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<br />_ , . • .�-� ,s� � 4,Fiw�dr!br I'iym�nt al Ch�ryN. Sub/ect to oppllcable/aw or to a wrltton wa/var b y Benaflc/ary Trustar shrll pa y fo Bcneticl�r y on th�/list
<br /> � d�y o/ooch month,o�aur.h othe�date�sch month ss m�y be apscllNd by Reneiirlsry,unU!th�lndebbdnns!a pa/d/n!ul/,�sum(hnKn�lfsr _
<br />_ `;,� ca/Hd ths 'Funda'I�qu�/ro 1/12th ol the yesr/y t�xea�nd eas�asm�nts whlch mey�ttrin prlority ovir Ihla D�ed oi Tiurt�nd yiound rN►W an
<br /> � the]'iust Pioperty,�l any,plu.s 1/f 2fh nl►he yeaily piemlum installments/or hoiard/nsu�ance,plus 1/121h a/the yoailY p�emlum Instdim�nta �
<br /> A lor mortpeye lnsurence,If en y,e/l es�ensonAbly asHmafed!nlNa!/y and lrom Nmo to tlme by Bone/iciary on the bss13 0l a�soasmenta�nd bilb
<br />-L ind rsisonibla�stlm�bs th�tonl. The Funds shall be h�fd in in lnstllutlon,the d�poslts or�r.counts of whlch aiy Insur�d ai puar�nt��d by• C,
<br /> ' /sd�re!or at�1e�y�noy Includinp B�ndJclary.Benellc/ary ah�/I�ppl y th�funds to p�y sald tsxes,assessmenta, Insurann pi�mlum��nd Qroun(,� �-
<br /> � rents Bsn�licl�ry aha//not be�squ/red to pay Tru�toi�ny inta�st o►��inlnps on ths funds Beneflcl�ry shsl/ylve to Tivatar, wlthout chi►p�,�n� _
<br />- �nnu�l�ccaunNny ol th�Pund.v showlnp c�edlta and deblts to tho Funds and th�purpns�lor whJch each d�bJt fo fhe Funds was msd�, th� ' _.
<br /> , �• Funda ar�plsdp�d��addlNonal sscudty/or the/ndabrodness aecured by th/s Ueed o/Tiust/l the amount a/the Funds Ae/d by Bsnellcl��y, ==
<br /> . toy�thsr wRh tIn/utu�n monthlylnstallmsna�l Funda piy�bl�pdor to th�dua d�tes ol tixes,�ss�ssmonts,lnsunnc�wamluma�nd pround M
<br /> ��• rents,shal/axaoed tha omount iequ/red tu pay sald taxes,ossossmonts,lnsurence pnmiums end pround ients es fhey/dl due,such excsss =
<br />+ ;G� " .L`•: dhaC b�, �f Trustor's optlon,elthsr promptl y repsld to Tiusto►oi c�ed!!�d to Tiurtor apilnst/uturs month/y/nstsllmivrts oJ Fund�.K ths�mou Q
<br />- -� of ths Funds held by Bensflclary shel/nnt be suHlclent to pay tax�s,ssa�ssrnonts,/nswsnce premlums�nd yround nnta�s Ih�y/N/dus,
<br />.. � Tiustorshall pay to Benellc/sry eny emount necessary to mske up ths deflcisncy wlth/n th/ity dsys/iom ths dste notic�ls ini/lsd by Bens1lcl��
<br /> ��� to Tivatai iequssNny p�yment thereol.Upon payment!n lull ol el1 lndebtadnoss,BsnellcJary shall p�ompNy rs/und to Tiustor any Funds ho/d b
<br /> Bendlcla�y.K the Tiust Moperty/a sold under the power o/sa/e or the Tiust PYoperty/s othsrwlsa soquliod by Bsn�/1cNry, 8�»dlcliry ahall
<br /> �� ' spplylmmsd/stsly prlor to the ssle ol fhe Trust Property or lts scquJsitlon by Beneficlay,eny Fundx hs/d by Bene/lclsry+l the tlm�o/eppllceNo�
<br /> as+�c�sd/t apalnst the/ndebteoness.H Bsns/Jc/ary oxeautes s wrltten weiver ol7rustor s ob0yat/ons unde�this parapi�ph 4,Trustor covsnants
<br />_ '� snd ryrsey ta pay,betore the same becomo dollnquant oll toxos,assossments,insuience promlums,p�ound ients,end ell other chsrpss .,
<br /> ��r' ` whrtsaever/avlad upon or s9sessed,p/sced or mede ayelnst the Tiust Property. Tivator lurthor spress,upon wr/tten i�Quest by 8endlc/ery,to
<br />�,� • ' . promplly dollva to Benellc/ary all recelpts Por the payment of such charpes. Tiustor likew/se ayrees ta pay aN taxss,esaessmsnta�nd other
<br /> charpss/ovled upon o�assessod,p/aced or msde ayeinst,or meesuied by,thls Aoed o/Tiust or the recordallon hsreol.
