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"'� �:.: + ' + l � �' rv -.i ..� _' <br /> � F-+ — <br /> ' `"r'� ; � � \,�� � m � � — <br /> � a � � . � � -,�L7 n -. <br /> . , . � � � ' j n �� 3 rn O � <br /> � � � � � � <br /> � • .� � f�.,a � rr <br /> .� � � � � � -= <br />- ,�,�,�1'�.'�r,� • °`� I � 7 C –�.1 N �� <br />����w� � � N <br /> � <br /> , � Commeraial Fedoral Bank,F'.0.Box 1103,Coneumer Loena,Omeha NE 88101.Brenoh phone number _____ _`_ <br /> --------� ----------------------------------------------------------�-�;--s��ia�____ � <br /> Sp�ce above thia line for recoruinp data. <br />-- �� Cornm�sl ��r. �1{�y►�g9 MORTGAGE - Collateral <br /> � � Fadrrsl�snk Real Estate Mortga�e ��- <br />- � �. <br /> : • Naturo of ind�bt�dnus Lo�n Anwunt Maturity Dste Initi�l Intenst Rate <br /> '. Conaumerloen 16,887.31 12/2�/Oa 8.250 <br />� .� _ t. �nd D4tPFN F�O�i�'2� , � <br /> horeby piva Commerciel Federal Bank,s Pederol Savings Bank('Commercisl Fedsrol').whox eddre�a ia � � � 1103 <br /> �,T�l� I� 68101 �martpape,with potnrer of sals,o(the toilowinp property topether with all fmprovemanu now a <br /> ' here�fter erected on the proparty.and sll eaaemsnts,riphts And sppurtenances theroto: <br /> . LO►P RT�I'PY I�t�E(29��!T�QO[�T�,Me�•� � <br /> . TI� CITY OF C�it�it�D . <br /> '� I}mors than one person�iGm this Mortgepe,the word'1'mean�'we.' <br /> � __-_-- _ Tbiw Mong�ge eeeures s Iwn made by Commarciel Fedenl svidenced bx: <br />- A nots dated ths same d�te as thi�Mortpape m ths amount of S i�����.�Z _ .:•.'th fnf�te!t at thw initial rate af 8- -�_% <br /> " per ennum,conteimtha tertns iw repayment oi that Iwn.If that note i�ever ehenped or repluod hy a new nate,itwill 6e s�eurod by this Mortp�ps. <br />�.,,k,,,.�.,. '.- I prombe th�tdlowiny lhings: <br /> �,' ! 7. All paymenu on�ny note or other debt eeourod by thi�Mortgepa wiii be paid when dus. <br />�- . 2. M Insunnce poliay fa firo end extended coverope will be kept(n forae on the properry f n en amount at leatt squal to the debta secursd by ihi� <br /> �' �j . Mortg�ps plu�any other mortpeQes liated in pangroph 6 6olow.The inaurance company must be eatistactory to Commerciai Federal,and <br /> � T ;;,T., Commsrcisl Fedenl will be a named inaured on the policy. <br />=h 3. All taxw and�saxosmenU on the property wili Bs pald betoro thsy bxane deiinquent. <br /> �;3 4. No waste will be committud on the property,and it wili be kept in qood ropsir. <br />.�� • 6. Ths property will not be aold (includinp by land comrwt),Iensed,ond no interoat i�it will be assiyned in any way. <br />-•;�.•v,,•; •i�}{ [l�'f#�IGl7(+�1T, - <br />;y��;J�,�';"'� B. I own the propsrty froe and clear of any other rtartpapas a encumbranees EXCEPT <br /> .�,x�r•. ,�•�.- <br /> .��•t•' •��� 7. No othx matgspe w lien on the property will ever be aliowed to 6e in detault or be foreclosed. <br /> . �. <br /> If any of theae promisea�re not kept.then Commercisl Federal can deciare ell oi the debt immedietely dus�nd psya�le without sdvancs notics. <br />�;;2�'� Excoptions may be roquired by law.The intare�t ryte will increase to 18.0096 a any lesser o}Ihe maximum rate�Ilowable by Isw nt that time,�nd this <br /> mortgaps can be toraa�osed in aecordance with appiicable law.Ii the debt fa accelaated,then I also euipn eny rent or othx income from ths property to <br /> , Commxcid Federal.THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THIS CONSTITUTES A COLLATERAL REAL ESTATE MORT6AGF.PURSUANT TO SO.DAKOTA C.