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<br />�":.. � . �� Commeraial F�daral Bank,P.O.Box 1103,Consumer Losns,Omehs NE 88101.Brnnch phono numbsr _______`___
<br /> - -------------------------�--- --- s —S33A��'--
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<br /> :;:,� Spics�bow thfs lin�tor recordinp dau. � —
<br />�` �' �m�'�� g?--:�i�'788 MORTGAGE - Collateral
<br /> � Fidirsl B�Ic Real Estate Mortgage ��,
<br /> r�. � .
<br />",� � L.o�n Amount M�turity Dats Initial Intsrs�t Rate
<br /> � �.t�.o,��d�,�.��.� �����oa �.990
<br />�`.' � � Coneum�r Loan 5,189.20
<br /> i, Q�iIO C�II�B ar�d �itY E ��SB '
<br />- � here6y give Commercial fedsrol Benk,a Fderol S�vinya Bank('Commerci�l Federal'),whote addrow i�P 0 BC� 1103
<br /> • Q�Ai I�: 68101 �mortpaps,with power of uts,of ths followinq propsrty together with ell improvsments now a
<br /> hereaftsr ereoted on ths prop�rty,and sll usemsnt�,riphts and eppurtenencege)thento: ( )�
<br />- . , �i D NQ[tDDO'8�I'�I�QIITY 0�'�(�!fl�D I�A.�i2D$ . I�+ 0�'fl'Y�,
<br /> � � If moro th�n one per�on sipns this Mortp+6e,the word'i•means'We.'
<br />- ___--_= 7}��a��n�wg�securos�loan made by Commerci�l Federal evidsnced 6y.=g� �� ��,h fntne��a!thw��ftirl rrta ot 7.940--1b ,
<br />-`d.' ' A note dated tht�arrw date a�this MortONe in the�mount ot a �a
<br />' .� '` per snnum,cont�ins the tsrtn�tor repaymmt of th�t Ioan.If that nots is ever chanped w replecsd by�new nots,it wili be secund by this Mortpa0e.
<br />_ ,�, .
<br />_�,,-.;�;.;�... I promiuith�tollowingthings:
<br /> ` 'r 1. AII p�yments on any note w otherde6t secured by ihi�MortQape will be p�id when due.
<br />_.-��•.
<br />„A r�.
<br />-�� ,.. ", 2. An insunnce policy far fire and ene�ded covenpe will be kspt in (orce on the property in en emount st leest equel to th�debto�ursd by t �
<br /> ! �,•,-•; ,. Mortpap�piu�any other mortpape��istsd in psnyraph 8 bstow.The insurancs company must be satisfeotory to Commercial Fsdsni,�nd
<br />�-;� � ,;j Cammsrc�al Fedsral will bs e ��rr�ed insurad on the policy.
<br />_ _�. • 3. All t�xs�end�ue+umenu on th�proparty wi�� be peid before they bxomo delinquent.
<br /> � �`�±. 4. No wa�te will be committed o�1M property.end it will he kept in gaod rapair.
<br />- � � 6. The property wf��not bs wld (includinp by land contract),leased,and no intarest in it will be asdqnsd in sny wny.
<br />_�'s�•r:�.;• '' �� �R�Yp�1T. liClMC�C"$' CX�
<br /> ti,�,_y.-,,,,,,V,; B. I own the property free and clearot enyother mortOWea a sncumbruice� F�(CEPT
<br /> -, ., I '-_,�' 7. No othx mortpps a lien on the proparty will ever ba allowed to be in detault w be foreclosed.
<br /> ', If any of thsss promiaa are not kept then Commarcial Federel can declere all oi the dubt immsdi�tely dus end payable vuithout ecivanc�notfce.