<br /> . b.Applla�tbn o/P�ym�nu. All payments recelved by Benellciary es to eny debt,llability or obllyat/on owed to Beneflci�ry by Tiusto�mey bs
<br />- eppUsd hy Beneflclary to the psyment of the/ndabtedness or ta an y such othar debt,Ilebl/!ty or obllpadon,fn�ny ord�r or manner of spp!lcitlon
<br />- which Benef/clsry,!n Its absolute dlscretlon,deems spproprlate. Unless otherwls�e/soted by Bsnellolary any such piymwrt sh�l/Ao dssm�d
<br />' sppUed 11ist to tha paymant o1 sny debt/lebl/ity or o6Uyet/on other then the Noro.
<br /> � . B. ChapN:Lr++u. Tiusto�wi/I keep the Tiust Property/ree/rom sn liens snd encum6rencea which in eny wsy may in the judymsnt o/
<br /> Beneflclery,have pdo�lty ovei or impalr the securlty of,th/s Deed oJ Trust but Trustor neod not d/scharpe sny such/len ra/ony�s Trusto�shal/
<br />� � apres,/n wdtlny,to psy the ob/Igodon secured by such/!en!n a manner acceptebfe to Beneflciary end sha///n yood/eltAcontes[such/!en by
<br /> • appropNste le�sl proceed/nps eNective to prevent the en/orcernent ol ths llen and the loss of any Jntersst In or psrt of the Tiust Aoperty.
<br />- 7.N�s�r�d lnrudne�. Tiustor shal/keep the buildinys and other Imp�ovements now exlstlny o�hereafter erected on the Tiust Property lnsured
<br />�' bylnsursnc�csnlers setlslsctory to Beneflciary egelnst loss by flre,hazards lncludedln the term 'extended covsr�p�'md such other hazsrds,
<br /> . casualties ind condnyencies es may be required by Beno//cJary,Jn such amounts e»d/or such peilods es may be iequli�d by Beneilclery. The
<br />" pol/cy of inaurence shel/be In form sccepteble to Beneficlary p�ovlde that the sema may no�be cence/ed or modl�Jed without 1lfteen/lbJ days
<br /> pi/or wrltten no►Ice to Bnnellclary,snd shall have loss paysble provlslons!n favor of and!n fo:m accept�ble to B�noflcNry. An pi�mlums on
<br /> lnsunnce pollcles sha//bo pald!n the manner provlded under psrsgrsph 4 hereo/or,il not pald/n such mannsr,by Tiustor rn�k/ny payment�t
<br />- /oest I'rfteen/r6/deys prlor to the due date,dlrecNy to rhe lnsurance canler. Beneflcioy shs//have the ripht ta ho/d th�po%dss enaf ren�wals
<br />_ ' __ _ thsr�.nf ond Tiustor shd/promptiv lumish ro Beneficlarv e//ienawel nnNaes and sl/p�ld piemlum rece/pta recslved by!t M no avsnt shN/
<br />' '' B�nd/clsry or Tiustes be held reapanalb/o io�/eilure to psy lnsurance prsmlums or/or en y/oss oi dsmsgs eNslnp out oJ�ddsct/n�ny pol/oY o�
<br /> . � srls/ny out of any lal/ure ol any lnsuience company to pay tor eny loss or damays lnsurad aye/nat or/o�/a!/uro by Tiustor to�ffeot th�/nsannc�
<br /> _h . �equ/nd hereundn./n lhe event ol/osa, Tiusto►shal!plve prompt notice b y ms!!to the lnsurence canler and Benellclsry,9sn�flc%ry miy make
<br /> , proof of/oas/1 not msde prompfly or ln proper form by 7rustor.A!/po//cies of Insurence and eny end al!refends ol unerned pr�mlums�r�
<br /> hsisby ssalynsd ta Bsns/lciary as eddldo»al securJty/or the payment ol the/ndebtednass./n the event ol B�nsflclory's�xe�ck�af th�pow�r o1
