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<br /> � TOClETN�R WITH ull thc improvcments now or herenfter crectc,d un the pruperty, und .dl cuscmcnts,uppurtcnanccs,and r
<br /> :°=•�,'.j�.
<br /> �,��Ja;.�,.` P P� Y•
<br /> •���;� tixtures now on c�rcnftcr u part of thc m rt All rcplacententr tsnd udditions shull ulso be cuvcrcJ by this Sccunty
<br /> '��""'K''' ��• Instn�mcnt. All of'ths forcgoing is referred to in this Securiry instrument us the"Properry."
<br /> ,� ��.-�,
<br /> �;�r+�,�-.= BORI�OW�R COVENANTS thut Rorrc�wcr is luwfully sciscd i�f thc etitutc hcreby convcyal und hus thc riglu to grunt and
<br /> . ,.� convey the Property und thnt thc Pmperty is wicncumbered, excapt for encutnbrnnces of record. Horrower wnrr,mty and will
<br /> defeixl generully the title ta the F'r��{x:rty against a�� claims and detnnndti, suhject to any encumbrnnces of rccurJ. ,
<br /> •� THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�N'f cc�mbines uniform cuvcnunts for nu[innul usc anJ non•unif'c�rm wvcnants with limitul
<br /> � ;�: vuriations by juri�;diction to constitute u uniform sccurity instrument covering rcul property.
<br /> ,�.�;�c_ (JNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowar und Lender covenunt und agree as follaws: .
<br /> _.�.:� 1. Payment ot Principwl and Intert,wt; Prepay
<br /> ment und I,ate Charg�. Borcower shall pramptly p1y when due the
<br /> -...,.�:,;= P P Y P P Y s
<br />:.:,z.����` rinci al of ar�d interest on the debt evideneed by the Notc and an re a ment and latc char es duc under the �te.
<br /> �•;;R��j 2. Fund9�or Tax�s and Insurance.Subjcct to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lendcr, Borrowcr shnll pay to
<br /> _===<=:v.a Lender on the day mond�ly payments are due under the Notc, until the Nate is paid in full,u sum("Fund�c`)��seha dc�aymcnts
<br /> :;.f:s��",�'� and ussessments which may attain priority ovcr this Securiry Instrumcnt as u lien on the Property; (b)y y p'Y ;
<br /> .'°""� or ground rents on the Property, if any; (�)Y�rly hazard ar property insurance premiums;(d)yearly fload insurance premiums, �
<br /> ��?W.:`��1c�
<br /> .�::=�.. if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and (fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> ��� the provisions of para�raph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> �-=75�� L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amount not ta exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> �'�"'-r� related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estere Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> �,,'-s�i►
<br />__=;{;�,'�. 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U,S.C, Scction 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Punds
<br />.;:,�. `�. sets a Icsser an�ount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br />_ � i.ender may estimate the amount af Funds due on the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> �,y--;�•_,•;
<br />'`��;�k�r, • • Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with npplicable aw.
<br /> �_;� The Funds shall bc held in a�� institucion whose deposits are insured by u federal agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ==-'�i (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institution)or in any Federnl Home Loan Bnnk. i.ender shall apply the Funds tn pay the
<br /> --�'''-�� Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyxing the escrow account, or
<br />- -= vcrifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and npplicublc law permits I.ender to muke such
<br /> -- a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent�'es►1 estate tax reporting service
<br /> ��%r'�'�;� used bv Lender in connection with this loan, unicss applicable law provides othcrwisc. Unless un agrecment is made ar
<br /> �,:-��� applicablc law requires intetest to be paid, Lender shaii tloi�c i�yitii�i:.pay Borro::'�r any!!tr�r�ct c,r exrnines on the Funds.
<br /> -- - Borrowcr and Lender may agrec in wrtting, howevcr, thut interest sh�►11 bc paid on thc Funds, Lenucr shaU sivc to Barrowcr,
<br /> � �� without chacge, un annual accuunting of the Funds, shawing credits :►nd debits to the Funds u�id the purpose for which each ,
<br /> =exsn�r�
<br /> =�'�"'�� debit tu ihe FunJs was tnade,The Funds ure pledged us additional security for ull sums secured by this Securlty nstrument.
<br /> ��i+�rs%� If the Funds hcld by Lendcr excccd the amounts permir.tcd to bc hcid by npplicublc law,Lendcr shall uccount to Borrnwer
<br /> �---����-- for the exc,�ss Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable luw. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender ut nny
<br /> a�� time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> -- _ - shnll pay to Lender the amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> � -��m� twclve monthly payments,ut Lender's sole discretimi.
<br /> =-��'^`� Upon payment in full of all sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower �ny
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If,under parugraph 21, Lender shall ncquire or sell the Property,Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale
<br />-- -- of the Property,shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sule as a creciit against the sums secured by
<br /> _--,_�.� this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> -=- - 3.Appdcatton of Payments.Unle�ss applicable law provides othenvise,all payments received by I.endcr under paragraphs
<br /> __=�'�ti"{�° I and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to s�mounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />: .;,,�_-�� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;und last, tu any latc churges due under the Note.
<br /> -�+.�+��� q.Charses; I.iens. Bu�•rower shall pay�aU taxes, assessment�: chargcs, fines and im}�ositions attributable to the Property
<br /> c�-2"�_-�'�^ which may attain priority over this 5cxurity Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if nny. Boivower shall pay
<br /> _,._:�:-�.�.� these obligations in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br />----�=�,;�:r� to thc person owed payment. Bonower shaU promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amaunts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> "��`�� lf Bonower makes thesc payments dircctly, Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencin�the payments.
<br />.—���A�4J•
<br />.��`'�- �� --.�. �� � Borrower shaU promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees�n
<br /> � . writing to the payment of the obligution sccured by thc licn in a manner acccptable to Lender,(b)contests in good fnit��the lien
<br /> � by. or defends against cnforcement of the lien in, legal procccdings which in the Lcndcr's opinion operatc to p��cvcnt the
<br /> " cnforcement of the lien; or(c) secures from thc holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> ' . this Security Instrument. tf�.ender Jetermines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which muy auain priority over
<br /> �� this Sccurity Instrumcnt, Lender may give Borrower a noticc idetttifying thc licn. Borrowcr shall satisfy the licn or take one or
<br /> "��. more of thc actions set forth abovc within 10 dnys of thc giving of noticc.
<br /> t Form 3028 9190
<br /> - - Paqo 2 of 6
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