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<br /> . � 17, 'fri�nsPcr oY thc Pro�xrty or u Bcncf�cli�l Interetit in H�rr�nver.If all or any part of'thc Property or any intcrest in u
<br /> j� " iy sald nr trunsfcrred(c�r if n hcnef iriul intcrest in linrrower is sald rn•transf'errcd und Snrrower is not u nac ural person)without
<br /> l.cndcr's priar writtcn con.rnt, Lcnder may, at its uption, rcyuirc immcdiutc payment in full of ull �um, secured hy this
<br /> , # Sccuri�y Iu,truiucnt. Huwcvcr, tlii,uptiun�hull nut bc cxc:rci+eel by L.i:nder if excrcise is prohibitcd hy tcderal luw as ut the date �
<br />' ',r,�r� of this Sccurity lnstrumcnt.
<br /> � r,,r�eK�' If'lxndcr cxcrcises this uption, l.cndcr shull givc Borrowcr noticc of ucccicration. Thc noticc shall prc,vidc u period of nat
<br /> Icrs thun 30 dnys from thc dutc chc noticc is dclivcrcd ar mailcd within which Borrower must pay ull sums sccurcd by this
<br />-'`�'^ ' � Sccuriry Instrument. If Borr��wcr f•�ils to p;ry thesc sums prior to thc cxpiration of this period. Lcndcr may invokc any rcmcdics
<br /> � permiucd by this Sccurity]nstrument without furthcr noticc or demand on Borrower.
<br /> � 18. B�rrower's Ri�ht tu Reinstate. If Borrower mects certain conditions, Borrower shall have ihe nght to have
<br /> , enlisrremeut uf tl�is Se�w�ity Insu•ume:nt discon�inued ut uny time prior ro [he eaclier of: (a) 5 days (or �;uch other pe�ind us -
<br />_ � applicable luw muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuunt to any power ot sale contained in this
<br /> " � Sccurity Instrumcnt•or(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrutnent. Those conditions urc that Borrower:(u)pays
<br /> - Lender all Sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no ucceleration had occurred; (b) -
<br /> cures uny default of any other covenants or a�reements; (c) payti�sll expcnses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument,
<br /> including, but not limitcd to, reasonable uttorncys' fces; and (d)takes such action as L.ender may re.asonably require to assure
<br />_ that the licn of this Sccurity Instrument, I.ender's rights in the Property und aorrower's obligation to pay the sums sccured by
<br />= this Security Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon rcinsu►tcmcnt by Boaowcr, this Sccurity Instrument and the =
<br /> obligations secured hereby shull remain fully effective us if no ucceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstnte shaU
<br /> ' nnt upply in thc cusc of ucrelcration unde:paragraph 1%.
<br /> 19. S�Ir of Note; Chun�e of I.�an Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in thc Notc R�gcther with this Security
<br /> ' Instrument)may he sald one or morc times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may retiult in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> us the "Loan Scrviccr") thut collccts monthly payments due undcr th�Nntc und this Security Instrument.Tt�erc also may be one
<br /> or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. IF there is u change of the Loun Serviccr,Borrower will be
<br />- given written notice of the change in accc�rdance with paragraph 14 above und applicuble law. The notice wi 1I siate the name and
<br /> addretis of the n�w l.oan Servirer and the xddretis to which paymcnts should be made. The notice will also mntain any other
<br /> • informution required hy upplicublc law.
<br /> . 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrowcr shall not cnusc or permit [hc prescncc, usc, disposul, stornge,or relcasc of any _
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in �hc Propcny. Borrower shall not Jo, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> . . Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. 7'he preceding two sentenees shall not upply lo the presence, use, or
<br />- __ storuge on thc Properry of scnall yuantities of Hazardous Substanres that arc�encrally recoenized in hc a�pmnriatc� to nnrm;�l
<br /> residential uses aud to mainten.uue. of the Propeny.
