� ��131�1��
<br /> ,
<br /> {E} "MERS" is Mortgag� Eiectran�c Registratian 5�stems, Inc. MERS is a separa�e corporation that is actxng
<br /> sal�l�as a nnm�nee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary under this Security �
<br /> Ins#rumen�. MERS xs organized and exis�ing under the�av�s af Delavvare,and has an address and�elephane number
<br /> of P.�. Bnx���fi, Flint, MI 485�I-��ZG, te�. (888} 679wMER5.
<br /> �F} "Note" means the promis�ory note signed by Barrov�rer and da�ed D E C E MB E R 2 4 r 2�13 .
<br /> The Note states�hat Borro�ver o�es Lender T�� HU N D RE D E I GH T Y—F I`TE T H�U S AN D S I�
<br /> HUN DRE D AN D ��/1�� Dal�ars �i).S. $ �8 5. 6�0 . �� } p�us in�erest.
<br /> Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periadic Payments and �o pay thQ deb� in fu11 no# �ater �han
<br /> JAN UARY 1, 2�4 4 .
<br /> �G� "Property"means the prvperty that is described below under the heading"Transfer of Rights in the Praper�y."
<br /> �H� "Loan"means the debt evidenced by th�Note,plus interes�,any prepaymen�charges and late charges du�under
<br /> the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument, plus xnterest.
<br /> �I} "Riders"means a�l Riders�❑this 5ecurity Instrument that are executed by Barrower. The fol�ov�ing Riders are
<br /> to be executed by Borro�er [check box as app�icab�e]:
<br /> [] Adjustable Rate Rider � Planned Unxt De�eXapment Rider
<br /> � BaXloon Rider [] Bivveekiy Payment Rider
<br /> � 1-4 Famil�Rider [] 5econd Home Rider
<br /> [] Condominium Rider � �ther(s} �spec�fy]
<br /> (J} "Applxca�le Law"means a11 cantraliing applicab�e federal,sta�e and�acal statutes,regulatians, ordinance�and
<br /> administrati�e rules and orders �tha#ha�e the effecf of Xa�r} as well as ail applicab�e f�na�, non-appeaiable judic�al
<br /> apinzans.
<br /> (�{� "Commun�ty Associativn Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means�li dues,fees,ass�ssm�nts and other charges
<br /> that are imposed on Borrvv�rer or the Proper�y b� a condomin�um association, homenvvners associat�on or simi�ar
<br /> organization.
<br /> (L} iiEle��ron��Funds Transfer"means any transfer of funds, other than a transactiQn originated by check,draft,
<br /> or similar paper ins�rument, which is initia�ed�hrnugh an��ectronic termxnaX, telephonic ins�rument, compu�er, or
<br /> magne#�c tape so as�v order, instruct, or authorize a f�nanciai ins�itution to debit or cred�t an account. Such�erm
<br /> includes, but is nat iimited to, po�nt-of-sale �ransfers, autama�ed teller machine transac�ions, �ransfers xnxtia�ed by
<br /> telephan�, �vire transfers, and automated c�earinghvuse transfers.
<br /> �M} ifEscraw Items" means those it�ms that are described�n Section 3.
<br /> �N} "Mxscellaneous Proceeds"means an�compensation, settiement, avcrard of damages, ❑r proceeds paid b�any
<br /> third party �other than insurance prac�eds paid under the coverages described in Sectivn 5} for: �i} damage to, ar
<br /> destruction of, the Prapert�; (ix} candemnatian or other taking of ail❑r any part of the Praperty; (iii} conve�ance in
<br /> lieu of c�ndemnat�on; or �iv} misrepresentations of, ❑r amxssions as ta, �he�aXue andlar conditxon of the Property.
<br /> �C]} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of,or default on,the Loan.
<br /> �P} "Periodrtc Payrnent" means the regularly scheduied amount due for�i} princ�pal and xnterest under the Note,
<br /> plus �ii} any amounts under Section 3 of this 5ecurx�y�nstrument.
<br /> �Q} "RESFA" means�he Rea�Estate Se�tlement Pr�cedure�Act ��� U.S.C. �260� et seq.} and ifs implementing
<br /> regu�at�on, Regu�ation� (1� C.F.R. Part 1024}, as they maght be amended fram�ime ta time, or any addi�ional vr
<br /> succQsspr legisla�ion or regulati�n that go�rerns the same subjecf mat�er. As used in th�s Security Ins�rument,
<br /> "RESPA"refers t❑ai1 r�quirements and restrictions�hat are imposed in re�ard to a"federally re�ated mortgage�van"
<br /> e�ven if the Loan does nat quaX�f�as a "federally related mortgage�oan" under RESPA.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac LJNfFDRM INSTRUMENT-MERS Do��lrlac�lc
<br /> Form 3�28�1�� Page�v��5 www.docmagic.cam
<br /> Ne3Q28.mzd.xml
<br />