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. �T. •,'�:.'�::� it�� ,• �1 <br /> ..�' .. . _ � .. . 1 <br /> 1 � <br /> , .. . '`` , , f�ri].__—°-. <br /> . � � /_.:�.�1�.'�.�1!'_ <br /> � .,, �;... . . _l�.,t_- - -._.� _ .. _ ._�--.-• . .__�:_3-;. --- — <br /> .� - - � �'�r.':r,"^.'t'a,_,i:^n.Tn.;r ..___ <br /> . h � -. . . ._ .. . ... .. ... . . . .. ' <br /> ` �, �� ' .. ... . . —_ <br /> .. : � .;- 98-- 112�42 - <br /> . �: � - <br /> � LOAN �: 5800068 <br /> �' �`•'• '(�Op�TH6R WiTH all ihe Improvemcnts now on c�reafter ercctecl on tha property,and all easements,appurtenances,and <br /> � � fixturea�naw or I�etr�flex�part of tho property.All rGplacements end additions shall also be covered by this Sccurity Inswment. _ <br /> � AU of tF�c forcgoing la rcftmd to in thi�SccacltY jnstrumcnt as thc"Property:' <br />� � 84RROWBR COVENANTS A�at Borrower is lawfuUy seiscd of the escate hcrcby conveycd and hns the right to grant nnd <br /> '•�^ �� ���y�hO pt�puty md that 1ho�roperty is unencumbered,eacept for encumbrances of record.Borrower warrants and will defend <br /> ,,,� g�ne�py the�f�{p to the prc�elty against all claims end demands,subject to any encumbrances of ra;ord. <br /> .�" THIS SECUklITY 1NSTRUN�NT combines unifrnm covenants for nadonal use and nbn-uniform covenants with limited <br /> vqri�lioes by juri�dktlon w consdwte a ui�iform security insuume►n covering real property. <br /> .*� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowu and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> � ) 1. �'wymat d PriNCipAI wod Iaterest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall pmmpdy pay when duo the <br /> .. . princ{pp�pf'arM intaest on tho debt evidcnced by the Note und any prepayment ond late charges due iu►der thc Note <br /> � � 2. Fuodr tar Tiuca And Itutur�nce. Subjcxt to applicable law or to a writtcn waiver 6y Lendu, Bonower sha11 PaY to <br /> - `•• (,c,�dex on the d�y monthly �wymenl.v are dua under the Note,until the Note ia paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly taxes <br /> , .�':�, ". and asse,�.wnenls wh�Ch tn�y Au�in priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments or <br /> -.�.:' �. `., grow►d renw on tha PropatY,if any:(c) Yeacly hazard or ProPertY insurance premiums:(d)Yearly ftaod insurance premiums�if <br /> ' ' ±: '•l any;(o) yearly mong�go insurance premiums, if any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, ln accordance with the <br /> �`''�w - �xovl+iau of pawgn�sh 8,in Iku uf tho{myment of mongage Insurance premiums.The.ce ttems are called"�scrow Items."Lender <br />-_'�;��,�;_;�`� �naY�et any dme,Golloct rncl hold Funda in an amount not to eaceed the maximum amown a le��du for a Federally related mortBa6e <br /> loan may roquire fcx Borrowa'a escrow account under 1he federal Real Pstate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 as eme�ded from <br /> -'`.:�s�#:�;Kr�'. tirne W Nrt�e. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 26(11 at seq,("RESPA")�unkss another law that►�plies to the Funds sets a le,gser amount.If so, <br /> ``'''`.`".;;:-.. I„ender�ny dmo,colEoct and hold Funds in an amount not to exceal the la�ser emounG Lender may estimato the�unount of <br /> ��:. . <br /> "�'`Yi?=-� Fund�due on the bals of curret►t data�nd rc,a�onabk estimates of expenditures of fuwre Esccow Items a otherwise in accordance <br /> '';e;�;�' with e�pllcAbk I�w. <br /> ��*:�''f''� Tho Furul�stWl be held in en instiwtbn whose deposits are insured by a foderal agency,inst:umentallty.or endry(including <br /> ,�;4�'�4�� or in�n Fcduxl Home Loan Bank.Lender shall epply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. <br /> -;r..�n_,, L,ender,if Lender ia such�n lnstiwtkm) Y <br /> -,,.,��- <br /> -_.=,-,aK, Ler�der may noc chngo Borrower for holdL�g and a�plying the Funds,annualty analyzing the escrow account,or verifying e <br /> -==:�r=����e 8scrow ltema,unlas l.rnck�'p�y� Bortower interesc on rho Funds and applicabla law p�xmits I.enda to make such a charge. <br /> =,�,�r�� However�I.rnder rruY ►equltc Barower to pey a one•t1InC Cl�aigC tor wi lii�c�'ii�"crii T"u'i1 CSG:tC i�.T^r:tlSlg ��i����xi hy <br /> -:.�.:,,;,�;�� I.en�kr in connection wfth thfa le�n, unlces eppllcablo law Provides otherwise, Unless en agroement i� made or applicable law <br />--__--�-'��� m4uires Interat Go be p�ld.Lu►der�iull not bo roquirod w pay Bocrowa any int�crest or eamings on the Funds. Bomowu and <br /> -_�:�:��1 L,uider nwy agroe la wridng�howevu�th�t Int�enest t;hhall ba(x�id on the Funds.Lendu shall give to Bortower�without cher� <br /> ;=�._=rz'� ennwl�croundng of tha Funda,showinB crodiu�nd debits to the Funds end thZ pucpose for which each debit to the Funds wa9 <br /> --_�-_T��1 �.