<br />''� � ss/e contelnsd haeln,or!n the event of forec%sure,al/rlpht,title end lnteiest of Tivato�ln end to any Jnsursnce pollcy then!n fares sh�!/pass
<br />��'`�� . • to the purchas�r at the t�ustee s sa/e or foreclosuro sale.Jn case o!an y loss, the lnsure�ce proceeds may at the opNon o/Brn�ticiary,b�app/J�d
<br /> 'y� +: by B�nsticiary upon the lndebtedness,or eny part thereol,end!n such order end imount as Bene!!clery may deteimine;or aald/nsurence
<br />-�'"`�� ' proceeds,�t the option o/Bene/lclary may olther bn used!n repfaclnp or restoilny the Tiust ProNerry parNsl/y oi tota//y d�stioyed to�cond/Uon
<br />�;"`": seUsfic[ory to Beneliclary;or sald insurance proceeds,or any portlon the�eo�,may be re%ased to Tiustor.Un/ess&nelJclsry ind Trusto�
<br />�'="���9'' ""'' othsnvlss ayree J�v wildny,eny such epp/lcef/on of insure�ce proceeds shel/not extend oi postpone the due deto o/ths Nob,os�ny
<br />��E"`w � Instd/ments callod for there/n,o�chanye the amount of auch lnste/Iments.K the Tiusr Property/s xaquirsd by Bondlcl�ry pursumt ro ths
<br />�"'_ �'`�`�'• exerclss ol the power of sa/e or othei/oreclosure,elI Nyht,tlHe and lnterest ol Trustor!n end to any/naurancs pracesda ps y�ble u e result of
<br />--.:Y:^+z
<br />�� �:t,'� demap�to th�Tius:Propsrty pdor to the sa/e or ecqulsltlon shs!/psss to Benellclaiy and ahall b�spp/led f/rst to th�cotts�nd exp�nsu,
<br /> 3��P , lncludinp�ttoinsy/aes,/ncunedln col%otlny such proceeds,then In the msnner and/n fhs order provld�d hsrs/n.
<br /> ,.1.. -u,i,i
<br />' •.••Y.;a' 8.lhw�►v�tlnn�nd Milnt�nc�01 Trwt Prop�rty. Tiustor w!ll keep the bu!/dinps and otherlmprovsm�nts now nrheinfter erscted on th�
<br />� ' Tiust Propsrty!n yood repalr ond conditlon end w111 not comm/t or permlt weste,w!lI not elter the deslpn or shuctursl ch�reoter consUtudny any
<br /> ° bui/d/ny now oi hereaftei ereoted on�nd canstltut/ny fhe Tiust Pioperty wlthout the pilor wiitten consent o18en�/lc/sry,wl/l not do any Ict or
<br />�` . � ' thlny whlch wau/d undu/y lmpa/r or deprec/ate the ve/ue af the Tiust Properry and will not sb�ndon ths Tiust Fropnty.Tiustor w!//not r�mav�
<br /> - � # sny//xtuies constltudnq the Tiust Aoperty unless the snme are lmmed/ate/y replaced wlth!!ke property sub/ect to the/len and secur/ty/nterest -
<br /> - �� ` .. ��� of thls Deed o/Trust and o/at last equa!velue end ut/Iity. Tiustor will comp/y with ell present and/utuie oidJnances,ioyulet/ons and
<br />�:'�.;� `� requlrements of ony yovernmente/bady wh/ch are appdcable to the Tiust Propeny and[a the occupancy end use thereof. /f thls O�ed of Trust l.r
<br />-;»�"t�,..M-�� on�unit!n s candominlum or a p/anned unit devalopmen4 Tiustor ahell perform a//of Trusror'a obiig�Uons under the d�clsrotions oi coveninfs
<br /> �� �. crest/np or poveminy the condominlum or the planned unit deve%pmenL the bylaws and reyulallons o!the condaminlum or plsnnsd unit
<br /> _' ��;� developmant, and the conslituent docui»ents.