�Lrt4�2G <br />:� (FOR S0.DAKOTA HESIDEM'S ONLV). In the event of any defauit in the makinp of eny payment or in keepiny any cove�ent heroin,thi�Mortpip Y_ <br />- forecia�d by action,or by advertisement as provided by statute or ths rulea ot praatice rel�t�nq thereto,end thia parapreph shsil be daaned as�uthorivnp end <br /> J' T conatitutinp a powvr of sale as mentioned in said atetute or rules and eny amendment tharotu,end mey rotnin etatutory costa end ettomey taes(SD.WY.MN, <br /> '"' OK,end MI roafdeou aily). <br /> ,�' Cortdn smounts can be paid by Commercfel Federel and added to the debt secured by this Mortgepe.Including any taxas or insurance I hew spreed to <br /> � pay but f�ii to,any ettomey tees or eourt expenaes Commerciat Federal psys i(it is made a perty at any Iepai aotion brouyht by somenne elsa concerninp the <br /> properry.end eny ettumey teea or court expenaes which the lew mipht ellow if Commercial Federel hes to po to coun epainst me to collsat the debt or <br /> forxlow thia mortgaqe.Ii any of tNeae thinga happen,then the edditional debt will eccrue intereyt at the same rate aa the reet oi the debt end must be paid - <br /> Irrunedfately. - <br />'" '' � Ii thia proporty ia evar condemned under the power of eminont domain or eny nimilar method ot tekinp propsrty tor publia u�e,any prxeads o}the t�kinp _ <br /> � will be paid to Commercial Federel up to the full amount of the debt axured. <br /> Bonower waivea ell right of homestead exemption in the properly and future waivea all ri8hte ot redomption,exemption,distributivo ahsro nnd dower. - <br /> � Notic�to Bortow�r(for Oklahom� �o ): A w�r ot od�h��bwn nnt�d in this MoR �. A w�r of��I�ma +Itow tfi�Mo � •to t�k�th� <br /> ' mo ap ProP� �� �� w u o n aou �n a ono osur�• •�u orrow�r un �r s o • �. <br /> � �6/97 RI�ID�Y F�O�,I�AI�D �°°'�-F'c�• ��-�--- <br /> Todny'e Dnto Borrower's Typed Name orr r s Signawro � <br /> � � '���� ^_ �_�.1� <br /> _ -�4-� �,��i <br /> Borrowor'a Typed Name Borrower s Sipnaturo j <br /> I .� coon� � <br /> . _._ _ . .. - i 49U4 �!'l.LL t,attALWI i�7�Lt-1LVi� a�rs vvvv� _. <br /> ' � Borrowar's Addroaa ' <br /> STATE OF I� 1 <br /> = � ) sa. <br /> COUN71'OF HAI�I+ 1 <br /> , p 16`� day ot D� � .�y 97 .bafora mo.a notury public in nnd for snid co�nty, porsonnlly camo <br /> , R��j� a� ��f � to mo known to bo tha idontical parson or porROna whosu <br /> � nemo ia or nro nNlxod to tha nhovo mortgoqo,nnd thay,ho/sho/thoy sovornlly ncknovNadpad tho smd inatrumant and tho oxocutior�tharoo(to bo thmr <br /> volur.tnry oct ond dcod. <br /> � WITNESS mq hand a d �y�(y�^�'�°=�1i°Y�on obovo. ��N r/ � �/l <br /> . � My commisaion oxpiros: f�FkfN�l 1lOTF��y$12iD 0��:+_��^a .� �,L(!L�'. __��t'�ll� <br /> , $ f�ICEK.SIC•��� � NotnryPubhC'6Siflnnturn DN-1077 (07/97) ; <br /> NE-IN-WY-IL-SO -��',��xP.Jan.2a,1:`�e'• <br /> .... I <br /> ne�xa�ar.-....r�-.w�.w+nvw���r',.•".'+ <br /> I <br />