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<br /> _ --- -------,---- . . .........------.-.- .-. ._.. _,. _
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<br /> .�y t�,. „ " :.�.,As:r�:.ua...a�,e.r,rx.li,,r:,..__-_�"'-=-_-_=�—= -----�'
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<br /> ._N�b.�r_ ..... . . . . . - _ . .. . . . . .'.T. / .. . ... . -
<br />_ .. . __ 1
<br /> �.
<br />- .irt�.�`rr1h. __.
<br /> - _.@i ��,
<br />..--,RYi1:.]d+:T�� � `--
<br />, -�`:t'�'`�� IQ.EwM�o/Dr/�uk. E�ch o{me/o!/owlnp occun�nce�ahN/conatltut��n�v�nt o/ddnu/t hrreund��Iherslni/fer cdl�d�n 'Evsnt al
<br /> O�fiult'1:
<br />• � `. ."'A'�
<br /> ,1 la/Tiustor ahal//a!I ta pay when dus any prMclpsl,lnterest,or pr/nclp�l and lnterost on rh�/nd�brodness, t,___
<br /> ' !bl Any►+•ensnty ol t!tle made by Tiustor he�ein shsll bs unfiue,
<br />�'t�: q�q /cJ 7ruator shN/l�p to obsorv�o�palorm�rny of rn�covon�nts, rDrp�man�a,or conditlantln th/s Deed ol Tius4 �_�
<br /> � (dJ An y r�N�s.t�nt�tlon or wiaanty mado b y Tiustor on in y fin�ncbJ sf�temante o�i�poita submltfad ta Bens/lcli�y b y oi un bshdJ o1 � �.__
<br />_ _ � Tivaror ah�/I prov�tdi�or mat�r/�lly mlab�dlnp, w�
<br /> • (�1 Tivator ahdl/�ll to psr/orm or oba�rv��ny oi tha cov�nants,condlNon�o�ayre�msnts conhlned!n,oi bindlnp upon Tiustoi und�r�nY 1
<br />_.;y,,.. . bu!/d/np/o�n�pro�menb sscurlty ayresm�n4/oin�yr�omrnt,l/nmc/ny atat�menf,or�ny orher eyreement,lnstrummt or document
<br /> �x�cut�d b y Tiustoi!n conn�ctlon wJth th�/asn svld�nc�d 6 y th�Nnt�, �
<br /> ± _..•Z, '� lIJ A trustse,receiver or Uquidato�ol fhe Tiust Piopsrty or ol Tiu�tor shall be sppolnted,or anY o/the cradltoro ol Tiustor sh�ll lil��
<br /> •°'"°"•�+^zS'"""�' peNtlon/n bsnkruptoy apalnst rivator,o�lor ths ren�yrniutron ol Trustor pur,vuant to rho Fodoral Qunkiuptcy Corlo,o�eny slmller l�w, r �
<br /> T��r:.--
<br /> ' wh�th�r t�d�nl o►st�t�,�nd 1J auch a�do oi p�tlNon sh�ll nof b�dltchirp�d oi dltmltt�d wlthln thliry ISO/drya dt�r th�d�te on �
<br />�� whlch auch orde�or pstltlon was Illid
<br /> - - !yl Tiusfai shall/!ls a p�tltlon puisu�nt fo fh�Fid�i�l Benkiuptcy Gade oi any slmJJsr lsw,ledarel or at�t�,oi!f Tiustnr ahdl be idJudyed
<br /> '� •bankrupt,or be declsred Inso/vm4 or shi!/mik��n�sslpnm�nt/or ths ben�lJt ot cnd/tara,ai shal!�dmlt/n wriNny!ts/n�blUtY to �
<br /> � " pay!ta dsbts�s they become due,or shd/cans�nt to the ippolntment ot e receiver ol dl or�n y p��t o/the Tiwt Piopsrty,
<br /> - • fh1 fln�!Judyment for rhe psymant ol money ahal!ba nndsred apdnst Tiustor�nd Tiustorshs�l not dlschiry�th�8am�,or crua�!t to b�
<br /> <<��,,,„. - d/scheryod,wlthln 1hlitY 1301 deya aftei the entry thsrsol,or aho//not eppeal theretiom oi har;the o�dsr,decrss oi p�ocsss upon
<br />?�'-;;,�,.<�.• whfch oi pwsusnt to whlch sild/udpmsnt was pnnted,based,ai�ntsr�d,and s�cun�st�y ol exscutlon psnd/ny auch�pp�+G