�F��°plp�°d�a�dClidonal�ecurity fa�Il sums socurod by this Security InstcumenG <br /> _-; If�he Fwids hdd by 1.ender oacoed the anwunts Pamiaod co b�held by epFlicable law,L�nd��sliall account to Bocmwer for <br /> __�_ M��,,� the oxcxas Fw�ds in�c�cadanco w��h tho ro9uire�nents of appUcabb law.If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender et anY tlme is <br /> __�.�.._,�m�� not suffkient W p�Y Iho�scrow 11oms wha�due.Lenda mAy so notify Borrower in wridng�and,in soch case Botrowa shell paY <br /> ---_ - to La�da the iunaunt neceasnr�'W meko up tho ckficiency.Bomower shall make up the deflciency 1n no more than twelve monthly <br />—._.��'??�a Peyment�,at l,a�cia's eole diecretkxi. <br /> __.w�-m-�� Upon pRYrt�ent in tuU of�;l suma sxured by Ihia 5exurity Insuuaunt,L,endu sha11 promptly refund to Bo�rower aay Funds <br /> -- ".`�y hoW by I�Aa. If,undtr paa�aph 21.l,enciu shall acqulce or xll the ProP�Y.��'•imor w the�quisition a sale of the <br />—�--"�" prope�ty,atull spply any Funds heW by Lender at the time of ecquisidun or sale ss a crod3t against the sams securod by this <br /> ------ '�' Socurity lnstrumenc <br />— =i�-.�� 3.Applfatia of Paymeaq. Llnkss epplk�bb taw provides ot!►errviso,all payments received by Lendu under pacagcaphs 1 <br />--'-='�;!_:���� and 2 stuill be�pplbd:fust,to snY P�PAYmem churgca due under�he Note:socond�u�amounts payabk under paragraph 2�third, <br /> -�-�'-..��� to intereu dua;founh.W principal duat und ts�st�to eny lata charges due undu the Note. <br /> - 4.C6ar�es:L{ew. Borrowa shaU pay all ta�cw, acsessmen�s�charges�Fvnes and impositions auributabk to the ProP�Y <br /> -`�t,��� which mny atmin prioriry ova this Socurity[nawment,and leauhold peymenGg a ground re,�►ts�if any.Borrower shell pny these <br /> "�-'�*�':r'.. obllgetions ln!he mannu provWed in pxrogtep112,cx ft�not paid in that mannu.Aorrower sha��pay them on time directly to the <br /> ��_��� pe�son owed paymenG Bocrowu shall proroptly furniah w Lend�x all natices of amounts to be paid unda this P�B�Ah. If <br /> `""""'�-`�'- `� Barowa malces tlKSe p►yma�ts diroctly.Borrc►wu yhall prompdy fumish to Lender receipu evide�►cing the payments. <br /> �`'p��'���� dischargc ony Ikn which ha�priority ova•this Sccurity Instrument unkss Borcower:(a)agroes In <br /> �.�„�,�.,�. . Btxrowa slull promPaY <br /> . .�^•. ` wdting to the paymait of the nbllgailcx�sxurod by the Iicn in a manner acceptable tr�Lender:(b)contests in good feith the lien by, <br /> �� �� or defeads against cnforcr,�nau of tho Ikn in,legal procead�ngs which in thc Lender's opinion operata to prevent thc enforcement <br /> , ' �� of d�e lkn: or(c)sxures trom the hoWcr of lhe lien an a�roemer►t satisfactory to 1-ender subordinatu►g the lien to this Security <br /> InstrunxnG If Le�der detemunes that u�Y Pare°f�°�OV�Y�v xubjoct to a lie� wliich mny ausin priocity over this Security <br /> �` Instrument,Lenda may givC Borrowcr a notico itkntlfying thc licn. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or takc one or more of the <br />- � ��'C acdons sct falh abovc within 1Q days of thc giving ol notico, <br />_ �` s,Har�M or Property loawrance. Borrowcr shall kap thc improvcmcnts now exisdng or hercafter erected nn!hc Propcny <br /> _. insw�od agelnst loss by firo, ha•r,ardy incluckd within�hc tcm� "cxtcndcd c�vcragc" and any othcr hazards, including floods or <br /> . 4' floocling,for which Lendu roquires insuranca'fhis insur+mce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the perials that L.ender <br /> • � rcquires.'Phc insurence e;arriu providing tho insurunce�hall bc choscn by Dormwer subject to Lcndcr's approval which shall not <br /> . . <br /> ____'---- • •• -- -_ _ �.��_ ... �_�_._:.. __........� .�..�,..:�,..1 uhnvn (nndrr L.t:nder's oAUO11, obtain <br /> - �--- T-i bc unrcasonably w►[nnaa. lI riOfrDWCr Itu�a w waiawiu w.....b.. ...........,.... _..-'^ ------ -� - <br /> , � coverage to prot,ect l.ender's rights in the I'ronerty in uccordw�ee with puragraph 7. <br /> � All insuranco po�ic:ics and rencwuls shall bc acc.�.pwblo u�I.i:nii�r:u�d shall includc a stnndacd mongage clausc.L.cndcr shall <br /> havc tht right to hold thc policics and rcncwulv. If Lcndcr rcyufres.Uorrowcr shall prompdy givc to L.cnder all rcccipts of paid <br /> premiums und t+encwttl thc cvcm�f luss,�orrowcr shull givc prompt noticc to thc insurance carrier nnd I.cndcr.Lendcr <br /> � I may makc proof of Inss if not mucio promptly by Rorrowcr. <br /> . 1 <br /> Initldf: �� <br /> �� . L 01/07 r�.p��oi c Form 3028 �I�O <br /> (� eH(NE)te4on.ox cH ( ) <br /> _ <br /> i� <br /> � _ _ <br />