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<br /> , �lb.Dorrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc givcn onc c�nformed copy of thc Notc and of this Securiry Insvument. � --
<br /> 17.Transfer ol the Property or a Beneticlul Interest in Barrower. If ull or any part of thc PropcRy or any intcrest in it is
<br /> sold or transfcrred(or if A bencficial intcrest in Bonowcr is sold ar transfcrrcd and Borrowcr is not n naturalpc rson) without __
<br /> Lcndcr's prior wriucn conscnt,Lcndcr may,at iG9 oPuon,rcquirc immcdiatc pA9m rohibitcd�b f fedcral law as of thY d�atc ofuthls ' _�-
<br /> Instrumcn� Howcvcr. this opdon shall not bc excrcised by l.endcr if excrcis� p Y „_ _
<br /> � Sc�uriry Instn�mem. ' _
<br /> . If l.ender exerciscs this option,L.cnder shall give Borrowcr noucc of aa:elerauan.7'hc notice shall providc a pericxl of noc lcss� I__
<br /> � �,4 than 30 days from�he date the nodce is delivered or mailed within which BoROwer must pay all sums sccured by this Security"+
<br /> ;.��:;..;.
<br /> InstrumcnG If Bortowcr fails to pay thesc sums prior to the expiration af Ihis period,Lendcr may invokc any remedics permittcd � ,
<br /> by this Security Inswmcnt without furthcr noucc or dcmand on Bartowcr. �;`,
<br /> 18.Sorrower's Right to Yteinstate. If Bonower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have'� _
<br /> enforccment of this Security Insirument discontinued at any tin►e prior to ttie earlier of: wacr o s!e contained in ihisSecurits�
<br /> � applicable law may spccify for reinatatomcnt)before sala of tho Property Pursuant to any po
<br /> Instrument;or(b)cntry of a judgmEnt enforcing this Sccurity InsuumenG Thosc conditions are ihat Borrawer. (a)pa�y�s,C�d�r�Y� ___
<br /> ' sums which then woutd be due under this Scxuriry Inswment and the Not,c as if no acceleration had occurred,
<br /> defauit of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but�
<br /> not limitcd w.reasonable attorneys'fces;and(d)takes such acuon ag L.ender rnaY reasonably rcquirc to assure that the licn of this
<br /> � Security Instrument, I.ender's nghts in the Property and Bonower's obligaqon to pay the sums secured by this Security =
<br /> Instrument shall c�ntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security Inswment and the obUgations secured .�.
<br /> ' hereby shail remain fully effective as J no acceleradon had occ►ured•However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in che case of
<br /> acccicrnncm undcrparagraph 17. . __
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;Change of Loan Servicer. Thc Notc or a partial interest in thc Notc {togethcr with this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument)may be sold onc or more times without prior nodce to Borrower.A salc may result in a changc in the endty(known �
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and�his Security InsuumenG There also may be one or
<br /> more changes of�he Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If ihere is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be _
<br /> ' givcn written nouce of the change in accordance with paragraPh 14 above and appGcable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address co which payments should be made. The notice will also contein any other
<br /> � informapon requircd by applicablc law.
<br /> ' 20.l�a�ardous SubRtances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmsence, usc, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythu►g affecting the Property
<br /> �. that is in violadon of anx Environmental Law.Thc preceding two sentences stiall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the
<br /> Property of small quannues of Hazardous Substances that are gcncrally recogniz:d to bc appropnatc to normal residcntial uscs �;�
<br /> and to mamtenancc of the PropertY• —'
<br /> Bonowcr sh�l prompUy grve Lendcr written notice of any invespgadon, claim,demend, lawsuit or other actian by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or pnvace pariy u►vulvLzg the I'ro�:rcy�'.d�nY H���n�c Suhstance or Environmental Law
<br /> of which Borcower has acwal knowledge.If Borrower learns,or is notified by any'go�ve�mm�Bonowcr shryall p omp y take�all
<br /> removal or other remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affectic►B th�ProPeny
<br /> necessary remediel acdons in accordance with Environmental Lew.
<br /> ps used in ihis para�raph 20, "Heznrdous Substances" arc those substances deCmed es toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, othcr flammable or toxic peuoleum products, toxic „
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,voladle solvents,materiels containing asbescos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matcnsils.As used in =_ __
<br /> this paragraph 20,"Enviranmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is locuted that relate �:.
<br /> to health,safety or environmental protection. --
<br /> ��
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANT'S.Bonower and Lender further covenant end agree as follows: --—
<br /> `�'. 21.Acceleratbn;Remedies.Lender shail give notke to Borrower prior tA acceleration tollowing Borrower's breach ot °h�'-
<br /> ; any coven�nt or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prbr to acceleration under paragraph 17 untess _—_
<br /> applicable law provides otherwise).The notice ehall epecUy:(a)the default; (b) the action requircii to cure the detault;(c) —
<br /> A date,not less than 30 days from the date the notke is given to Borrower, by which the default muslt be cured;and(d) --
<br /> that failure to cure the default un or before the date spec(tied in the notke mAy result in acceleration of the sums secured ,�
<br /> , by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property.The notice shall further inform Burrower of the right to retnstate '�=.r,,;°-
<br /> `,�'� after ecceleratton and the right to bring a court action to assert the non•existenc�of a default or any other det'ense ot .�.�����_
<br /> Borrower to acceleration and sale.If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice,l.ender,at its .• ____
<br /> �; option,ma� require[mmediate payment In full of ail sums secured by thtc Security Instrument without further demand .', _ -_; =�_� —
<br /> ' " end may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by epplkable law.Lender shall be entitled to collect . �.r,��,�_��..
<br /> ' sil expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pnragraph 21,including,but nat Itmited to, reasonable ... �
<br /> ' attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. . ,���`��`�
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county In which any part of the ��`��':.: ..„
<br /> � �,��r;.�••.
<br /> • Property is�ocated and shall mail coptes of such notice in the manner prescri6ed by applicable law to Borrower and to the : �.,
<br /> other peraons prescribed by appllcable law.Atter the t[me required by applicstble law,Trustee shall give public notice of :��'�:.'.. ,
<br /> sale to the peraons and in the manner prescribed by appltcable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall seU the .
<br /> Property ut public aucNun to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice ot sale
<br /> Form 3028 9/00 "
<br /> ' �•BR(NH)tea�2t.oi PAqB6018 Inlllp4: .
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