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.,,�,,: <br /> ..- ,�'�'!. -- -- - <br /> :�``�. . ... " �(�1 °:�: <br /> •y�lr' �oN'+w r.... . .. .t�.v ,� � . .,.,�.i2�A'.liaL.. , . . � . . � . , - . .. .��d7tM{'� rl• '. _ <br /> � . -...w..r . i . _. . . t .. . ���I���___�, <br /> . . .. . � . . � � �wY'•'`"' <br /> . • 17. Transfor of th�Prop�rty or a B�r�eflclal Interest In Bo�rower. If all or any part oi the Property or �'3'•"'"y` <br /> eny Inlerest In It Is sold ar trenstorted (or Ii a bene0elel Interost In Borrower Is sold or transferred end Borrower Is not a nutural �'�"����- <br /> x..--. <br /> . peraon) withaut Lender's prior wriflen consent, Lender may,at Its optlon, requlra Immediate payment In full oi¢II suma secured by ''` <br /> thls Securlty Insirument. However,�hls optlon shell not be exerclsed by I.ender II exerclse Is prohibited by federal law as of the �--- <br /> dete �f thls Security Instrument. � <br /> If Lender exorclses thls optlon, Lender shall give Borrower natice of acceleretion. Tha notice shell provldo a perlod o1 not - <br /> loss than 30 days irom the date Ihe notice Is doliverod or malled wlthln whlah Borrower must pay all cums aecured by lhis <br /> Securlty Inatrument. If Borrower faus ta pay these sume pMor to the expiratlon of thls perlod, Lender may Invoke any remedles ',,�;.��� <br /> � permitted by thls Security InsWment without turthor notice or demand on Borrower. `�j � ���r. <br /> `�"__ <br /> � 18. Borrowsr's Right t0 Rsinstats. fl Borrower meets certaln condltlons, Borrower shall have the right to have � "��'.="''=--: <br /> ° I enforcement o} this Security Nst►ument dlscontinued at any tlme prlor to the earller oi: (a) 5 deys (or such other period as � �.�. �„�� <br /> � • applicable law may specity farelnattttement) bebre sale ot the Property purauant to any power of sale contalned In this Security ;;1'�`--^' <br /> J��,� ' Inatrument: or (b) entry of e pdgment enforcing thls 3ecurity Instrument. Those condiUons are that Bortower. (a} pays Lender r�ll ��` <br /> ` 6':.-_� <br /> , , �c�y . sumu whlch then would be due under thls Security Instrument and the Note as if no eccelarapon had occurted; (b) cures any �`r-__ <br /> defeult of any other covenanl or agreements; (c) pays all expenses Incurred in enforcing thls Secudty Instrument, Including, but Q ��=�w <br /> � not Ilmlted to, reasonable attomeys'fees; and (d) takes such acQon as Lender mey reasonabty requlre to assure ihat the Ilen of �,�°'�— <br /> ,�..,; <br /> thls Securfty Instrument, LendePs dghts In the Properly and BoROwer's obligation to pay the sums securr�d by thls Secudty ���'�'•`• <br /> ' Inatrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Burrower, thls Security Instrument and the obllgaUons securod � �''-= <br /> ., � hereby shall remaln fully efteGive as If no acceleratlon had occurted. However,this right to relnstate shail not appiy In the case ��_�'� <br /> of acceleratlon under paragraph 17. `�;,, <br /> FM. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loen Servicer. rns Note or a a partlal (nterest in the Note (togother with this =`= <br /> � Security Instrument) may be sold one or more times without prlor notico to Borrower. A sale mey result In a change In the entlty — <br /> (known ss the "Loan Servicer')that coliects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securlry Inatrument. There aiso may <br /> 1; � be one or more changds o1 the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale oi the Note. If there ia s change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower wlll be given written notice at the change in nccordance with paragraph 1A ebove and appllceble law. The notice will �-- <br /> '� state the name and addresc d the new Loan Servlcer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also <br /> y� contaln any other Informatlon requlred by applicable lav�. <br /> � 20. Hazardous Subatanees. Borrower shnll not cause or permft the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of <br /> „� any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall not do, nor ellow anyone else to do, anything aHecting the <br /> Property that Is In vlolation oi any Envlronmontal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not epply to the preaence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of smelt quantitids of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognlzed to be appropriate to nortnal <br /> ��, resldentlal uses and to malntenence ot tha Property. <br /> . Borrower shsll promptly give Lender written notice of any Investigatlon, clalm, demend, Iswsuit or other actlon by any <br /> govemmentsl or regulatory agency c� private party Involving the Property end any Hezardous Substance or Envlronmentsl Law oi <br /> �� whlch Borrower has actual knowtedge. Ii Borrower leams, or Is noUlied by any govemmental or regulatory authorlty, that any <br /> �` removal or other rrmpd!