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nw <br /> ., ..: . <br /> ... .. �. - <br /> .. . . _..._..___ .'_'/�tYL=.v <br /> �L1f�lE1�3��Y.�..._. .._,_-.-_' . -_____ <br /> -- <br /> � � � - �••ds.... <br /> . ___..._'_.....�.�_J�..� __ ' _-___ <br /> _ __ . __....... . _. ._.._... . .. __._. . _...-__ <br /> ��..i.S .A I � <br /> • � n � <br /> . m x . � ` <br /> tD c� rn <br /> � � � � �� � � <br /> :t � '.; '_i I�.. <br /> � � • � f'*'1 �� r�i ;a <br /> 'N.r, � � j ;�. � �-G �� <br /> � �� F—� r . +� [� <br /> i �'�' � �i � �G1. <br /> ,� i . ,".i QO <br /> a� � ���..` ...� i. ��� H N <br /> A if I 7 : + 3 <br /> �� i ����� � r-- t.. 1V N <br /> � � .. ... .� � <br /> . . , w . . <br /> � � 98-�..�ts�ss � ��+ �.�; � � <br /> . � N °� .�°... <br /> � <br /> 0 <br /> DFED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE AD�iANCES � <br /> *� THIS DEED OF TRUST,I�m�de as o}the loeh dMy of necember ,19 9� ,by�nd�mon_p ,, <br /> /AKA Edwar�. NePPl . �� <br /> theTrustor, � �ppL�/� SINC3L8['BRSON <br /> � � <br /> whas mallinp�ddrese i� ay�s�m isc.�tto x�6eeoa- lherein'Truetor,"whether one or morel, <br /> theTrutue. �oF M'�+i�+� <br /> who�e m�iliop�ddross Is eo eoY s�o noHiew� ere fiee�z _ lhsroln'Tru�t�e"l,�nd <br /> the Beneficisry, <br /> (F1HOM�LM(IH"I� <br /> who�e m�iNny sddrns�Is <br /> FUR VALU/►BLE CONSIDERATION,includiny Lender's extenafon of crodBidentifled herain to <br /> BD NYPPL <br /> �herein•Borrow«', whether one or morel�nd the tru�t herNn cnat�d,th� <br /> receipt of whlch i�heraby�cknowledg�d, Tru�tor hereby IRevocably pnnt�,unaters.conveya end i�:wi�i:.Tiustas,!N TR�!cT,Vy1TN <br /> PDWER OF SALE,for the 6snefk�nd�ecurity ot Lender,under snd aubJertto the term�end cond�tbns hMSlmfter set forth,th� r��l <br /> prop�rty,describ�d w follovw: <br /> ses sscrt�►�rr�cxan c►SxxteiT�►1 <br /> PROPBATY ADDRYSS: <br /> Topethsr with all buildioye,Improvements,fixturss,�treets,�Ileys, psa�9aw�Y�����sment�, riphts, privilpes and aPP�K�M� <br /> IocKSd thereon or in anywlsa pert�ininy thweto,and the rants,iswes md profit�,revenlone snd remalnden thxsof,and�uch pmtonN <br /> propKty th�t b�tt�ch�d to the fr.�provem�nts sa��to conttkute�fixture,Including,but not Iknitsd to,hutfny�nd coolinp syuipm�nt; <br /> and topsiher with the homestesd or ms�it�l intKest�,if �nY� whlch intK�t� xe hsrebV relsaed and w�ivsd� aM of wh�h, fndudfnq <br /> replaeeme�t��nd�idhions thereto, Ie hsreby declK�d to be�part of ths �wl e�t�te�ecured by the Ii�n ot thfe Deed of Trust�nd�11 of <br /> the forepoMp beinp refened tn here�n a[he'Property'. <br /> Thie Deect of Truft shsll secure (�Ithe payment of the principN sum and intereat evkle.�ced by a promissory nnte or credR <br /> epreement d�ted nece�r i o,i�9e ,h�vinp s mnutity date of nece*�er u5 2ooa _� <br /> in the oriyk►sl princlpM smount of t 9s o00 00 _, md sny and MI modfficatbns,extonsion�end renewY� <br /> theraof or thxeto and sny+md�II tuture �dvances a�d readv�nce�to Borrower lor any of thsm fi more th�n onsl hereunder punu�nt to <br /> urn or mare promiswry notss or credit e�yreements(hxeki caMed'Not�"1: (6)the paYment of oth�r sums advancsd by Lend�r to prot�ct <br /> indsbtedntea and obliy�tbns of Borrowerlor�iny'of them if mwe thx�i oeil to Lender wh