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Botrow�r 4vill p�y�II t�x��. ��te��ment�,end other charpes ettributeble to the property when due and will defend titlo �� <br /> � � to th�property ry aintt snY clalm�whlch vyqyl�Impdr th�Il�n of thls doad of trwt.Lender msy requlro 9orrower to esdqn any riphts,clalm�or � <br /> dsfen�s�which 8orrower msy h�v��pNMt p�Itl��who�upply labor or m�terlals to Improve or malntaln the property. _ <br /> 3. In�unna�. Borrowu wlll kap th�prop�rty inwnd under tsrm• scceptable to Lender et Borrower's expense end for Lender'� benefit. All �` <br /> , �- Intunncs policle�shdl includ���tand�rd mortp�p�cl�use In(rvar of Unr7er.Lender wlll be named�t losi payee or as the Inaured on any tuch - <br /> Insurence poltcy.Any Insunno�procaeds m�y be•pplled,wlthin Lender'�dl�oretlon,to etther the reetorstion or repalr of the dameped property [ <br /> or to tho cacurod dobt.It Londor roqulrns mortpnpo Ineurnnca,Borrowor epmee to mnlnteln euch Inaurence 1or ae lon{�ea Lendor requirea. � <br /> � "��~�� 4.PtopKty.Borrower wiil ksep the propsny In pood conditlon end make�II�epain reasonebiy necetssry. <br /> ••�""��� 6.Exp�mn. Borrower spne�to pey all Lender'�expm�et includl�g reesoneble ettorneys'feee, it Barrower breako any covenente In thla d�ed _ <br /> , �:��'�� of trutt or In �ny o611petlon secured by thl�deed oi tru=t.�orrower wlll pey thase amounts to Lender aa provided In Covenant 9 of thia deed of _ <br /> truat, <br /> 8.Pdor 9�cu�fty IntKnt�.Unle�t Borrower firot obtelna LendeYs written consont, Borrower will not make ar permit any chenges to any prior — <br />� ' � security Inte►a�te. Borrower will perform�II of Borrower'e oblipatfone under eny prior mortgege, deed of truat or other eecuriry agreement, — <br /> �' inctudinq Borrower's covemnt�to m�ke p�ymente when due. - <br /> � � 7.A�tIpnm�nt of R�nb �nd Pro}k�. Borrower�uipne to Lender ihe renu and profits of the property,Unleat Borrower and Lender heve epreed <br /> �� f otherwlse In writinp,Borrowsr may collect and retrin tha rents�� lonp as Borrower I�not in defauit. If Borrower defaulte, Lender, Lender's <br /> �pant, or a caert appolnted recelver msy take poaes�elon and menage the property and coiiect the rente. Any rents Lender collects ehall bo <br /> a� epplled firtt to the coste of m�nepinp the proparty, Inciudfnp court corts and attorneys' fees, commissions to rentel agents, and any other <br /> , neceesary related expenaes.The remafnlnp emount of rente wlll then apply to payments on tho secured debt as provlded In Covenant 1. <br /> ' 8.L��s�holds•Condomtniums;PIeRn�d Unit DavWopmentn.Borroa•er aprocs to ocmply wlth the pruvirionc of eny leacs If 4his desd ot trust Is on <br /> `� �lea�ehold. If thi� d�ed of trutt li on a unit In�aondominiurn ar a plmnad unit development, Borrower will perform sll of Borrower's dutles <br />_ �" �- under ths covenenta,by-I�ws,or rsguiatiar,t of the condominlum or plaruied unft developmant. _ <br />_ , fl.Authorlty of L�nd�r to P�tiorm for DarowK. If 8orrower falla to pedorm eny of 8orrower's duties under thle deed of truat, Lendor mey <br /> perform ths dutles or cau�e them to bs p�rformed. Lender m�y dgn 8orrower's neme or pay sny amount If necessuy for performance. If any <br /> constructlon on theproperty le dbcontlnued or not carried on In a reasorubie manner, Lender may do whatsvsr i�nececsery ta proteot Lender'� <br /> aecurity intere�t in the p►operty.This may Include completing the construction, - <br /> Lender's fellure to perform will not preclude Lender from exerclaing eny of Its other righte under the law or thia dead of trust. <br />• AnV emounts p�id by Lender to protect Lender'�security Intere�t will be secured by thie deed oi trust. Such amounts wiil be due on demand <br /> , ,�I and will 6ear interest from the date of the psyment untll pafd In full at the Interest rate In effect on the secured debt. <br /> 10. D�fwlt �nd Aee�l�ntlon. If Borrower fall�to make any payment vihen due or breaka any eovenanta under thls daed of trust or eny <br /> � obliyation secured by thia deed of trust or any prior mortpaye or deed of trust, Lender mey accelerate the maturlty of the secured debt end <br /> " demand Immedlete peyment and mey Invake the power of sele and any other remedles permitted by applicable law. <br /> 11. R�qw�t for Not(e� of D�fauft. It i� hereby requoated that copiea of the noticeo of dafault end saie be sent to each person who la s psrty <br /> , ". hereto,at the eddrea�of each auch pereon,ss�et forth herein. <br />-- � 12.Pow�r of SN�.if the Lender invokes the power of sele,the Trustee ahall first record in the ottice of tne rey�ater of aeeCS af each counry <br />- wherein the truet property or eome part or psrcel thereof is situated a notice of default contalning the Information required by law.The Trustee <br /> shell also mall copfe�of the notice of def�utt to the Barrower,to eech person who Is a party hereto, end to other periont ai prescribed by <br />- • epplicable law.Not�ets than ons month aftcr the Trustee records the notice of defeu�t, or two montha if the truat property Ia not In sny <br /> ' , Incorporeted city or villaye end I�uaed in fermirp operatlone carriad on by the truetor,the Truttee shdi yive public notice of�ale to ths peroons <br /> snd In the manner prescribed bY eppplicable law.Trustee,without demend on Borrower,ehall sell the property et public auctlon to the hiphe�t <br />- . bldder. If requlred by the Farm Homeeteed Protection Act.Tru:teo shall offer the property in two separate eates ee required by applicable law. <br /> Trustee mey poatpane eale of ail or any parcei of the property by public announcemont at the time and ptace of any proviously echeduled aale. <br /> Lender or its dealenee may purchaae th�property at any salo. <br /> f.— Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deNver ta the purcheser Truetee's deed conveylnq the propercy.Ths recitlala contained In <br /> ,,� •'. . Truatee's deed shall be prims facle evidience of the truth ot the etatements contalned therein.Trustee ehail apply the proceeds of the cale in the <br /> _ foilowinp order: (a) to all expensea of the sele, including, but not Iimfted to, reasoneble Trustee's feea, reeaonable attorney'a feea and <br /> � rainetatement fees;lbl to ali sums encured by thle deod of truet,and(e)the balance,if any,to the pereons lepally entitled to receive it. <br />� 13.Fw�elosun.At Lender's optlon,thla deed of truat mey be forectosed In the menner provide by epplir,able lew for torecio�ure of mortq�yes <br /> - • on reel proparty. <br />-- _ � 14.Insp�ctlon.Lender may enter the property to inepect it if Lender gives Bo►rower notice beforehand. The notice muat etete the reasonable <br /> _ t . �a. cause tor Lender's Inspectlon. <br /> ' • 16.ConMmrnBon.Bor►awer aeelgne to Lender the�roceede of eny award or claim for damegea connected with a condemrtation or other taklnp <br /> _ of all or eny pert of the property.Such proceeds will ba applied as provided In Covenant 1.Thla assipnment la eubject to the terma of eny prior <br /> aecurity epreement. <br /> —° 18.W�IvM. By exercisfng any remedY avelleble to Lender, Lender does not give u any rlflhte to later use enV other remedy.By not exerclsiny <br /> - — any remedy upon Borrq�aor's dofoutt.Londar dooe not wafva any right to lator conePder the event a default if it happens apeln, _ <br />_.,,, 17. Joint�nd Ssv�rY LI�Wlity Co•slp�xi; Succ�ston �nd Anipns Bound. All dutiea under this deed of trust are Jolnt end eeverel. Any <br /> Borrower who co-signs thls deed ot truat but does nut co•sign the underlying debt Instrumenticl does co only to grent and convey that <br /> � •� • Barrower't interest In the property to the Truetee under the terma of thia deed of truat.In odditlon,such a Borrower aprees that the Lender md <br /> ` � any other Borrower under thia deed of trust may extend, modffv or meke any other cha�ges In the termc ot thle deed of truat or the eeeursd <br /> • a debt wlthout thet Borrower's consent and wfthout releasfng that Borrower from the terms ot this deed of truat. <br /> � The dutiea and benefits of this deed of trust shell bind and benofit the successo►s end ecsigns ot Lender end Borrower. <br />— � 18.NoUc�.Unloaa otherwiae required by lew,eny notice to Borrower shell be given by deliverinp it or by mailing it by certified mall eddressed to <br /> �S Borrower at the praperty eddress or any other eddreen thet Borrower h�s glven to Lender. Borrower will givo any natice to Lender by certifted <br /> meil to Lender'e eddress on pego 1 0}this deed of truat,or to any other eddress which Lender hea designated.Any other notfce to Lender shoil <br /> . be sont ta Lender's eddresc as etetod on pege 1 of thle deed of trust. <br /> Any notica shall be deemed to heve been glven to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner stetod above. _. <br /> 18.7rMif�r of th�Prop�rty or�B�n�flcl�l Intu�st In th�Barow�r. If all or any part of the propertv or any interest in It Is sold or tranaterred <br /> without Lender's prlor written consent, Lentler may demand Immodiate payment of the secured debt. �ender may also demand immedieto - <br /> • ' demendtp�eymonBinrtheeabove eftuationsr if ipes prohlbted by federal lew es of the dateroi this deed lot trust nsferred. However, Lender may not <br /> 20. R�conv�yanc�.When tho obligatfon secured by this doed of trust has beon peid,end Lender has no further obligation to meke advanCes <br /> under the fnstrumente or agroemente securod by thia deed of truat, tho Truetoe shall,upon written requeat by the Lander,reconvey the truat - <br /> property.The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, or to Borrower's successor in interest, tho tn�st deed end the note or other ovidence of the <br /> i obHgetion so satisfiod.Borrower shall pay eny recordation costs. <br /> °- <br /> _ 21. Suca�sor Tru�ta. Lender, et Lender's option, may remove_.Trusteo and appoint a succeasor trustee by first, mafling a,copy of the <br /> �-�'--'�-'��{ subatltution ot trustee as requiretl oy eppiican�e iaw,en0 tt7en,Dy Tittn$tno suostitution oi truatoe ior recurd in[ne viiica oi ine regisier or uonua � <br /> I of eech county in which tho trust proporty,or somo part thoroof,is n�tuoted.The successor trustee,without canveyence uf the property,shaU <br /> ! succeed to all the power,duties,authority and title of tho Trustee nnmod in tho doed of trust and of any ctucr.ossor trustee. <br /> i <br /> fpoge Y ol?I � <br /> . . , DANKENS SYSTEMS.INC.ST CLOUD.MN GG301 It 800 397 73411 fORM OCP MTO NE 8�19•91 <br /> i,. <br /> � ' I <br />