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. . , <br /> , ., <br /> --...._;n,► . . <br /> ....... ...._.. <br /> .� ..- -- -- =_ <br /> - " . . . �A � .. �,.. <br /> .. .. � . � _' . . . . ��• ,1'Ii3'"""i'•�...� <br /> . . <br /> ...__...... _.._.. . - <br /> ._ . � � . . . ... . � '�' ` �.___ <br /> � � <br /> I17. Transfar of tho Propertyr or a Bonoficlal InterASt In Borrower. Ii au or eny pert �f the Property ar ;,�rr�r= _: <br /> 1 •- � any Interest In it Is sold or trensterted (or If e beneflclal interest In 6orrower Is sold or transferred and Borrower Is not a naturai ;`�n�^'-`_ _ <br /> ..�h.-.r�... <br /> person) without Lendar's prior wriqen consent, Lender may,al Its optlon, requlre Immediate payment In full of ell sums secured by y���;,:�` <br /> thls Security Instrument. However,ihls optlon shell not bo nxerGsed by Lender il exercise Is prohiblted by lederel law as of the ' � <br /> dato of this Security Inslrument. � <br /> II Lender exerclses ihls option, Lendar shall give Borrower notice o1 eccelerntlon. The notice shall provlde a perlod ot not I -- <br /> Iese than 30 days fram the date ihe notice Is delivered or malled withln which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this � <br /> ' Securily Instrument. If Borrower fa�s to pay these sums prior to the expirallon oi ihls perlod, Lender may invoke any remedles � <br /> permitted by thls 3�curlty Instrument wlthout lurther nolico or demand on BoROwer. � , ;� <br /> 18. 8orrow�r's Right to Relnetate. il Borrower meete corteln conditlons. Borrower nhall heve the right to heve � � <br /> nntorcement of thls Security Instrument dlscontlmi�d nt eny time prior to the earlier ol� (a) 5 days (or such other period as � <br /> w�,. appllcabla lew may specly for relnstatement)befor9 sale of the Property pursuant to eny power of sale contained In this Secudty <br /> " ,� Instrument: or (b) entry of a Judgment enforcing ihls Security Instrument. Those conditlons are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all � _ <br /> suma whlch then would be due under thls 3ecudty Instrument end the Note es if no acceloration had occurred; (b) cures eny ��.:� <br /> . ,,;�,.:—. <br /> defaull o} sny other covenant or agreements: (c)pays ail expenaes incurred In enlorcing thls Sewrity Instrument, Including, but � '°�= <br /> not Ilmlted to, reasonablo attomeys'fees; and (d)takes such actlon as Lender may reasonably requlre to assure that the Ilen of ��'' <br /> �x;< <br /> thls 3ecurity Instrument, Lender's dghts In the Property end Borrower's obligatfon to pay the sums secured by this Securiry ' .; ,, <br /> Instrument shail contlnue unchanged. Upon relnstetement by Borrower, this Secudty Instrument and the obligatlons socurod � �" `� - <br /> , hereby shall remaln lully eHective es If no ecceleratlon had occurred. However,thls right to relnslete shail not apply In the case , __- <br /> oi accelerallon under paragreph 17. � <br /> .�� <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. 7ne Note or e e partial interest fn the Note (together wilh ihls _ <br /> Sacudty Instrumenq may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale mey rasult In a change in the enpty ` <br /> (known as the 'Loan Servlcer') that collects monthly paymenta duo under the Note and thls Secudty Instrument. There also may - <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Senicer unreleted to e sale o} the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower will be givon wdtten notice of the change in accordance with peragraph 14 above and appllcablo law. The notice will <br /> state tha neme and address of tlie new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wlll also ' <br /> conteln any other Infomtetlon requlred by eppllcable lew. - <br /> � 20. Hazardous Substanaes. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dlsposal, storege, or release of , _ <br /> any Hazardous Substances on or In the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do, anything aflecting the <br /> Property that Is In vlolatlon of any Environmental Lew. The preceding two sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substences that are generally recognized to be eppropriate to normal •_ <br /> resldential uses and to msintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shell pramptly glve Lender written notice of any Investlgation, clalm, demand. lawsult or other ection by any <br /> �• govemmental or regulatory agency or private parly Involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmental Law oi = <br /> which Barrower has actual knowledge. If 8ortower laams, or Is notifled by eny govemmental or regulatory authority, that any <br /> ♦� removal or other remedlatlon ot any Hezardous Substance eMecting PropoAy is neceasary, Borrower shell promptly teke all <br /> �Z necessary remediai acttons m accoraence wiih Environmeniai Law. 4 <br /> '� As used in thls paragreph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> , ,' Environmental Lew and the to�owing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other 1lammabie or toxic petroleum products, toxlc <br /> pesticides and herblcides, voiatHe solvents,materials conlalning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radbective mate�lals. As used in <br /> paragraph 20, 'Envlronmental Law' means federel Iaws and lews of the Jurfsdiction where the Property fs located that relata to �_ __ <br /> .t � heallh, satety or envlronmental protectlon <br /> i NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Borrowor and Lender turther covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ��� 21. Acceleratlon; Remedtes. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration <br /> � following Horrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in thia 5ecurity Instrument (but not _ <br /> � , pr(or to accoleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwisa). The n�tice <br /> ` shall specify: (r) the default; (b) the Actlon requlred to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than <br /> �' 30 daya from the date the notice la given to Borrower, by which tha default must be curod; and <br /> � (d) that fallure to cure the default on or before the date specffied In the notice may result In <br /> acceleration of the suma secured by thle Securfty Inst�ument and selo of the Property. The notice <br /> � shall fu�ther inform Borrower of the right to retnstate after acceleration and the rlght to bring a <br /> court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defenae of Bqrrower to <br /> �k, accelarAtlon and sale. If the default ie not cured on or bafore the date specified In the notice, — <br /> � _ Lender at Its optlon may require Immedlete payment in full of ail eums socured by this Securtty :��"- <br /> : . �� Instrument without fu�ther demand and may tnvoke th� power of sale and any other remedies _ <br /> „ permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing � <br /> _ the remedles provided in this paragraph 21, including, but not Iimited to, reasonable ettorneys' —� — <br /> fees and costs of title evtdence. ,.��- <br /> _ If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shalt record a notice of default In each county in •��':`-'=�.`'! <br /> - whlch any part of the Praperty Is located and shall mail coples of such notice in the manner '�`E4°���---_ <br /> , prescribed by appllcable law to Borroon►er and to the other peraons prescribed by applicable law. ' �f'.��`';;.,.�- <br />- After th�time required by applicAble law, Tructee shall give public not(ce of sale to the persons • - •� :"_ <br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demartd on Borrower, shall sell '�:"~�- <br />- . the Property at public auction to the hlghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms .. <br /> ; designated In the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. , <br /> � , Trustee may postpone sale of atl or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the • <br /> " titeie ond place of any prevlously scheduled eale. Lendor or its designee may purchase the <br /> Properly at any sale. <br /> ' • Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> deed conveying the Property. The recitals in the Truatee's deed shall be prima facle evidence of � <br /> .. . .. � .• . . . • •• _�.. � _�__ _t._�• __��.. �L_ '..____J_ _t �L_ __�_ I� �L� _'-'._.___' <br /> tne trutn UT iI19 s[atemencs tiliiOtl Iiltl�tlu�. 1►Ui�ltltl �nnn nF►N�y u�v Fsr�wova v� u�o aa�o m aw r - -- <br /> _ following order: (s�) to all costs and expenses of exerc(sing the power of �ale, and the sale, � <br /> = including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed three � <br /> - % of the principal amount of the � <br /> note at the time of the declaratton of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security lnstrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> legally entitled ta it. <br /> , <br /> /..� <br /> - . ..//� , I <br /> -. . �tiv�LM�t iLV;i ��.w�. � ..i•, v �/� � � <br /> i <br /> •�!t fn <br /> � I __ <br />