thertdirect, indkecta�b�olutu or oontfny�nt <br /> ond whather Kisinp by not�,pueranty,overdrah or otherwhe.Th�Note, thh Deed o}Trust�nd�ny�nd dl other document�th�t s�cun <br /> the Note or othsrwisa exeeutnd In connection therewith,includiip withoutwmk�tion pusr�nteef,security preement�rnd assipnmmts <br /> ot leaes�nd ronts,shall be referred to hae(n s�ths"Loan Inetrume�te". <br /> Trustor cownMU�nd�grees with lender w folbwr. <br /> 1.Payn�w�t of k�d�bt�d�»s�.AN Indebtedn�ss aecured ho►sby shYl be p�id when due. <br /> 2,TkN.Truftor Is the owner of the Roperty.hss the right end ruthority to canvey the PropxtY�s^d w�rra�ts th�t the H�n creat�d <br /> t�fos ex�cutb of thisr0eed of Tr stpadrtAs executlons�d delivery olNthle Dead of tuat doesrnot v'bl eMany eo nact or�other <br /> � oWipacbn to whkh Truator Ir subjeet. <br /> 3.T�xa,Mw�ts.To pay befo�e delinquency all toxes,spec�n� estestments a�d ell other chKq�s egsinst the Props�Ey now or <br /> — hereetter leviod. <br /> � 4. Inwr�nc�.To keep the Property Insured againat demage by ffra,hizards, fncluded within tho torm 'extended coveraye", snd <br /> :� euCh other huards sn Lender mey requ+re,In emount�and with compsniea�eceptabte to Lender,nami�9 Lender Ya sn�dditionsl nam�d <br /> ins�red, with bis paysble to the Lende�.In case of bss under auch policie�,the Lender is wthorized to�djust,collect�nd compromlte. <br /> _ . . . . . . .�_..._.._.�___.__..........�..:..,..�i.....�-r nf tM in:urance oroceeds(��to any I�debtt9d�ess�ecured herelsy <br />".� al Clixnf t�areunam a�u oaoa ua.o���o�v�•��• -rr.....-' --�-. . <br />-,l end in euch ordx es Lender may detmm6w, 1��1 to the Trustor to be�sed for ihe repefr or re�toretion of the Property or(inl for�ny oiner <br /> � purpose or object aatiel�ctory to Lendx wichout�tfecting the lien o this Deed of Truat for the tull�mou�t secured hereby haford such <br /> p�Yment ever took plece,Any appButionof proceed�to indebte�nes�sheN not extend or poatpone the due date o!sny p�Y�ts undar <br /> the Note,or cure arry defeuh thxeun�e�or hereunder. <br /> 6.Escrow.Upon writtsn dommd bY�e�d�*,Trustur shall p�y to Lende�,in auch msnner ee lender msy desiqnete,tufficisnt sums <br />� to em�bte Lender to pay �s they beco�ie due one or more of the followfng: ll1 all taxe�, asaessments snd other charpes �p�inst the <br /> Property, lfil the premiume on the propertY insurance required hereunder,nd liii) the premiuma on snV mortppe insura�ce requirsd by <br /> Lender. <br /> � 8. M�t�n�ne�. R�p�ks�nd Compienc�wkh��w�•7rustar shalt keep the Property�n good condition and repsir; shall prompt <br /> repair,or replace eny (mprovement which may be d�maqod or de�troyed;shall not commft or permlt eny waete or deterbration ot the <br /> Property;shrll not remove, demQlish or eubstontlally eiter ony af the improvemente on 4he Property; stiell not commit,suft�r or permit <br /> �ny ect to be done In or upon the Property In vtol�tion of eny law,ordinance, or regulation; a�d ahsll pa� and promptiy discharp�et <br /> Truator's cost and expense ell lien�,encumbrences�nd cherna�levled,lrnpo�ed or assesscd aga!nst the Property or eny part thereof. <br /> NBU457A INwuprieWlvN 0��01 Rfv-t YM7 <br /> O t9ltl Nnia+M Ba+►ol ComrrKU 7�v+t W Sav�+p��s�aunon.��✓.dn.N�b��4 <br />