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<br /> � � conflbts with appl�able iaw, such confllct ehall not nflect other provblons ot this SecurRy Instrument or the Note whbh cen be , „--:fi;;:�--_—
<br /> pHen eHect wRhout the conflfctfnp provislon.To thls end the provisions of thls Securdy Instrument end the Note are declared to •• �_s.��.y:
<br /> be severable.
<br /> 16. Bor�ower's Copy. Horrower shall b0 gben one conformed copy ol the Nole ond ol this Security Instrument.
<br /> 16. Hezerdous Sub�u111CCa. Borrower 6hall not couee or permft the pressnce, use. dlspoael. 6torape, or releese of (n
<br /> 1 eny Hazardous SubstBnCes on or h Iho Property. Oorrower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do, anything aHectinp the ' ._°
<br /> i Property that Is fn vlo4tlan of any Envfronmental Law. Ths precedhp two sentences ehall not epply to the p�eaence, use, or
<br /> I atoray� on tho Propwty ol Rnull qu�ntRw�of Hnr�rdoua Substanc�a lhat �re penerplly recopnued to be approprlete to normai� , __
<br /> resldentlal uses and to mafntenance of the Propaty.
<br /> �M�A, Horrower ehall prompty pN� Lsnder wrRt�n not�s of �ny Inwstp�tbn, c�awn, dsmand, lawsuil or olhor acUon by any� •--.-,�
<br /> ,�,I povornment4l or repulatory ap�ncy or priwti pany Involvhy th� PropMy �nd My H�urdoue Subatanc� or Envkonm�ntd Law of(p ��f,,.. ,-„Y_
<br /> wh�h Borrower h�s �ctu�l knowNdy�. If Bonow�r Iwlma, or Is notilMd by any povemmental or repulatory authorRy, thpt any�
<br /> ' nxnoval ar other remedl�tbn ol any Hazardous Substmc�s �Mectlnp the PropeRy Is necsesary, Borrow�r ahall promptly take all� �_'� ^
<br /> neceaanry remedkl aotbna h ectsordsncs wRh Envkonmsntal I.�w. •
<br /> As used In tAls paraqreph 18,"Harardoua Subat�nces"�re those substances defhed as toxb or hazerdous �ubstences by ` __
<br /> -`.'s,�^
<br /> Envkonmenlel Lew end the folbwhp eubstancas: pesolhe, ksrosens, other tlammnble or lox� petroleum products, toxk .,�: -
<br /> pestbWes end herbfcldes,volatlb ooNents,materials contahhfl asbestoa or fortnaldehyde, end radloaatNe materiels. As used h •. .�:;��
<br /> the peragraph 16, "Envlronmental I.aw" means foderal I�we end law8 of the Juristlictlon whero the Property IS located thnt relate
<br /> to heaRh, satety or envkonmental protection. _
<br /> LNON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender lurther covennnt end apree es(ollows: �
<br /> � 17. Aaaignment ot Renta. Borrower uncondRlonelry assipne and translers to Londer all the rents and revenues of the
<br /> Property. Borcower authorizes Lender or Lender's ayants to coilect the rents end reve�ues and hereby dlrects each tenent ot the --
<br /> ' Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lrnder's aqents. However, prbr ta Lender's notbe to Borrower of Borrowers breaah of
<br /> any covenant or agreement ir. the Security InsWment, Bortower Shea collect and receNe all rents and revenues of the Property _
<br /> t+. as trustee tor the benefft of Lender and Bortower. Thls assfpnment of rents constkutes an absolute asslpnment and not an
<br /> � asslpnment for addltional security oniy. �
<br /> � If Lender gives notbe of breach to Borcower: (a) all rents receNed by Borrower shell be held by Borrower as trustee for
<br /> benefd of Lender oniy,to De applied to the sums secured by the Securky Instrument; (b) Lender shall be entkled to collect and
<br /> ' recehre ali of the rents of the Property; and (c) each tenant of the Property shaA pay all rent6 due and unpaid to Lender or
<br /> � Lenders agent on Lenders written demand to tha tenant. — -
<br /> 1 Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not end wfll not perform any act that would prevent _
<br /> _' Lender trom exerClsing Rs rlghts under this Paragraph 17. �w� _
<br /> �_� Lender shall not be requked to enter upon,take Control of qr mahteh the Property betore or aiter givind nut�:a ot breach i� -�
<br /> ,; Bor►ower. However, Lender or a Judbiaily eppolnted receNer may do so at any tkne there IS a breach. Any appifcation of rents _ _ _
<br /> � ehall not cure or waNe any defauR or Invelidate any other rlpht or romedy of Lender.Thls assiqnment of rents of the Property --- -
<br /> shall terminate when the debl SeCUred by Ihe SeCUrity Instrument Is pald fn fulL F-•.�--..._��
<br /> � 18. Forecloaure Procedure. If Lender requires immediate peyment in tull under Paregreph 9, f- —
<br /> Lender may tnvoke the power of sete and eny other remedies permitted by applicable lew. ;n :
<br /> ' Lender ahall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred i� pursuing the remcdiea provided in
<br /> thia Peregraph 18� including, but not Iimited to, reaaoneble ettorneya' feea end coata of title ��
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power of sale ia invoked, Trustee shell record a notice of defeult In each county in L�
<br /> whlch eny pert of the Property fs located and shetl mell aopiea of such notice in the menner Q:..
