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,�� <br /> .� � <br /> • �- .. � ''"M' . <br /> . ,, - <br /> � - �.."�'�::. . . . _....... ..:.::....�r..-.�...,_::._..._. _.__. . ....._:.. . . ,,�w _ .--_. _..--- =_ <br /> +..• <br /> ,,: ',.: <br /> ..��.- <br /> . ...... . ..�. . . .. _ _ �-- <br /> E.: <br /> g�- i12��41 '� <br /> ��� . LOAN NO, 1 5 3 9 2 1 8 0 9 9 �. <br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unMorm covenante for natlonal uae and non-uniform covenants wlth �' <br /> � � IlmRed varlations by Jurlsdlction to constftute a unBorm securfty Instrument coverinp real property, �r <br /> j UNIFORM COVENANTS.Aorrower and Lender covanant and agree as follows: :_ <br /> � ' 1,P�yment of P�incip�l�nd IMN'at;Pnp�ym�M�nd I.�t�Gh�ross, Borrower ehall promptly pay when due �� <br /> (�� the prinaipal of and Interest on the debt evklenc e d by the Note and any prepayment and Iste charqea due under the �_ <br /> 9 Note. <br /> 2.Funds tor Ttexes end Inaurana�. SubJect to appllcable Isw or to a wrltten waiver by l.ender, Borrower shall ay �• <br /> to Lender an ti�e day mont�ly payments ere dua under the Note,untll the Note Is pald In full,a sum ("Funds")for: (s� �, <br /> Pe►�Y'�b)Y�NY <br /> � yearly texes and asseasments whlch mr�y atteln prlortty over thla Security Instrumertt ss e Ilen on the Pro , � <br /> leasehdd pnyments or flround rents on the Propeity,M any;(c)yearly hazard or property'Insurence premlums;(d) <br /> �,,�r� yearly 11ood In�urence premlums,M any;(e)yearly mortgage Insurance premlums,If any;and (�any sums payable by _ <br /> a,,,,�,,,.�� Bcrrower to Lender,In eccordence wfth the provislons of paragraph 8,In Ileu ot the payment of mortgage Insurance — <br /> ; premluma.These Items are called'Escrow Items."Lender may,at any tlme,collect and hold Funds (n en amount not to ` <br /> � .i axcead the m&ximum amount a lender for a fede�ally releted mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow account <br /> � under the federal Real Estete Setdement Procedures Act of 1974 ae am9nded from time to time,l2 U.S.C. �2601 et <br /> �, � seq. ("RESPA"),unless snather law that appllea to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may,at any time,cdlect <br /> and hdd Func(s In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.Lender may estimato the amount af Funds due on the <br /> u basls of current date and reasonable estimatea of expendftures of future Fscrow Items or otherwise In accordance wfth <br /> �' applicable law. <br /> � The Funds shall be held In an Instftutlon whose deposfts are Insured by a federel egency, instrumentalfty,or entity <br /> {Including Lendar,H Lender is such an Instftution)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds�to <br /> pay the Escrow Iterne.Lerxier may not charge Borrower for holdtng and applyliig the Funds,annually analyzln�the <br /> eacrow account,or verHyinp the Escrow Items,unless Ler►der pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appllcable lativ <br /> ermfte Lender to make such a charge.However,Lender may requirA Barrower to pay a one-tlme charge far an <br /> Pndependent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender In connection wkh thls loan,unless appllcable law <br /> provides othervvise.Unless an agreement la made or appllcable law requires Interest to be paid,Lendor shall not be <br /> requlred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings an the Funds.Borcower and Lender may agree In writlnp, hovvever, _ <br /> that Interest shall be pafd on the Funds.Lender shall gNe to�orrower,wfthout charge,an annual accounting of the <br /> � Furxis,showing credRs and�ebfte to the Funds and the purpose for which each debft to the Funds was made.7he <br /> Funds are pledged as addftlonal security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funde held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appllcable Isw,Lender shall account to <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accorclance with the requlrements of applicabie law,If the amount of the Funds held <br /> � by Lender at eny time Is not suffic�ent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notHy Borrower In wr�ting, <br />- - -.��. arxi,in sucn ca�d i3o�i�w8i�t'�Sf p�.y fo tssxiar!hs amQ!�nr nae�ecaary eo meke up the deflciency.Borrows�'shall make <br /> � up the deficiency In no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sde discretlon. <br /> Upon payment In full of el!suma secured by thla Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny <br /> ' ' Funds held by,under peragraph 21,Lender shall acqulre ar sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acqulskion <br /> or sale of the Properry,shall applY any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqulsftlon or sale es a credlt against the <br /> `. sums secured by thls Security Instrument, <br /> 3.Applic�tlon of P�ym�nts. Unlesa eppllcable law provides otherwise,all payments recelved by Lender under <br /> ' ' paragraphs 1 and 2 sha�l be applied:flrst,ta any prepayment charges due under the Nate;second,to amounts payable <br /> �� �� under parapraph 2;third,to!nterest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> ' ''' - 4.Char���;Uen�. Borrower ahell pay all taxes,assesameMe,charges,finea and Imposftions ettributable to the <br /> Property which may attain prlority over thls Securfty Instrument,and leesehdd paymenta or ground rsnte,if any. <br /> � -•:�., Borrower shall pay these obligatfons in the manner provlded In paragreph 2,or H not pald In that manner,Borrower shall <br /> _ �_, . . pay thom on time dlrectly to the person owed payment. Bonower shall promptly iumish to Lender all notices of <br /> e <br /> -�-��,,.�.�..,.' amounts to be pa l d u n der t h ls para g r a p h.!i B o r r o w e r m a k e s t h e s e p a y m e n t s d i r e c t l y,B o r r o w e r shall prom ptl y fumlah to <br /> -� .�-.�,.� Lender r�ceipts ev{dencing the payments. <br />.f,��� ,,ya,. • Borrower shall pramptly dischar�e any Ilen whlch has prlority over this Secu�ty Instrument unless BoROwer.(a) <br /> - agrees in wrtting to the p�yrqeht of the obligetion secured by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests In <br /> •• � good fafth t he I le r f by,b r d e f e►Yds a galnst enforcement of the Ilen In,legal proceadin gs which In the Lender a opinlon <br /> operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen;or(�)secures from the hdder of the Ilen an agreement satls#actory to <br /> � �' Lender subordlnating the Ilen to thls Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Pro rty ts subJect to - <br /> . . a Ilen which may attatn prlority over thls S or more of he actlonsnset foRh above with ne10 days of the glvingtof notice. <br /> ,.,. Borrower shall satisiy the ilen or take one <br /> ''�"" ��� 6.H�z�rd or PropKty Insunnce. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now existing or hereatter erected on the <br /> _,..�.,,,,.. <br /> ' "' Property insured agalnst loss by fire,hazards Included wfthin the term'extended coverage"and any other haxar a, <br /> ^ incl��ding Hoods or flooding,for which Lender requires Insurance.Thls Insurance shell be malntalned In the amou�s and <br /> - for the periods that Lander requlres. The Insurance carrler provlding tha Insurance shall be chosan by Borruwer subject <br /> Lendemay,atLencle�'sioptlohn lobtal�n coverage to protect endor6's rights In t'he P operty In e cordance w h�a�ve, <br /> � paragraph 7. <br /> � <br /> ► <br /> NEBRASKA-SINGLE FAMILY-FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT FORM 902!9/�0 <br /> 15C/CMDTNE//0782/3028(9-90)•L PAGE 2 OFB <br /> rn <br /> • � <br />