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W.-�r.r. �+vtw��;p+s�.+�!Pauvy'RM•rr..,�nt�.R'r�'�`.�..A�.i'!:er.•.�'.;L�'.J+id:�4��iLJCk.�__..... .. _ .. .. .. ... . . . . ... _. <br /> ' _..l.t.......^�:�M/!':A` <br /> . ' , �//��1oIV� <br /> 17, '1'rausfer oP thc Praperty or u Beneficial Intere.5t in Borrower.If ull or any purt of the Property or any intcresc in it <br /> „� is sold ar truntifcrrcd(ar if a hcncficii�l intcrest in Borro�ver is sold or trunsferrcd and Borrowcr is not a natural persan) without <br />• ' ''"` "" Lcndcr's prinr n�rittcn c�+mrnt, Lcnder may. :it iis option. requirc immcdiatc paymcnt in full of all cums secured by this � <br /> .. ........... .,.,. <br />;' "�'' Security Instrument.Huwevcr, thiti option shall nat be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of ehe a[e <br /> �.,. <br /> �- cif thi�Sccurity Instrununt. <br />_• ;�, r If l.ender excrcihey lhis isptirnt, l.ender shull give Borrowcr notice of acceleration.The notice shnll provide u period of not <br /> less thun 3Q d.�ys frnm ihc dute thc noticc is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums sccured by this <br /> � Securiry Imtrumcnt. If Finrruwcr fuilti u►pay thcu surns prior to the expirution of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies <br />- pennittcd hy this 5ecurit}�Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> , , IS. Iiorrnwer's Rl�ht to Relnstute. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrotver shall have the right to have <br /> '. • •,, enforcement of this Sewrity Instrument discontinuecl at uny cime prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 day's (or such other period as <br /> upplicnble luw muy tipecify fur reinsuitem�nt) before sale of the Propeny pursuant to any power of sale containeci in this <br />� Securiry Instrument;or(h) cntry of a,judgment enfnrcing this Securiry Instrument. Those conditions arc that Borrower: (a)puys <br />- I.endcr ull sums which thcn would bc duc undcr Ihis Securiry Instrument and the Notc as if no acccicratian had occurred; (b) <br /> �r+ . eures uny dei'uult of uny other cuvenunts or ugreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument, <br />`a�°: .,,,.,' ; includin�, but not limitccl to, rciisunublc��ttorneys' fces; and (d)takes such action as Lcnder may reasonably require to assure <br />- . that the licn of this Security Instrument, l.cndcr's rights in the Property and Bnrrawer's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> , ' this Sccuri�y Iustrument shall continue unchungect. Upim reinstatement by Rorrower, this Securiry Instrument and the <br /> ;�ti,•.,., „,.. = obligutions secured hereby shull remWin fulty effeciivc us if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall <br />��� . not upply in thc case of ncrcicrution undcr paragruph 17. <br />: l9. Sufe of Notc; Churi�c oP I.oan ticrvlccr. Thc Notc or a partial in[erest in thc Note (togethcr with this Security <br /> � Instrumenq muy bc xold cmc or morc times withuut prior noticc to Borrawer. A sale muy result in a change in the entity(known <br /> as the"l.oun Servicer")thut c��llects monthly puymentti duc under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one <br /> t . . or more changes of the l.uan Scrvirer unrclated to a,ale of the Note. [F[here is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrowcr+vill be <br /> givcn wriucn notice of the change in accordttncc �with purwgraph 14 ubove and applicable law.The notice will state the name and <br />:f, address of thc new Loan Scrvicer und thc uddrcs�t�� �vhich puyments should Ue made.Thc notice will ulso contain any other <br /> information rcquircd by applic:iblc 1u�4. <br /> � - 2Q. Huzurdous SubstancEw. Borro�ver shidl nut rause cn•permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br />~'� � •. Har.urdous 5ubstunccs on ��r in thc Property. flnrn�wcr sh�Ql not do, nor allow unyonc else [o do, anything affectin� the <br />- Proprrty that is in violation of any Envirunmenlal Law. 'fhc preceding two sentences sha11 not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> -.--.