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•� ._. . - ---�------ - <br /> _. .�.._.._��LYd:.�.._._.� �..� _. ... . . .. ........ _...._..._ .......�p� .K�ra•. . __' ' � . . .—_ __ . _ ����'R.' <br /> ..•�� ,. ,• � _rtii5Z.7...:-:�.t:.,. — <br /> - '.c :� ,dpd'�rt. _ . , _ ... _4„stc.�.,... <br />...,. - � • � - �;�5i�`:.,'"�Al�....�.a:!'.�!=�4"+'PC._. . . . � �- --- <br /> 'i.' .�. �_ . <br /> ... ;� <br />_..,._.�._ar�:•.;� <br /> ;.�.,.�.,...:r.�, <br /> ` ''''' � 'Phc Fundti shull he held in un institution whusc dcposi[s nrc insured by a Icdcr.�l xgcnry,�mcntaliry. or cntity -- <br />-;��;��:���„�ly,`��� —- <br /> U,icludin�Lender,if lAndcr is such an institution)or in uny Fcdrral Humc l.oan Hank. Lend��r�.hull upply thr Fund�to pay t ic <br /> F.,rr�nv Itcmti. Lcndcr may m�t churgc Borrowcr for hnlding anJ upplying thr I�und�. annually analyiing thc rscrow arcuunt. or <br />- � '� vcrit'ying thc E�craw Itcros,unlctis l.cndcr pays Burruwcr intcrc,t un ihc I�undti und upplir.ihl�I��w�xrnnt�I.cnder tu m�►kc�uch __ <br /> �;.�,;`Y,. - •�. . achurgc. However. Lcnder miry reyuirc Borrowcr tu p:q�u unc-tirne charEr fur un indepcnJcnt rcal r.t:ur t:ix rrp��rtin� +�rvice <br /> '` uu�l hy l.endcr in conneetion with this luan. unlc+s applicablc law pruvideti �,Ihrnvi,c. Unlc,s un agrrement is niade c�r <br />., •" 'ippliu�blc law rcquires inten�st to bc puid. Lcndcr yhall not hc rcyuirc�l to puy Hurruw�r any intcre+t cn•carnings un the Fund�. (U <br /> . ° � aurruwer.tnd Lc�nder may �igrec in writing. however. that intcrest+hull hc paid on thc Fund.. I.ender.hall �!ive ta Bc�rrmver, � --- <br /> . r" . ,�� without chnrgr. an .uuiuitl accomuing of thc Funds. �howing crcdits and dcbit, tu tlic Fund, and dic purpnsc far +viiich cach , <br /> debit�u thc Funds was n�de.The Fund+urc pledged a,adJitional ucurity 1'cv all sum+securrd hy this Serunty In+trumenl. � - <br /> If the Fundy held by l.cnder exceed the umounts permitted tc�Ix hcld hy upphcuhlc I.�w. L.:ndcr�h•dl accuunt t�� Rurrnwer � � <br /> �',�''� fnr the excess Funds in uccardanre with dic requirements nf upplicabl�luw. If the amaunt of thc Fund��ic�J hy I.endcr at uny <br /> -;� _ � iimc i�noi,ufticicnc to pay thc E,craw Items whcn duc, Lcndcr rrsry su nutify Burrowcr in writing,und. in �uch cu�c Borrowcr � <br /> t'o` shall pay to L,cnder the amount neccssary �o muke up the deficicncy. Borrowcr shull makc up thc Jeficiency in no more than <br /> ;���� iwclvc monthly payments, at Lender's sole di+crctii�n. � <br /> � � Upon payment in full of all sumti secured by Ihis Security Instrumcnt. I.ender shall prumpdy refund tc� Rormwer uny — <br /> � hu��ds hcld by I.c:udcr. If, undcr par.igraph?1, Lcndcr shall acqmrc nr scll thc Pmperiv. Lcndcr, pnor to thc acyuisition or sulc <br /> of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by l.endcr xt the time oF ucquitiition or tialc u+a credic a€am�t chc�ums�c��u�ed ni <br /> , . •. � . this Securiry Ins[rument. <br /> 3. ApplicuNon of Payments. Unlc�s applicahlc law