenuat�� ckCUmstances exist whfch are beyond Borrowers Control. Borrower she�l not <br /> destroy, darnaqe or knpe'r the Property, nllow the Property to detoriorate, or commit weste on the Property. Borrawer shall be In <br /> nelorteit en otlhe Propedy oroothenvised naterlally tknpak tfherllen�e efllt d by�th s tSeCUrityenstrument or'Lendor's securityuinte esL <br /> � <br /> � �y�11/ � <br /> , !�l/ <br /> _ . I N�p�7 0l 5 <br /> F19t0.LM0(�0/9B) <br /> I <br /> � 87056 <br />