<br /> ' . , Borrower shull prompQy give Lender written nutice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by any
<br />�� govcrnmentul nr regulutory ugency or private party involving the Property and any Haz.ardous Substancc or Envi ronmentul Law
<br />���� •• of which Borrowcr has artual kn��wlcdgc. [f Borrowcr Icarns, or is notificd by any govcrnmcntal ar rcgulatory authority, that
<br /> uny remaval or other remediution of uny Haz;irdous Substance uffecting the Property is necessary, Borrower sheU prompdy take
<br /> • all necessary remedial actions in accardance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> Ar used in this paragraph 20, "Ha•r.urdous Substunccs" are those substances defined as toxic or ha:ardous substances by
<br /> T: Environmental Law and the following substunces: gasoline, kerosene, c�ther flammuble or toxic petrol�um products, toxic _
<br /> pesticides and herbicides, vulutile solvents,muterials containing,isbesws or formuldehyde,und radivactive materiuls. As used'en
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environment3l Law" means f'cdcral luws und I��ws of thc jurisdiction wherc thc PropenV is located that
<br /> • rclate to hcalth,safety or enviranntentul protertion.
<br /> , � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr covcnant and ugrcc us follows:
<br /> s� - 21. Acceleration; Itemedieti. Lender shall�ive notice to Borrmser prlor to ucceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> 5�:.�_. �.,;�.�; i►f any c��venant or a�reement in this Serurlty Instrument (but not prior to accelerution under pnregraph 17 unle;s
<br /> - _ . upplicuble law provldes otherwise). 1'he notice sl�all s�ify: (�►) the default; (b)the actinn required to cure the default; _.
<br /> • (c) a date, not less than 30 duys from the date the notice is given to Bnrrower, by which the default rnust be cured;und
<br /> (d) that fciilure to cure tlte defuult on or before the dute s�ecl�ed in the notice muy result in accelerution of the sums
<br /> , scrured by this Security Inst�vment and salc of the Yroperty. The noticc shall further Inform Borro«�er of the right to
<br />�" . •• retnstate after acceleration und th�e rl�ht ti� brin� u c�urt uctlon to ��s.yert the nc►n-existence of u defnult ar any other
<br />_ , defense of Borrower to uccelerntion nnd ssle. If the defuult is not cw•ed on or before the d�te ynecified in the nodce, -
<br /> Lendcr, ut its option, may reyuire immediute payment In full of all sums secured by this S��curity I nslrument without —
<br /> - further demHnd und may invoke thc po�vcr of sule und any nther remedies permitted by applicublc la�v.Lender shnll be
<br /> � entitled to colle�t ull expenses huurred in pursuin�;the remedies provided in this puruqraph 21,(ncludi ng,but not limited =
<br /> to, rewsonable attorneys'fE�cs und costs of tiNe evidence. -
<br /> ' If the power of sale ts inv�iked, 7'rustee shall recurd u notice crf default in cuch county tn u�hJch any part oP the =_
<br /> , Propert�• is lowted nnd shull miill copies of such nutice in the manner prescribed bp applicuble la++•to Rorrower und to —
<br />_ tlte othcr persons pr.c�cribed b��upplicublc lu�s. After thc timc reyulred by applicnblc luw,Trustcc shal l glve nubltc noticc �
<br />- of si�lc to thc persons und in thc munner prescribed b��uppliciible linv.1'rustec,«•ithout demand on 13arroa•er, shall aell
<br /> the Propertt� ut publlc auctio�r to the hi�;hc�t hidder i�t thc timr imd place i�nd wider thc terms d�.tiigna�eed in thc notice��f �
<br /> _ sale in onc or more parcels und in any order Trust�r determinuw. Trustce muy postpo�te sulc of �II or ni�v �nrccl of the •
<br /> Propertp by public unnouncrment at the time und plure of any previousl�• scheduled sHle. Lcnder ur its �esi�;mti may� �.
<br /> purchuse the Propert��ut uny s.�le. -
<br /> Form 3028 9190 �
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