<br /> preacNbed by appiiceble law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by eppliceble law. — _
<br /> Aftar the time required by appilcablp law, 'Truetee shatl give public notice of aale to the persona -
<br /> and In the menner preacribed by appitcable lew. Truatee, without demend on Borrower, shall sell __
<br /> the Property at public euction to the highest bidder at the time and plece �nd under the terme _
<br /> � designated in the notice of saie in one �r more parcals and in eny order Truatee determinee. _ _-=- -�-_
<br /> Truatee mey pnatpone aale of etl or eny percei of the Property by publlc ennouncement et the
<br /> " � ttme and place ot eny previoualy scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee mey purcheae the _
<br /> � � Property et eny aele. ��4�A"
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment ot the price bid, Trustee ehall deUver to the purchaaer Trustee'e :ri�'�`
<br /> � deed conveying the Property. The rectteta In the Truotee'a deed shell be prima facie evidence of �,,�. �
<br /> �,: ,c..tt"
<br /> the truth ot the atatementa mede therein. Truatee ahall apply the proceeda of the aale in the - ..<,., •
<br /> � following ortler: (a) to ell coata And expenaes of exercfeing the power of aele, end the sele, '`��°�'�`� '�� �� .-
<br /> :-�r� •�:; .:
<br /> including the peyrnent of the Trustee's fees ectually incurred, not to exceed 3 °� ; `.�,;, •
<br /> ot the principal emount of the note et the time of the declaration of detault, and reasoneble . .a ..�:�
<br /> attomeya' feea aa permttted by lew; (b) to ell auma aecured by this 5ecurity Instrument; end (c) '• ,�;:.�;
<br /> � any excess to the person or persons Iegaliy entitled to it. •
<br /> I If the Lencier's Intereat in thls Security Inatrument is hetd by the Secretary and the Sec�etary
<br /> requlres immediete payment in full under Peragraph 9, the Secr�tary mey Invoke the nonjudiclal
<br /> � power of sete provided in the Single Family Mortgege Forectosure Act of 1994 ("AcY') (12 U.S.C.
<br /> 37b1 es agq.) by requesting e torectosure commissloner deaignated under the Act to commence
<br /> 1 foreclnsure end to aell the Property as provided in the Act. Nothing in the preceding sentence
<br /> � shall deprive the Secretary of any rights otherwise availeble to a Lender under thls Paragraph 18
<br /> :.: �::��!: !�:': -- - ----- --
<br /> � „YY• . . _�.......__..__.....
<br /> � 19. Reconveyance. Upon pnymenl ol all sums socured by lhis Secur��y InstrumonL Lender shell request Trustee to �
<br /> i
<br /> � reconvey Iho Property und Shpll surrpnder ihis SoCUrity �n5trumAnt and oll notod ovidencing debt secured by this ocurAy
<br /> Instrument lo Trustae.Trustee shell reCOnvey the Propf�rty wilhout warrnn[y flnd without ChargU to Ihe por,Gn or porsons 190a11y I
<br /> . entitled to�t. 5uch person or persons shaii pay any recordation costs. �
<br /> !
<br /> F58U-LMa(6/07) V�go d ol 5 �
<br /> ' soa
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