<br />°�,�s ' � p) Tiustoi shN!sol/or convey ths Tiust Piopnty,or any par��hereo%or sny lnterest thei�ln, o►aha0 b�drv�st�d ol/ta Nds,oi�ny Intuat
<br /> '�"' , th�re/n,!n any manner or way, whethei volunter!/y or lnvalunbr!/y,wlthout the wdtten cnnsent ol B�nellclirY bslny/lrst hsd�nd
<br /> obhln�d,or
<br />;`F�;,:;��, lJ)N Tiustor Is a corporadon or piitnsrship end moie than fifry percent Ib0%1 of the aheru oi beneflclsl lntsiesbtln suoh ao�Foi�tlon oi _
<br /> psrtnsishlp,ss the cese may be,shsp be nsnsleried or conveyed,whsther volvnta�ilyor Jnvoluntar!!y,wlthout the wrltten consent o/
<br /> %"%�',,+:�t��'° Benef/clary be/ny/irst had snd obta/ned.
<br />`',-0'•., . -
<br /> ��` 27.Acc�Nr�Un»o/D�bt;Forabrur�. Upon th�occunence o/any Event of Defeult, or an y�ime thereaJtei,Benoficiary may,at!ts optlon, --
<br /> :,���.��.;� decfare all ths lnd�bt�dnsss secwed henby/mmed/stely due end payab/e and tha same shall bearinterest et the ds/ault iate,iJ sn y,set Ionh!n
<br /> - �7 the Note,ar othsnvlse at the hiphost rste permltted by law,snd,insspeative of whather Bene/lalary exs�clsss said optlon,!t msy�t Jta opNon
<br /> • end In!ts sole d/scretJon, wlthout any/urther noNce or demand to or upon Trustor,do one o�more ol lhe lo!/awlny:
<br /> t,��,
<br />. ""'�-• '� � • /a/Bsn�flcliry may snter upon,tske possesslon ol,msnage md oper�te the 7rust Moperry or an y part thsrso{;m�ke rap�Jis and
<br /> alte�edona end do any acta whlch @eneflNary deems p�oper to protect tha necmlty the�eof,and eRhni w/th a wlthout tsklnp _
<br /> .= �+'��a�!Y poaauslon,In lts own nims,su�/or oi othenvlse coUect and recalvs isnts,Issuu and proAty,JncludlnD those put due and unpald,and
<br /> . .��.t., ,;' appf y the same,luss costa end�xponsas ol oporedon and collactlon,Jncludlny iooson�6le attorney/e�s ind B�ne/!cliry's cost8,upon thw
<br /> /nds6tedness seour�d here6 y end in suoh adei es Beneflclrry may determine.Upon iequeat of Renoflc/ary, 7rustor sha// ssasmbl�and
<br />--���• • ' ah�I/make avaN�b/e ro Beneflo%ry an y of fhe Trust PYoperry wb1cA hes been removBd.The entsdny upon snd tsk/ny possestlan of lh�
<br />"`"�' '�� a Tiust Propsrty, the colJecNon of eny rents,Issues and prolits,and the appllcaNan thereot es alorasald,sh�ll not cuis oi walv�anY dd�u/t
<br /> ,.. �,.•..,...
<br />==�.,,,�';• the�etofore or theresfter occwriny,o�eHect eny notice ol de/eu/t or notics ofsa/e hereunder orinvsNdote any sct done purswn o any
<br /> `���� such notice.Notwlthstsndlny B�nsllclary'a condnuance!n possesslon or recelpt end appllcaUon ol rsnta,Issuas or prntlts,B�noflcl�ry+ha//
<br /> �_;.�:ti';' 0�enatiod ro ex�rcise avrry riyht p.ovlded for/n th�;Dasd at Tru°t ar by!aW s.•p^e!+�!►rA�rho ocounence o/m Ev�nt of Dsfiult,
<br />- •• lncludinp ths r1yAt to exerclse th�pow�r of s�le.Any of the acNans refensd to Jn thls paeyraph mry he bk�n by Brn�flcl�ry at auch Hm�
<br />-- � * aa B�n�flnl�ry msy dats�mins without ray�rd to tha adequ�cy of�ny aecurity foi the/ndabtadness sscurod ha�by.