<br />'` Excsptioro may bs rsquired by law.The interert reta wiil increeae to 19.0096 or any leseer of ths maximum nta allov�nble by Isw�t that time.�nd this
<br /> � mortpwg�can be iorociosed in accordence with ePplic�ble lew.Ii the debt is accelereted,thsn 1 elao auipn eny rent a other income from the property to
<br /> = (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONLn. In the event of ony defeult in the meking of eny paymsnt a in ksspinp any covenont heroin.thb Mortp�pe may he
<br /> s±�.- • forsclosed by�ction,or by xlverti�emenl es provided by statute or the rulea of practice reirti�p thsreto,and thfe p�npraPh ahall be deenNd�s authon�np�nd
<br /> � conetitutinp a power of aale s�mentioned in aaid statute w rules and any emendment thereto,and may retein statutory coato and�ttorney tees(SD,VYY.MN,
<br /> ` OK,end MI ro�idsnts only).
<br /> Cehain emounta can be peid by Canmercial Federal and added to the debt secured by thia Mortpape.Including any texes or inaurance i hsve eqreed tu
<br /> ' � pey but tafl to,any attomsy feee or comt expenaea Commercial Federal pay�it it fa made• party et any leg�l�ction broudht by isomeone elss concaming the
<br /> • property.end sny�ttomey fees or coun expeneea which the law might ellow it Commercial Federal has to po to court epainst me to collxt the debt or
<br /> }' (oreclose this mortpage.If nny of theae Ihinps heppen,then the ndditional debt will accrue interest at the aame rate es the rest ot the debt end must be paid
<br /> immediataly.
<br /> If this propsrty Ia evar condomned under the power of eminont domain or eny similer method of taking properry for public use,eny proceeds oi tho taking
<br /> ' � will be peid to Commercial Federel up to the full emount of the debt aeeured. -
<br /> �. Borrower waives sll ripht of homeatead axemption in the properly end tuture w,+ivas ell righta oi redemptinn,oxomption,dietributive shere end dower. -_
<br /> 1 Notia�to Bortow�r(for Oklahom� 1: A w�r o}�tl�h��bNn nnt�d In thf�Morc � �. A pgw�r ot�d�m� allow th�Mortqap�to t�k�th� :
<br /> t mor a pro �n �� w iou o o ao n• ono o�ur�� on u n •au rrow�r�� �� o • �• _
<br /> � o C
<br /> 12 15 97 CRAIG C� �'�' -
<br /> � � Today'e Deto Borrower a Typed Name Bo o r a ipnatum , � �
<br /> � NQl1.tX E &�1� � � �c C� ��'C C t r /t e'.. r •
<br /> Bortower s Typed Name Borrowor's Sip ture -
<br /> _. .�w. �� rnefAl_G79C =.
<br /> -----: -�_—� 17:1 N All�[�f $'i �efiru iatr+tvi� a�c+ vvv..� .......
<br /> i
<br /> i Borrovwr's Ad roas
<br /> � STATE OF I�,�IQ� I .
<br /> � ss. I
<br /> I CUUNTY OF FI�I1� 1
<br /> On this �� day of p� . 19 97 .hofuro mo,a notory public�n nnd tor snid county, porconally cnmo �
<br /> (�IIG C ��.� 8IY3 �� r'+ ��`� to mo known to b�tho idonticnl porson or poreons whoso I
<br /> � nomo ie or aro atflxod to tho nbovo matpapo,nnd thoy,ho/aho/thoy savorolly acknowlodpod tha said inntruinont and tho oxacution thoroof to ha thoir I
<br /> volun tnry uct ond dood. �
<br /> i
<br /> � WITNESS my hand und a.�'��+a�r+aw�+,awa�•k�sm�tton �bovo. �
<br /> I 6�Fl�1l ra�tra�r•5�a��c�r;, .. . ,� �' +/ �
<br /> My commiesion oxpiros I
<br /> NE- IN-WY-IL-SD- �a ���K.�LO;.'� 7 Notnry Puhlic's Sipnoturo DN-1077 (07/97) '
<br /> i ..�... . .Exp.J�n.24,t''.^'i �
<br /> ' �-,,,.....�■�.,..e-:•--.:•.�
<br /> _� __ _ __
<br />