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• <br /> • <br /> 201 400070 <br /> • <br /> STATE OF Tei a ? <br /> -FM�/� �ss: <br /> COUNTY OF �ti <br /> On this 3� day of 2013, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br /> cornMQn e I d u iif e or in said Courts personally came <br /> ,S HUD R R 'bwn t. the person(s)described in and who <br /> executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Se,r;tary of Housing and Urban Development, <br /> and acknowledged that he/she executed the s.- = as ' er free act and deed.Witness my hand <br /> and notarial seal subscribed and affixed in s ld Cr,u nd State,the date and year first above • <br /> written. • <br /> otary Pu lc / <br /> v <br /> Commission Expires: <br /> ai "!" <br /> e"" CHRISTOPHER M. MARTINEZ <br /> "".'ti , Notary Public.State of Texas <br /> t�g� My Commission Expires <br /> �ini April 01,2014 <br />