pruvidrs oih�:rwisc.all paynuntti rrccivrJ hy Lrn�lrr un�ler paragraphs <br /> -- � I anJ 2 �hall bc applicd: first. to any prcpayment chargc+ dur undcr th�Notc: �ccc,nd. tu umuunis payahlc undcr paragraph ?: <br /> i.K , third.tu intcrest duc: ti,urth, ti�principal cluc:and la, any latc charges�luc undcr thc Nutc. <br /> d. Charges; I.ienti. Bnrrowcr +hall pay ull taxes.asu:titimcnts,�harges. fincs and imp��tiition}utn•ihutahlc tu thr Yrnperty <br />`��= � which may attain priority uvcr this Sccu►•ity Instrumcnt, and Ica�ehnld puyments ur ground rents, il'��y. B��rrower shall pay <br /> , . . ihcsc uhligation, in�hc munncr providcd in purdgruph 2,nr if nnt paid in that manner. Rorruwcr shull � them un time directly � <br />�;,� r�. io the perxm uwcJ payment. Borr�»ver,hall promptly I'urnish to I.ender all notices of��muunts tu be pui�l under this paragraph. <br /> If Rurro�ver maketi these puyment�direcdy.Borrower shull promptly t'urnish to Lender receipts evidencing the puymentti. <br /> Borrower�hall promptly discharge any lien which has priority��ver thi�Security instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in <br /> . ' • ��•riting to the payment uf thc��bligation tiecureJ hy the lien in a rnanner arceptable tc�Lender; (b)cont��ts in good fu'tth Ihe lien <br /> by, ur dcfcnS. against enforremcnt ol thc lien in, Icgul prncec:dings which in thc Lcndcr's opininn operatc to prevcnt the <br /> '' enfurcement of the lien: or(c)secures from the holJer of the lien an agrecrnent�atisfactury to Lender}uhc�rdinating the lien to <br /> this Serurity Instrument. If[.ender determines that any purt of the Property is tiubject to a lien �vhich may attain prioriiy c�ver <br />, . ' i �hi�S�curiry Instrumcnt. Lcndcr may�i�'c Borrowcr a noticc ideniil'ying thc licn. Bc�rrowcr shall satisfy thc licn or tukeanc or <br /> " ` more uf thc actions sct forth abuve within IQ days ul'thc giving of not►cc. <br />-- • 5, Hatnrd or Property Insurance. Borruwcr shaU kcep thc improvcnunt� now existing or hercaftcr crccted on the — <br />� • � �� Prcipercy insured a�ainst loss by fire, ha•r.ards inc:luSed within the�rrm 'rxtended co�'erage" an<I any other haxurds, including <br /> _ .'�." O�od�or flonding, for which l.ender rce{uires in�a��,n tn��ti,.�irs�nm�tihall thel li��pi�htaia(�r�wcresuh�ct`tull.en er`h u�rov I <br /> .• :�.�HV ihut t.cnuer rcqu�re,. Ti�c: ii�,u�a��c�carri::n:^,,::-.:. � - . <br /> •`� Y �_°:3u's <br />_�:•�•: r,' whidi shall not bc unr�asunably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails u� maintain covcraigc dcscribed uhovc. i.�:nd�� ���+iy, ai .A�� <br /> ,`i:'`"�'',:�, option. obtain covernge to pri,tect Lendcr'ti rights in the Pruperry in aecnrdance���ith paragraph 7. <br /> ' '^��� •. All insurance poliriex und renewals +hull be ucr�ptable tc� l�nder und shall include a st:mJard mortgagr cluuse. Lender <br />-�':�:'-=c•-:b:� shall huvc thc right to hc�ld thc policies anJ rcncwals. If Lcndcr rcyui rey. Borrawcr sh,dl prumpUY�,i��u' I-�ndcr ull mccipts of <br /> •��"��••�• p:�id premiums and renewal noticcs. In thr event of loss. Borruwer�hall give prompt nuticc to the insurance csrrier and Lender. <br /> ���•i,.,....,,:�,.. <br /> ;_M1 .,e�:, l,e-ndcr may makc pruof of Ie�ss if not madc prumptly by Borrowcr. <br /> ,,,_ :,� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugree m wrumg,insurance pr��c�:eds shall be applicd tc�resturation��r repair of Uie <br /> � _„��,.