--- storagc un ti�c Prupriiy ui�,iiiuii ijiidii2iliCS :�i��:ir:iTL:w:: �L'�:S«:::L'S I�::3!»T� o nerally rc•�noni�ed t�be�npropriate to normal <br />}�' residentiul ures and to muintcnuncc c�f thc Property. <br />�_ Borrowcr shull prompdy givc L,cndcr writtcn uoticc uf uny invcstigution,ctnim,dcmand, lawsuit or othcr action by any <br /> � govcrnnuntal ur regulutory agcncy ur privatc puny involving thc Property and any Hazardous Substanc�or Environmental Law <br /> �. . of which Borro�ver has artuni knowlcdgc. If f3urruwrr Icurn,, or i5 nouficd by any governmental or regulatory authority, that <br />�`W'' `'' ., any removal nr other remediation uf'uny Hui;n'�lous Sub,tunm uil'ecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall prampdy take <br />�•`y��:���= �dl neeessury cemeJiul actions in accurdunce with f'snvironmcntul Law. <br /> _ ,,<,' As u,ed in this p,uagr:�ph 2�, "Hazurdnus Suhtitunres" ure thuse tiubstances defined as taxic or hazardous substances by <br />��'�"'� � Envirctinmcntal Law anJ the ti�llowing suh,tances: ga�ulinc. kcrusene. othcr flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> - prsticides and h�rbicides, vulatile sulvents, nuucri�dti contuininti atihetitus ar formaldehyde, and rndioactive materials. As used in <br />�`,,.,,,__..."_� ' this paragraph 20. "Envirunmental L.nv" mean.fecleral luwti and law, of the jurisdiction where the Property is locaied that <br /> . :;, �.*p�� rclatc to hcalth,sufcty or environntcntul pr��tcrtiun. <br />-%�• ` •',.•,�. NON-UN[C'ORM COVENANTS, Borruwcr,uid IAndcr t'�n�thcr cuvcnant and agrce as foUows: <br /> _,;,`,��:;''�_,,� 21. AcceleraHon;Remedt�w. I.ender sh►dl glve notice t��tlorrow•er prior to accelerutlon followin��orrower's breach <br />=.�.; .:• - •-:rr��� uf uny coveni�nt or a�reement in thfs S�YUrlty histrwnent (but not prior to accelerntion under paragraph 17 unless <br />- ., �.. ,,,.. � uppllcable law providc.r• othcr�ti•Isc).Thc nnt�cc shull s{x�dfy: (u)the defautt; (b) the action requlred to curc the deYnult; <br /> (c) u dnte, not I�w.r•than 30 days fram the diite tlte noHce Is�Ivei�to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and <br /> - (d) thut fuilure tn cure the defnult on or beforc the dnte ti�xtiificd hi the notice may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> ` � :,� secured bv th(s Securlty lnstrument und snle nP the f'r��perty. 'fhe notice shall further inform Borrower of thr dght to <br /> `•t ' relnstate uPter uccelerntian und the ri�ht to brinti u court urdon to nssert the non-extstence oi'a defeult or any other <br /> • defense of I3nrrower to acceler�ition und yule.lf' Uu defuult Is nut cured on or before the dute speclfied (n the notice, <br /> "'"��"�'" I.ender. at its optiun,muy rcyuh•c Immcdiutc p�ymcnt In fuU of all sums secu►•ed by this Securlty Instrument without <br /> - '��'�� • 1lirthcr demund nnd muy invoke the�►wcr oPsnlc and nny other remcdi�permitted by applicuble luw. I.ender shs�ll be <br /> • r, entitled to collcct all expenscs incurred In pursuln�thc remcdluti provided in thk puru�ruph 21.Includin;,but not Ilmited <br /> � to.reiisont�blc uttornc}•s' fitis uttd cnsts oF Utle evldcnee. <br /> :�, If the �xiwer of sulc Is Iuvoked, '1'rustec shull r�tiord u notice of defnult in euch county in which any part nf thc <br /> ProFxrtl•is located und shull mafl cnpiez of�uch ��utire In thc munner presrrlbed by npplicuble law to 13orrower and to <br /> '�' the othcr persm�s prescribeci bv uppl[c��blc lu��,Af'ter the tlme required by nppllcuble Imv,Trustee shnll givc publlc notice <br /> � of sale tn the peisonti n�id ln the munner prexcrll�ed b�• upplfcuble lu�+•.'i'rustee. ��•Ithoul demuitd on!im•rower. shnll sell <br /> _ • the Pro�rty iit public auction to thc hl�!hcst bfddcr ut thc tfmc uncl pl�ice►�ud wider thc tcrms desi�;nntcd in thc not[ce of _ <br /> salc D� o��e or morc purccls nnd in um urder'I'rust�r dctermfuc�. '1'rustcc muv {H�st�Hme+ale of ull or uny pnrcel uf the - <br /> Property by pul�llc iuu�ouncement nt the tim�und pluce of' iu�y pre�•lousl�• uheduled sale. I.ender o�• its desi�nee muy .- <br /> purchasc thc Prupert�•►�t an�•siilc. - <br /> Form 3028 9I90 - <br /> . r.�,i�n„�i, _. <br />,: I <br /> �1_._. .___.._..--- - -�-�- <br />