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<br /> Borrowcr shall prnmptly give L,enJcr writtcn nuticc of uny invcstigutiun. claim, dcmund, luwu�ic ur othcr uction by uny
<br />_-,�� govcrnmentnl or regulUtory ngency or private party involving thc Pmpeny and uny Hui,irdou�Suhstunrc��r Enviranmcntul La�w
<br />��� ��f�vhich Harrowcr hns uctuul knowlcdgc. lf Darrowcr Icurns, ur i+ nuulicd hy uny E:��vcrnmcntal or rcgulutury uutl�ority. that
<br />':,-''�—�_�� any removul or othcr remcdiution uf nny Hur.�rdous Subtitancc afFu:ting d►c {'ru�tirty iti ncrctisury, E�orruwrr+hal I prrnnpUy lukc
<br />;�� all ncccssary re�nedinl uctirni+in accordance with Environmental I.uw.
<br />--�.� As useJ in �his parugruph 2�. "Hu•r.�rduus Substunce�" unn thosc tiuhst:lllll'S lIl'Il�ll'lI":Iti tuxir cr haru•duua suh,tanres hy �
<br />.:�� �nvirimmencal Luw und the fullowing substunces: gusoline, kerosene, uthrr Oumuiiihle or t�,xic petrulcum product+. tuxic `
<br /> pesticidcs and herbicides, volatilc solvents, muterials contnining asbcstu�ur furnr,ddchydc. an�l radiva�:uvc mu�crialy. Ati uscd in
<br /> �'�e this paragraph 20, "Enviranmental Luw" meuns federal laws und luws of'the juri�dicciun whcrc thc Yrupcny i� lixuic�l that M
<br /> '^�� rclatc to healdt, safety or environnientul protectian. � __
<br /> -� NON-UN[FORM COVCNANTS. Horrowcr and Lcndcr funhcr�ovc;i�um und agicc u�folluw,:
<br /> 21.Acceleratton;Reniedi�. I.ender shull�ive nattce to�3orruwer prlur tu uccelerutlon follnwin� Borrower's breuch d
<br /> --�� aP nny covenant nr a�recment in th[s Security instrument (but nnt prior to ucceleration undnr puru�ruph 17 unless
<br /> appl[c��ble law �ruvldes otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the uctlon required tn cure the default;
<br />- � (c)u date, no► less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower. by which the default must tx�cured; and �
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the dePault on or t►efore the date speclfled In the notice mey result in acceleratian of the sums
<br /> _:� secured by this tiocurlty instrument nnd suie uf the I*�aperts. '�hc notice shall Further infurm Borrow•er of the right to __
<br />-� relnstate atter acceleration and the right to bring s� court acNon to uxserl tl�e non-extstence of a dcfault or Any other
<br />_-.�o deRense of Borrower to acccleration and snle. IP the default is not cured on nr before the d�te tip��cifled (n the notice.
<br /> ,`-�� I.ender, at iks aption,may requirc immediute payment in tbll of all sums ti�rured by this S�rurity lnstrumcnt �vithuut
<br /> fuMhar demund und muy Invoke the powcr of sale and uny other remedtes�xrmiucd by uNpliruble la�s. Lendcr tihull be
<br /> _ entiNed to cnllaxt aU expenses Incurred in pursutng the remediHS provided in tMs paragruph Z1,includin�, but not limited
<br /> — to,rcasonable attorneys'Fees And costs of title evidence.
<br /> IP the po��'er af sale is invoked, Trustee shall rec�rd a notice af defvult in et►ch wunty In ��•hich any paM oP the
<br />:_:� I'ropert�� is loc.ated nnd hhall mail copies of such nodce ln the munner prescribcd by applicable luw to Rarrower And to
<br />-�� the other persons prescribed by Applicable Isw.After the time requ[red by appllcable law,Trustce shall glve public noticc
<br />;;=�=_° of sale to the persons and!n the manncr prescr,ibed by applfFable.�aw.Trustee, wlthout demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br />: ,;� the Yroperty at public auction to the Mghest bidder c+t the time and pluce and under the terms designuted in the notice of
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee muy postpnne sale of all or any parce! of the
<br /> - - Property by publtc announcement at the Nme nnd plsce of any previously scheduled sale. l,ender or its designee may
<br /> purchuse the Property at any sale.
<br />��:'� _ Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustce shull deliver to the purchaser Trustee's dced couveying the _
<br />- = Propetty. The rec(tuls 6n the Trustee's deed shull be primn facie evidence of the truth of tlte statements made fl�erein.
<br /> --� Trustee shell apply the proceeds of the sule in tlie following nrder:(n) to all costs and expenses of xercising the power of
<br /> '1�� sale,and the sule,including the payment of the Trustee's fces actually incurred, not to exceed the f$50.00 o r'�°!o
<br />