<br /> '��, ' lbJ B�ne/Iclsry sheB,wlthout iepsrd to the adequacy of an y secudty for the lndebtednesa aecursd hsreby,be enNNsd ro th�ippa/ntmmt
<br />-:T.�_,� � � of�iocelv�r by any couit haviny Ju�lsdicdon,wlthout notice,to take possesslon of, proteot and manapa the fi•ust Propwty and opwato
<br /> = ti�.>L•b:'..:�
<br /> -.,.,f tha same�nd coNeot the rents,lsaues end pro/!ta therefiom.
<br /> °��"aC'�i-� ,' /c)B�nellclery may briny any scNon in any couit of competent fudsdicdon to forec%se thit Doed of Tiust oi enlorco any of th�cav�n�nta
<br /> -=';?'�;.�'�;;�` h�reof.
<br /> i,,� :,,.,.
<br /> --�;�;.�e- fdJ Bsnsf/clsry may e/ect to causs ths Trust Phoperty or eny psrt thereof to be sold under fhe powe�of ss/e,snd!n auc evsnt,
<br /> r �.s��='�•wr B�neflclary or Tiustso shall plve such noUce of del�ul[and noUce of sale as m�ybe �hen iequlied by/sw. Th�rasfte►,upon the sxpliaNan
<br /> ••,�;eyri,. o/such tlme and the yiv/np of such nodce of sa/e as may rhen 6e requlred by/aw, Tiustee,at the Nme and p/ecs apecllfed by th�nodcs
<br /> "�'`°-n:•'- o/sd�,shd/ss/I suah Tiust Proprrty or an y part thereof apeci/ied b y Benef/clary,at pu6/lc eucNon to the hlyhrsf blddsr for cish!n hwful
<br /> :�:F.:-_- �'..
<br />._�1z-�•:i� monry ol the!/nitsd States of Amsr/ca.Upon rocolpt of p�ymant of the prlce bld,Tiurtae she/I app/y ths p�ocasds In th�followlnp o�d�r:
<br /> ��_ .
<br /> -�,:r,r:�� f!1 to the cost end expenaes of sxerclslny tha power of s�/e�nd o/ths ae%,!ncludiny 6uf not Nmltsd to,trustee s lses or not moro t �n
<br /> -�-�;;.,;�p{� d600.00 plus one•hali of one percrnt af the yrosl se/e p�lce,snd reasoneble sttomey/ses,U!)ro th�/ndsbtsdaesa,and(l111 fh��xce,u,fl
<br /> •=���`'�=!^:�=1�"� sny ro the person or peiaons loyally endtled thereto.
<br />---wr nai�=snr;
<br />'����-.-:;; � An co.tta�nd oxpenses/ncmied by Beno//c/ary in en/orcing anyilDht under thls Deod of Tius�, !ncludiny wlthout/imJtetlon,sbsbsct or tlN� �ss,
<br /> --'' - ' '"'. ' �pprelss/lees,piemlums/or tlNe Insurence,ettomey tees end rou�t coats,sha/I be and conrfi[uts/ndebtedness secwed hernby.
