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� ��131�1�� <br /> e <br /> under the Note and this Securit�r �nstrument sha11 be madQ �n U.S. currency. Hov�e�er, if any check or other <br /> instrument recei�ed by Lender as pa�ment under the Note nr this 5ecurity�nstrument is returned to Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender ma�require#hat any ar all subsequent pa�men�s due under the No�e and this Security Ins�rument be made in <br /> ❑ne or mnre of the fn�lovving forms,as selec��d by Lender: �a}cash; (b}mone�order;�c}cerfif�ed check,�ank check, <br /> �rQasurer'S check vr cashier's check,pra�ided any such check is drawn upon an instr�utian�vhose depvs�ts are insured <br /> by a federal agency, instrumentality, or ent�ty; or �d} Electronxc Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts are de�med rece��ed b�Lender vwhen recexved at the�ocation designated in the Note or at such o�her <br /> Xaca��on as ma�be dQsignated by Lender in accvrdance with the no�ice pravisions in Sec�ion 15. Lender ma�return <br /> any paym�nt or par�ial payment if the payment vr par�ial payments are insuf#icient to bring the Loan current. Lender <br /> may accept any payment or part�al payment insufficient to br�ng the Laan current, �vi�hau� �rax�er of any rights <br /> hereunder or prejudice �o its rights �o refuse such pa�rm�nt nr partial payment5 in the fu�ure, but L�nder is not <br /> vb�igated to apply such pa�ments at the time such payments are accepted. �f each Perivdic Payment is appYied as❑f <br /> its scheduled due da�e,then Lender need no�pay interest on unappl�ed funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds <br /> until Borro�er makes payment�o bring the�Loan current. �f Borrovver does nvt da so vvithin a reasonable periad of <br /> �ime, Lender sha��ei�her app�y such funds or return�h�m to Borrovver. If not applied �ar�ier, such funds�i�1 be <br /> applied to the �utstanding princxpal balance under the Note immed�ate�� prior to foreciosure. Na offset ❑r claim <br /> �hich Barrv�ver might ha�ve nvvv or in the futur�against Lender shail re�xe�e B�rrovvQr from making payments due <br /> urider the Note and this Securi�y Instrum�nf❑r perfarming thQ co�enants and agreements secured b�this 5ecuriiy <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as atherwise describ�d in thxs Sectxvn 2, ai� pa�mQnts <br /> accepted and applied b�Lender sha11 be applxed in�he fv�Zowing vrder vf priorify: (a} �nterest due under the Nvte; <br /> (b} princ�pal due under the Nate; �c} amaunts due under Sectian 3. 5uch paymen�s shall be applied t❑each Periodic <br /> Payment in the arder in vvhich xt became du�. An�r remaining amounts sha11 b�applied first�o la�e charges,second <br /> to any other amounts due under this 5ecur�t��nstrument, and then to reduce the princ�pa�ba�ance vf the Note. � <br /> �f Lender receives a pa�ment fram Barrnwer fnr a delinquQnt Periodic Pa�ment �hich Ync�udes a sufficien� <br /> amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied tv the d�linquent payment and the�ate charge. �f <br /> mare than one Perxadic Paym�nt is ou�standing, Lender may app��r an� pa�ment recei�ed from Bvrrower�a the <br /> r�payment af the Per�odic Pa�ments if, and to the extent that, each payment can h�paid in full. T❑th�extent that <br /> any excess exzsts after the paym�n�is applied to the full payment of one or more Per�adic Payments,such excess may <br /> be applied�o any la�e charges due. Voiuntar�pr�payments sha�i be applied first tQ any prepa�ment charges and then <br /> as described�n�he No�e. <br /> Any application af payments, insurance proceeds, or Misce�laneous Proceeds ta pr�ncipa�due under the Nv�e <br /> sha��not extend ar postpone the due date, ❑r change the amount, ❑f the Peri�dic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. B�rrovver shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Paym�nts are du�under�h� <br /> Nate, unti�the No�e�s pa�d in full, a sum �the "Funds"} to provide for pa�ment of arnounts due for; (a} taxes and <br /> assessments and ather items vvhxch can atta�n priority o�er this S�curity�nstrument a5 a lien or encumbrance❑n the <br /> Proper�y; �b} �easehold payments ar ground ren�s an the Prvper�, if any; �c} premiums for any and a1I insurance <br /> required by Lender under Section 5;and�d}Mortgage insurance prQmxurns,if any,or any sums payab�e by Bnrrower <br /> t❑Lender in lieu�f�he payment vf Mvrtgage Znsurance premiums in accardanc�with�he pro�isions af Section 1�. <br /> These it�ms ar�called"Escraw Items." At arxgination or at any time during the term af the Laan,Lender may requxre <br /> that Commun�ty Assaciatian Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if an�,be escrowed by Borrovver,and such dues,fees and ` <br /> assessm�nts shall be an Escro�I�em. Borra�rer sha�1 promp#1y furnish�o Lender al�na�ic�s❑f amoun�s ta be paid <br /> under this 5ection. Bvrrower sha11 pay L�nder the Funds for Escrovv Ztems unless L�nder �rax�es B�rrawer's <br /> oblxgatian to pay the Funds fvr any vr ail Escrvv���ems. Lender may v�raiWe BorrovWer's obligation t❑pay t❑Lender <br /> Funds for any or aIX Escrov�Items a�any time. An�such v�raiver may on�y be in writing. �n the e��nt❑f such waiver, <br /> Borrower sha11 pay directiy, �vhen and where payab�e,�he amounts due far any Escro�nr Items for�rvhich pa�ment of <br /> �unds has been`rvaived by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha�i furnish to LQnder receip�s ewidencing such payment <br /> v�ithin sueh time per�od as Lender ma�require. Borro�er's ob�igation ta make such payments and to pro�ide receipts <br /> shall fvr a�1 purpases be deemed�a be a ca�enant and agreement contained in thxs 5ecurit�Instrument, as the phrase <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Famiiy--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM IN5TRUMENT-MERS a������� o <br /> Fvrm 3�Z8 �!�� Page 4 of�5 www.docmagic.corr� <br /> Ne3Q2$.rr�d.xml <br />