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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Addendum "A" <br />2 0130982 7 <br />An Undivided Half Interest in Parcel 1: A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NE1 /4) and a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), all being in Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly described as <br />follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence running southerly, <br />along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred <br />Forty Five and Forty One Hundredths (2,645.41) feet to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1 /4); thence deflecting left 00° 00' 40" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Sixty Six and Fifty One Hundredths (2,066.51) feet to <br />a point, said point being Forty (40.0) feet north of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of an existing <br />east -west railroad track; thence deflecting right 89° 58' 16" and running westerly, parallel with and Forty <br />(40.0) feet north of (measured perpendicular to) said existing east -west railroad track centerline, a distance <br />of Eight Hundred Seventy Six and Ninety Nine Hundredths (876.99) feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />running northwesterly along and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 532.96 foot, said curve <br />being Forty (40.0) feet southeast of (measured radial to) the centerline of an existing railroad track curve to <br />the right, a distance of Eight Hundred Thirty Seven and Twenty One Hundredths (837.21) feet (long chord — <br />753.75', long chord deflecting right 44° 59' 53" from the previously described course) to a point of tangency; <br />thence deflecting right 44° 59' 53" from the chord of the previously described curve and running northerly, <br />parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of an existing railroad <br />track running northerly, a distance of Four Thousand One Hundred Ninety and Twenty One Hundredths <br />(4,190.21) feet to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence deflecting right 90° 27' <br />36" and running easterly, along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of One <br />Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen and Fourteen Hundredths (1,413.14) feet to the point of beginning <br />An Undivided Half Interest in Parcel 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P. M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4); thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1 /4), a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Nine and Sixty Five Hundredths (1,409.65) feet <br />to a point, said point being on the southerly prolongation of a line which is Forty (40.0) feet east of <br />(measured perpendicular to) the centerline of an existing north -south (tangent) railroad spur track; thence <br />deflecting right 89° 35' 11" and running northerly, along and upon said southerly prolongation line, a <br />distance of Four Hundred Eighty Eight and Seventy Seven Hundredths (488.77) feet to a point, said point <br />being Forty (40.0) feet south of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of existing railroad track; thence <br />deflecting right 90 00' 14" and running easterly, parallel with and Forty (40) feet south of (measured <br />perpendicular to) said existing railroad track centerline, a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Nine and <br />Nine Tenths (1,409.90) feet to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4); thence deflecting <br />right 90° 01' 44" and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), a <br />distance of Four Hundred Ninety Eight and Eighty Four Hundredths (498.84) feet to the point of beginning <br />