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Thfs insurancc xhull bc muintuined in thc amounts und for thc perlods <br /> J+:y� thut [.endcr requires.Thc insuruncc curricr pmviding thc insurnncc shull bc choticn l>y Durruwcr subjcct tu L.cndcr's approval <br /> which shull not be unrcasonubly withhcld. If Borrawer fuils tc� rnaintnin cavcragc dcscribed ubovc. Lcnder may,at Lendcr's <br /> °-s�� �ption,ohtuin covcragc ta protcct l.endcr's rights in thc Pmperty in uccardancc with paragraph 7. <br /> ,:=i�`'�!• All insurance pnlicies und renewnls shull be ncceptuble to Lcnder und sliull indudc a standurd mortgage clause. Lendcr <br />`"a't shall huvc thc right to hold the policics and rencwnls. If Lcndcr requires, Barrowcr shall promptly give to l.ender ull receipts of <br />'�"'��� pufd premiums and renewel notices. In the event�f loss. Borrower shall sive prompt notice to the insurunce carrier nnd Lcnder. <br /> _==== Lender may make proof of lass if not made pramptly by Borrower. <br />=-�'+p Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwise ngree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied ro restoration or repair of the <br />_;�F�;';�� Property damugcd.if thc restoration oi repair is cconomicaUy feasible and l.ender's sccurity is not Iessened. If the restara[ion ar <br />_:�a-;_c <br /> :,,,,�;�,:�',� rcpair is not cconomically fcasible or Lcnder'c security wciuld be lessened,the insurunce procecds shall bc upplied to the sums <br /> - - secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not thcr, due, with any excess paid ta Borrower. If Borrower nbandons the <br /> -_- _ _ Property, or does not unswcr within 30 days a natice from Lender that the insurnnce carrier has affcred to settle n claim, then <br />:�;�_-- Lender may collect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br />•s'';:.;s,z� secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due.'�he 30-day periad will besin when the notice is given, <br />._ti-,�,� � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, any applicntion of pracceds to principal shall rot extend or <br />, postpone the due dnte af the monthly payments referred to in parugraphs I und 2 or change thc amount of the payments. If <br /> Yv under paragraph 21 thc Property is ucquircd by Lender, Borrowcr's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> .�.Fs'�. <br /> %���c damagc to the Propeny prior to the ucquisition shull�uss to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br />=��:�` immediately prior to the acquisition. <br />_�;;;::;. b.Occupancy.Preservallon,Maintenance and Protectton af the Property;Borrower's Loun Applicatlon;Leaseholds. <br />�:�_;:�,- Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residencc within sixty dnys after the execution of <br /> �•�� this Security instrument and shall con:inue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year�fter <br /> ;-..-�s,; <br /> ���,yr� the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably withk�cld, or unless <br /> °'`"� Pxmn�,ntin� circumstances exist which �ire neyond Borrower's control. Borrower shull not destroy, damage or impair the <br />- -='�'�^�'� Property, allow thc Properry to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property.Borrower shall be in defuult if eny torteuure <br /> �-- r-4r <br /> ,:;a•._ <br /> -�.:�,�� action or proceeding, whether civil or criminul, is begun that in Lendrr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may <br /> "-''`�{� cut�e such a default und reinsrate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> _=�.��� that, in Lender's good faith detcrmination, precludes forfeiture of thc Borcower's intcrest in thc Property or other materiel <br /> _.�;.;� impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lcnder's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> _=;.;�`�.�� Bonower,durin� the loan application proccss,guve materially fulse or inaccuratc inforn�ation or statements to L.etxler(or failetl ' <br />.::;.�,�:,,,m to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limitul <br />°�°�=��� to,representations concerning Borrower's occuFancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security instrument is on a <br /> '�� leasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with all thc provisions of the Iease. IF Borrowcr acquires fce title to the Property, the <br /> ' -- leasehold and thc fee titte shall not merge unless Lcnder ngrees to the merger in writing. <br /> ---' 7.Protecilon of Lender's Rights in the ProE►erty.If Borrower fails to perform thc covenants und agrcements contained in <br /> _�._,..._:— this 5ecurity Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significa��dy affect Lender's rights in die Propeny (such as a <br />,_,:�„..-,�� procecding in bankruptcy,probatc, for condemnution or forfeiturc or to enforcc laws or ragulations),then Lender may do and <br /> �`�'.�� puy fur whatever is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lcnder's actions may <br /> - �� include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> -F����� reasonable attorneys' fees and entcring on the Property to make rcpairs. Although I.ender may takc action under this paragraph <br /> �'�U�'.:_� 7,L.ender docs nor.have to do so. <br /> _ -�':�r Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under this puragraph 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrower secured by this i <br />-�''�� Security instrument. Unless Borrower and L.endcr ugrec to other terms of payment, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the � <br /> ....,.,•. .: <br />' ,�sr,`���f�r' ' date of disbursernent at thc Notc ratc and shull bc payuble, with intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Dorrowcr rcqucsting i <br /> ,F •yr <br /> ,; paymcitt. <br />_. � � . . 8.Mortgage Insurance. [f Lender reyuired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan sccured by this Security , <br /> •� j Instrumcnt, Borrower chall pay thc premiums rcquircd to maintain the mortgnge insurance in effect. If, for any reason, thc <br /> mortgage insurance crnerage reyuired by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effcct, Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to <br /> . ubtuin covcrage substantially cyuivulent to thc mortgagc insuruncc prcviously in a cost substantially eyuivalent to thc <br /> � cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurance previously in cf'fect, from an altemute mortgage insurer approved by Lender. if <br /> substantially cquivalcnt mortgagc insurancc c:ovcragc is not availablc,Borrowcr shull pay to Lcndcr cuch month a sum equnl to <br /> one-twelfth of the ycarly mortgagc insurancc premium being paid by Burrower when the insurance covernge lapsed or ccascd to <br /> bc in cffcct. Lcndcr:�ill acccpt,usc and retain thcsc payments as a loss reservc in licu of mortgagc insur;mcc. Loss reservc <br /> Form 3028 8/90 <br /> Poqo 3 01 8 <br /> ..__ :_-.__.-- _ .� _.. ,r . ...__..._. - . ._;., s:- .. .. ... .... . . . ._.�` __ <br /> . <br /> „ . . . .. .. n -- . .... .. .. ... _ N�� .. .; . :�- . � t .S ..:sV,. «. =..;r`..- <br /> • �r , <br /> �_ _ ___ <br />