<br /> •y::'
<br /> - �8.Dud�t of TnutN. Tiustoi ayiees thst:
<br /> ��``'-' - /d1 Dut/as and obJlpatlons nl Tiustan shall be determinnd sole/y by the express provlsions of thls Oned of Tiust and Tiustea shalJ nof be liabl�
<br /> �;`,����i�J. except/or�he performance ol yuch dutles end obi/yetlonr es eie specilics/ly set/oith heiein,and no!mp/!ed covenants or ob/lpatlons shsl/
<br /> Y_-�- — be fmposed upon Tiustee,
<br /> '�"'�"�'; fbJ No prov/slon of thls Doed of Tiust sha/l requ/re 7rusten to expend a�rlsk Jts o wn funda, oi otherw/se Incui eny financla/ob/lyat/on in the
<br /> ;.�y.�, ..;.:1•
<br /> •�.�c.•.�ak�r>�..� per/ormance of any of!te duties hereunder or!n ths exe�e/se of any of!ts dyhts or powers,
<br /> �-�T.-.w,.. ' fal Tiustse mry consu/t wlnc�nunsel of!ts own choos/n8 and the edv/se of such counsal shad be fu!/end compfete suthoriz�Hon and
<br /> ' , protecdon!n the respect of an y action teken or suNered 6y/t hereunder in pood faith and relience thereon,and
<br /> fd)Tiustae shafl not be!lable/or eny actJon teken b y/t In yood Ielch and ieasonabl y believed b y!t to 4e authoilred or wlthln Jts dlscretlon oi _
<br /> � � rlyhts or powers confened upon!t by thls Deed of Tiust _
<br /> 28.S�cwlry Apn+m�nt�nd Flxtur�fNlny. This Deed of Trust sheU cansdtute a secunry eyreement and fixture fUlnp under the provlslons ot the
<br /> {r Nebresks Uni/orm Commerclel Code with respect to those flxtwes descrlbed!n the preambles hereo/es consUtutlnq a pot o/the Tiust =
<br /> Property,topether with eU other propeity of Tiustor eJthei yimilar or dlssfm!!ar to the same,now or hereafte�located at or on the Trust Property, _
<br />' 3/1.futun Adv�nc�s.Upon request of Trustor 8eneilclary,at Beneliciary's optJon,prlor to lu//reconveyance of tAe Tiust Pioperty b y Tiustee to �
<br /> • Tiustor may make/utu�e edvances to Tiustor.Such/uture edvances, wlth lnterest the�eon,shel!be secured by fhls Deed of Trust At no Gmo
<br /> � she//the pdnclpal amount of the fndebtedness secured by thls Deed of Tiust,not inc/uding sums advanced to protect the seaur/ry,exceed the
<br /> tocel sum of S 2i913.107.29 .Advancos of disbursements made by Beno!lclary ro piotect fhe secmlty,under the terms
<br /> � heroof,while dlscrotionary,she0 not be deomed to bo optional advances.
<br /> 3f.R�aonv�y�nce.Upon poyment of a/f lndebtedness secuindby this Deed of Trust,Bene/ieiaiy she/l request Tiustes to recanvey the Trust
<br /> ' Properry end shefl sunender this Deed of Tiust ond s!/notos evidencrng Indebtedness secured hy th/s Deod of Tiust to Tiustee. Tiustee shel/
<br /> - raMnvuv fha 7rucr P,nnerrv wlthout werrenN and withouf charpe to the person or person�leDg��Y entiNed thereto,Such peison or pe�sons sha/l
<br /> -----._._.._.
<br /> pay all costs o1 recordation,i/eny.
<br /> 32.SubiKtuts Trurte�.Boneliciery,et its option,may lrar» time�o time remove Trustoe and appoint e 5uccossor Tiusloo to eny Trustee
<br /> - eppointed hereunder by en instrumont roco�ded in Me county in which this DeBd of Trust ia iecorded. Without conveyance of the Trust Pioperty,
<br /> the Succossor Tiustee shall succoed to a!/tiNo,powe�and dufies conforred upan Tiusfee herein and by applicable Isw.
<br /> 33.Mkc�!l�n�our R/yhti of Ba»I/c%ry.Bonaliciary may ef eny tims end Irom time to tirne,without notice,consent to the mskiny ol eny p/al of �
<br /> rho Tiust Property or tho crestlan o!any easoment theroon o�eny covenanrs restrlcting use or occupancy thoreo/or egree to elter ot amend tAe f
<br /> to�ms of this Dood ol TrusG Any pvrsonel proporty romnini»g upon the Tiust Propo�ty oftet thv Trust Proporty has been possessed or accupled �
<br /> hy E?enoficlary,its agont o�any purchaser following Trusteo's soln,loroclosuro,or unde�ony dood in liou of Trustoo s sa/o or/oreclosura,shall
<br /> 4o conclusivoly prosumnd to have been obnndonod by�rusto�. �
<br /> Page4of5 I
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<br /> i I
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