�°�-' Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economicully feasihle und Lender's security is not Iessened. If tiie restoration or <br /> _ _ ,„� rcpair is not eronomicully feusible or I.ender's ticcuriry woulJ be IeS�ened.the insurance prucecds shull be applicd tu the sums <br /> ,�`;��..,,. ; sccured by this Security lnstrument, whether or not then due. �vith any excess paid tc� Burrawer. If Horrower abandons the <br /> •� �' Property, or docs not answcr within 30 Juy� c�noticc from fAndcr that thc insurancc carricr has of'fcred to settic a claim, then <br />'-`�;•�•�������� Lender may collect the insurance prc�ceeds. Lender may use the prnceeds to repair or restore the Properry or to pay sum.r• <br />_'�-�`�pw"��`•� tcrurcd hy this Security [nstrument,whethcr ctt not then duc.Thc 3D-day period will begin when thc noticc ts�ivcn. <br /> '��' ' � Unless Lendrr anJ IIarrower othenvise agree in writing. any app�icucion ��f proceedti to principal shall not exiend or <br /> _s..��M� '� posipune the due date of the mcmthly payments referred tci in p.iragraphti I und 2 ur �hangc the amuunt uf'the payments.If <br /> -• " �r�.� unJcr pariigraph 2l tlic Propert� is aryuired hy Lender, f3orrowcr� right to any inwranrc polic:i�> .ind pro�cr�i� re.ulti�g from — <br /> ' •�',.3 dumage tu the Prnperty pri��r tu thc acquitiition shull pass tc� Lcnder tu the extent of thc�umti secured by this Serurity inurument <br />_":,• � " itnmcdiutcly prior to thc acquisitiun. <br /> p � Alnintenuncc u�d Prot�tidnn of thc Prnperty; Aorroa�cr's Luun Appllwtton;Leasehalds. <br /> . 6. Uccu nncv. 1 rescrvution, <br /> - �� Borro�ver shall cxrupy. establish. and usc thr I'roperty us Bu�n���•cr'�principxl rCSidCn�c�vitltitl yixty days aftrr thc exe��ution of <br />_ ` �• thiti Scruriry Instrument and shall cuntinue tu occupy tlir Prupery� .�s Bi�rrnwcr's principal res�dence fix at Ieast une year afler <br /> ``.,_1'...:.., the date of uccupancy. unlc�ti Lender othcrwitic agrec+in writing,which cnnscnt shall nut bc unreusunubly withheld. ur unless <br /> �yy '�'".� cxtaiuuting circumsC�nccs rxist which arc heycmd Burrc�wcr's aintroL Burrowrr tihcdl not Jcstroy, damagc or impair thc <br /> � II' Property, allow thc 1'r��perty tu drtcriorate. or cummit wastc on thc Property. Horrowcr shall hc in default if;my forfciwrc <br /> � artion or proceeding, whcther civil or rriminal. i,hegun that in l.enJcr'�guuJ I:uth judgmrnt rould retiult in ti�rfeiture uf ihe <br /> i Property ur otherwisc m.derially impair thr lirn rreated hy this Securiry In+n•umrut ur I.i:nder +�ccurity interest. Horrowcr may <br /> �urc wch a dcfault and rein,tatc, a+prcivided in paragraplt IS. hy�uutiing thc a�ii�m ur prucccding tu hc di�miti�cd widia ruling <br /> +. that. in I.cnJrr'ti goc�d I:iith drtcrminatinn. pr�rlu�lcs I��rl'cilum ut' thc 13nrra«�cr'ti f�ucrctit in thc Prc�perty c�r c�thcr mutcrial <br /> �, } impairnunt of thc lirn creatrJ hy ihiti ticrurity In�u•umenl ur I.