�!Ir.^^f an/ Hazardous Substance aNect(ng Property Is necessary, Bortower shell promptly take all <br /> � necessary remedlal actlons In accordance wlth Environmental Law. <br /> � As used in this paragraph 20,'Hazerdous Substances" are those substances deMed as toxic or heznrdous substances by - <br /> Environmental Lew end the lollowing substnnces: gasollne, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicldes, volatle solvents, materials contalning esbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radloactive materials. As used In <br /> paragraph 20, 'Envlronmental law`meana federal lews and laws of the Jurisdlctlon where the Property la located that relate to <br /> heaith,sa}ety or environmental protection. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender further covenant and agree es follows: <br /> 21. Accsleration; Rsrnsdies. Lender shall give notice to Bor�owsr prior to acceleration <br /> ` following Borrower'e breach of any covenant or agreement in this Seourity Instrument (but nat <br /> prfor to accsleratlon under paragraph 17 unless appllcable lew provides otherwlse). The notice <br /> shall speclfy: (a) the d�feult; (b) ihe actton requlred to cure the defauit; (c) a dato, not less th�n <br /> 30 days from the date the notice Is given to 8orrower. by which the default must be cu�ed; and <br /> � (d) that failura to curo the default an or bafb�e the date speclfisd In the notice may result tn <br /> • acceleratlon ot the sume secured by th(s Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice <br /> � shall further tnform Borrower of the r(ght to relnstate after acceleratlon and the right to bring a — <br /> court actlon to asse�t the non-existence of a default or any other detenso of Borrower to -_ <br /> acceleration end sale. If the default Is not cured an or before the date specified In tha notice, �:-_ <br /> � :��; Londer at its optlon may raquire Immediate payment In fuii of all s�ems r�acured i�y this Securifiy €°"�=—`- <br /> , r Instrument w(thout further demand and ma Invoke the �7�� <br /> y pawer of sale and any ather remedies r::- <br /> �� �' pormlttod by appllcablo law. Lender shail bo entltled to collect all expenses incurrod In pursuing ��°� <br />_ the remediea provided fn this paragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneys' <br /> � feea and costs of title evtdence. <br /> �� . If tl�e power of sale is tnvoked, Truatee shall record a notice of default In each county tn – <br /> which any part of the Property Is located and shail mail cop(ea of such notice in the manner ':;;x�;�" <br /> prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other ersona �°�-""' <br /> p prescribed by appilcable law. -- <br /> After the time requlred by applicable law, Trustoe shall give public notice of sale to the perec,ns `- <br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Truatoe, without demand on Borrower, shall sell ' �"�� <br /> � the Property at public auctl4n to tha highest bidder at the time and place and unde� tho terms <br /> � deatgnated In the notice of sale in ane or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. <br /> � Trustee may postpone edle of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at ths <br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the <br /> ' Property at any sale. <br /> ! Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> deed canveying tho Proparty. The recitals In the Truatee's deed shall be prlma facle evidence of I <br /> J the truth of the staternents made therein. Trustee ahall annlv tha nrocwoda nf tha Qa�o �� •he l__ <br /> . . . . - -� - --._ ... _.._ � __ <br /> ' follnwing order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, <br /> � including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually (ncurred, not to exceed three I <br /> 9'0 of the principal amount of the � <br /> � note at the time of the declaration of default, and reasonable attorney's feea as permltted by law; � <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons � <br /> legally entitled to it. i <br /> 1 F 171Q1MG(1�/) P;���,• A of`, `/'.]]� ) � <br /> fKT7� � <br /> 9rza:s <br />