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3 201310067 <br /> EXHIBFT <br /> A intct of land comprising a part of the East Half of the the Southeast � t Quarter (E1/15E1/4) and a part of <br /> North, Range Tea (10) West of the 6th P.A-L, In Hall Comity, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br /> Quarter of the Northeast Quarter SE / E 4 SetUa <br /> follows: Beginning at the southeast comer or said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (Elf2SE114); <br /> them running wrsterly along the south line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (EIASE1/4), <br /> on an Assumed <br /> - - 9°S 33 dista Seven Hundred Eighty Four and Eighty Three <br /> south line of said East Eight and Forty Four Hundrotiths (53-&-40 feet,Halt of the Southeast Quarter ceigsm/4), a distancv of Five Hundred Thirty <br /> Southeast Quarter (E112SE1./4); timAct running NOO*34-1PW along the west line of said Ewst Half of <br /> to the sou Est corner of said East half of the <br /> th_ /- / , distance of Two Thous Six Hunk . Fo • Eight and 'An Huadredths <br /> point also being the southwest cnu of said Soutlteast Quarter Northeast Quarter <br /> Quarter S /E f4, a &Wire of One Thank. Three Twenty_ (1325,71) � to the nom comer of said South�st Quarter <br /> - Northeast th � rimes � !U' --- along or the Northeast Nine - / � 4, �� ce o n-Thnusan � Hu _ - f Three and Ninety <br /> point being liundmIths (1243.99) feet,to a point ott the Nmtrrly right of way lint of US, Highway-Sixty Quarter fed west or the northeast � of said �� i Northeast <br /> NO. 2-8; a distance of One Thousand iNivo Hundred randy Two and Thirty Eight Hundredths 029238) <br /> /4), thatce running SO PE along the Vresterly right of way line of 1t <br /> feet, to a paint Slay Nine and Seventy Seven H-undredths (69,71) feet west of tiv east litm of said <br /> SOutheast Quarter of the Northeast Quartrak (SE1/4NE114), said point also being the northeast corner <br /> of CranoNiew Subdivision a distance of Two Hund;ed Twenty and Five Hundredths (12045) feet, to the northwest corner of <br /> thence rwirdlig 9 S3'W, along tht north line of Crane-View Subdiviiion,Crane-Vi <br /> Crane-View Subdivision; thence muting 800424'474E, along the west line of Crane41.ew Subdivision, a <br /> distauee of Four flundrrd Sixty and Three Hundrethhs (460,a3) feet, to the southwest corner of <br /> CraneAlew Subdivision; thence running NST01109%, along the„ south' tine of Crane-Flew Subdivision, <br /> a distantt of Two Hundred CraneMew Subdivision and to a point Seventy tile and Twenty Three Hundredths C7113) feet Nftgt of <br /> Twenty and Scent Runde (2.20_17) feet, to the southeast corner of <br /> the east line of said eut westerly tight of way litie of U.S. Highway No. 2431; thence main SOU°00'34*E, along the westerly tight <br /> Half of the Sou (E1 EI 4, add point also being on the <br /> of way line of iLS. Highmuy No.281,a distance of Six*f Pour and Six Hundre4ths (4-1,06) feet, to a point <br /> Smoty One and Niutty Hundredths (71.90) feet wtst at the east tine of said East Half of the Southeast <br /> Quarter (Eit2SE1/4); thence running SCCI5'46wE, aiung the westerly right of way line of US. Highway <br /> No. Ulf a distance of One Thousand Thrft Hundnd Thirty Eight and Sixty Five Hundredths (133845) <br /> feet, to a point Eight-1 and Ten Hundredths (81U) feet west the eas.t line of said <br /> We Hundredths 1 ; titmice running 8789°0414M, distance _ Httndred Five and Hundredths (n7.20)feet to the Actual point of Seventeen and <br />
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