�ndcr', yrcurily intrr«t. B��rra�+•�r �hall altiu br iti dcfuull it� - <br /> . � l3un'c�wir. durin�!thc I��an:�rri��•:uinn��n,rr.,.l�a��r matcri:dly falsc ur inacruratt• inlin�m.ui��n ur tit.ucnunt.t�, Lrnilcr�ur f:iikd � <br /> � . tc�pruoidc L�:ndcr�vith any matcreil inl��rmauunl in runnc�•uo��u•ith ihr I�,an rvidcncc�.l hy ihc Nutr. inrluJing. hut nui limilcd _ <br /> .� to,representations runccrntn�;13cirruwrr's�,rrupanry of thc Pre�peny as a principal residcnce. If'thi�Serurit}' Instrum��iy on a <br /> ' ' Ica>chuld. Borrowcr shall �•�mtpl)� wilh aU th� provi�iuns uf� �hC Icasc. IF Hnrruwcr aCyuirr� fCC tillc lu th� Prc� rt thc <br /> Ir;uchc�IJ und thc fec titl��hall nut nurgc unlc,�Lcndcr.rrccti tuthc mcrgcr in���ri�ing. <br /> 7.Protecdon of l.ender's Ni�lits in the Propert}•. If R��rru�v�r I;iil,to��crl'��rui thc rm cnant�:�nd a�recmcnts c�miaincd in <br /> thi,Srruritr InsVUmrnL ur Ihrrr i.a Ir�al ��rucr�din�! tlia� nia� .iLnifirantly :d7rri [.cndrr'� right� in thr Pr��prrty I�u�h as a <br /> rroccrdinE in hankruptr��. prohatr, li�r runJrmnation ur t�,rlciture ur lu Cnliircr la��, �,r rr�!ulali�m,l. Ihrn l.rndcr inas c1.�and <br /> }�:q• fi�r�+•hatcvrr iti nrrcuaiy t�, prutcci ihc �alu� ul thc Pmprny an�l Lrudcr'� nEhtti in thr Nn,��rrty. I.�ndrr's urunn�mxy <br /> _. _,----- inrlu�lc payin� any tiunu ��rurril h�• a Iren �;.hirh h:.ti pri�?�;i�>..,,���� ��1hhrnu�h�llrnJrr�nurv iakr•�i��ti��n nn�cr thiu parugrapl <br /> _ _ . ._ .._ _ rC,itii��t:ihlc attc,rnry� lic+anU�n�crin� �m in� ��.,�•���. .. .��...._..�._.. . _ <br /> ' '�lrr duc�n��l ha�r lu�lu�u. <br /> An)' ;mioiml� ili,hur�rJ h�• I.�nJrr undcr thi� ��ara�.ra{�h 7 .hall lu�i�nu�� .idJihun:d Jchl ul liorruwrr ,rrurcJ h) thiti <br /> Jate�ufdi�hur'�mrntlallthrlNntc"ralr�andl�hlalllhe�p`i)aM.•'tl�ulh�'inl�ri•l'r,u��un'n�lli�r�lii,in�Lrnilr�rlt��t�l3u�ri,��cr�r<lyttc>tin� - <br /> � ��;i�mm�l. <br /> j8. :11ort};u�!�htsurstnc�. II I.rn�lrr rr��unr�1 irn�rtg.i�r in�urai��t:i> a runditiun��I�d�r luan,r�urrd h�• this ti�ruritl' <br /> ' In.lrumcnt. l�„rnnrrr .hall ��:iy Ih� ��rrmiumti ��uuuril l�, mainlain thc m��rt�.a�.� in.uranri� nt rl7ri•1. II. ��,r any re:nc�n. th� <br /> iuurt�acc in,tnanrr i�,�rr:��r rryuircil h� Lrnilrr I:ip��• ur ir.�,�• t��hc in rllrrt. Iiui�u��rr �hall ��.�) Ihr prrmium� rci�uirrJ ti� <br /> 1 �,laain�u�cra�r tiUh�lanUall� cyui�;drnt tu th� innrt�a�r in.ur:wtr prr��tuu+l�• fn �Ilrrl. al a io,t ,uh,tanti�dl) ryuivalcnl lu�h� <br /> � �n.i t„ li�uin����� nl thr m�,ii�;i�r in.ur:in�r ��ir��nu�l� in�Ilrr�. lium :in allrn�:ur mnitc:�tr in�wrr appn,r��J h� Lcn�lir. ll <br /> 1 . Form 302g 9�90 <br /> � ' i <br />_ � i <br />