<br />_ �• 9.lrup�otbn. Beneflc/ery o�!ts egents may,at all reasonablo tlmes,enter upon the Trust Proporry lor the pu�pose of lnspect/on.Beneflclsry
<br /> � shafl have no duty to meke such lnspectlon»nd shell not be lieble to Trustor or to any person in possession!1!t makes or fells to make sny such _
<br /> , -.� lnspectlon. -
<br /> '� f0.Prot�allon of S�curfty. K Trustor/ails ro per/orm eny o/the covenants and aqrsements conte/ned in thls Deed of 7rust,a i/erry acNon or -
<br />` proceedlny is commenced which doos or may edverse/y aHect tho Tiust Propert y or the interest of T�ustor o�Benef/ciary fhorefn or the fide o! _
<br /> ., Tiusfor thereto,then 8ene/lciary,et its optron,may perform such covenents end agreements,make such eppoarances,defend apa/nst and =
<br />� investlyato surh actlon o�praceed/ng and tako such oN�er oct/on ns Benef/clary doems necessary to p�otect its interostlnc/ud/ny,but not/Imlted -'
<br /> to,disbuisemont of reasonable attorney/ees and entry upon the Trust Property to meke repairs.Any amaunte disbursed by Beneliclery puisuent _.
<br /> to this paregreph f 0,wlth interest thoreon,she0 constituto lndebtedness ol Trustor secured by thls Deed o/Tiust Un/ess Tiusto�and -
<br /> Beneficiery egroe to other torms of payment,such omounts she/I be pnyeble upon notico/rom Benef/clery to Tiusta�eques[iny peyrnent thereof, _
<br />; end sha/l bear interest from the date of dis6ursement at the defeult rate,il any,set/orth in the Note,or otherwise ef the hiyhest rate permltted
<br /> - ' by/aw. Nothing co�telned in this pn�egreph sha/I requlre 8enef/ciary to/ncur eny expenso o�tako ony acflon h9ieundei Tiustor inevoceb/y '"
<br /> author/zes end empowers Bene/iciery to enter upon tho Tiust Properry es Trustor's egent and,in Tiustor's neme or otherwlse to perfoim eny _
<br />- end ell covenents and agreements to bo pedormed by Tiustar as hereln provlded.Beneficiary shell,et!ts option,be subropated to any
<br /> oncumbrenco,lien,c/aim or demand and to o//rights end securities)or tho poyment fherool paid or discharged by Benelicie�y under the
<br /> _. � provisions hoiool end en y soch subrogation rights shall be additionel end curr�u/a(ivo security/or this Osed ol Trust.
<br /> 11.Cond�mn�Non. Tho proccods ol any aweid or claim lor dnmeges,direct or consequontia�in cannoction wifh eny condemnallon or nther ,
<br /> fekinp of thd Tiust Property oi eny part thorouf,or Jor conveyanco in lieu of or in enticipetion of condemnallon,aie hereby assigned to and sha!l
<br /> bo paid to Bdneliciery. Tiustor wi//filo end prosocutn,in good fe/th end with duo diliyenco,its c%im lor eny such award or peyrnont,and will
<br /> cause tho samo to bo callocted and paid to Bono/iciary,and,shoufd it/eil to do so, Tiustor/rrevocebly authori2ns and emFoweis Beneficiary in
<br /> [ho namo o/Trustor or othorwiso, to�ilo,prosocute,settlo or compromiso ony such claim ond to co//sct,receipt for and refain the proceods.lf
<br /> Itho Tiust Propeity is abandoned by Trustor,or,altei noNco by Bonoliciary ta Trusfor that the condemnor oNers to moke en aweid oi setHe e !
<br /> � clairn/os dumages, Trvstar Ivrls to re�pvnd to Bone%cirrry wrthrn fhirty 130/days nJtc�tho doto such notico is moilod, Bonolicinry is euthorizod to
<br /> colloct ond opp/y the proceeds in tho mnnnor indicotod hornin. Tho procoads ol en y awnid or cfaim moy,elter doduc[ing on roasonable costs e�id i
<br /> - � oxpenses,lncluding ettorney/oes, which mHy hove been incurrod by Buneliciory in the collection thereo%et thn solo discrotion ol 8enolicinry,be �
<br /> roloased fo 7Yustor,uppliod to rostorotion oI Trust PropnrtV,or vppli�d to tho paymont of the/ndebtQdnoss.Un/ess Beno/iciery ond Tiustor i"
<br /> _ othonviso egioe in wriling,nny such upplicUtion o/piocoeds ta lndnbtodnoss sAnll nof vxfond or postpone the due datoof (ho Nott�or the �
<br /> I pnymont ol any instr�llmen�s celled 1or thoioundor. �
<br /> � Page2of5 I
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