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<br /> • 17.'1'runsPcr of thc Property nr u Ileneflclul Inter�t In Bnrrnwcr. 11'nll or any pan uf the Property c�any intcrest in it
<br />- ,•�; is sold or trunsfcrrccl (or if u heneficiul intcrest in Aorrc+wcr is sold or trun�.fcrrcd and Borrowcr iz not a nawrul perscm)without
<br /> LenJcr's priur written consent, Lcndcr may. at its option, requirc imnuJiatc payment in full of zill sums ,ccured by this
<br />. ; ti, ,�� Secunty Instrumcnt. Howevcr. this option shull not h�exerci,rJ by L,cnder if excrcix i,pruhibitc�Uy f�dcral laa•ati of th��datc
<br /> of this Sccuriry Instrument.
<br /> ;�wud�'�'�' If lAndcr exerci,es this optiun, I.ender shull give Borrowcr nc�tice af acceleration. T'he notice shall provide a period crf'not
<br /> �..,.�a.�R Icss than 30 days frum thc dutc thc noticc is dclivcred or mailcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sums sccurcd hy this
<br /> ' Sccurity Instrument. If Bc�rrowcr fuils to pay thcsc sums prior to the expiratiun of this peri��d. Lender rnuy invakc any rcntedies
<br /> ' permitted hy this 5ccurity Instrument withnut further notice c�r demund on Borrower.
<br /> � � 18. Iiorrower•s Right ta Reinstate. If Borrower mects cet�ain conditions, Borrawer shull have thc right tc� huve
<br />_ � r�� enforccment uf this Securiry Instrument discon[inued at uny time prior to lhe eurlier of: (a) 5 days (or such othcr perioJ as
<br /> � upplicublc law muy specify for reinstatement) before sale af the Property pursuant to any power of sulc containcd in this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions ure that Aorrawer: (u)pays
<br /> " ° a.' G:nder ull sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrecl; (b)
<br /> ,,; curas any Jefault of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> �� inrfuding,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fces; and(d)tukcs such action as I.cnder muy reasonably rcyuire to ussure
<br /> �`� that the lien of this Security Instrument, l.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligatian to pay the sums securecl by
<br /> �k this Security instrument shall continue unchan�ed. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Securny Instniment and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remuin fulty effeetive as if no acceleratic�n had occurceci. However, this nght to reinstate shull
<br />-. � not apply in thc case of acccicration undcr parngraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of L.oan Servicer. The Nate nr u partiul interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt)may be sold one or morc timcs without priar nutice to Borrawcr.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br />- us the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments Juc under the Note and this Security Instrume�u.There ulso muy be one
<br /> or morc changes of'thc[.oan Serviccr unrclated to a sale of the Natc. If there is a change nf the Loan Serviccr, Borrower will be
<br /> given written noticc af thc change in uccordance wi�h paragruph 14 ubovc and upplicuble law. The natice will stAte the nume and
<br />_ � address of the new Loan Servicer and the uddresti to which payments should be made. The notice will also cantain any other
<br /> information reyuireci Hy upplicable luw.
<br />_ � 20. Hazardous Subqtunces. Aorrower shxll not causc or permit thc presence, usc, disposul, staruge, or rclease of any
<br /> Y : � Hazurdous Substun�es on or in thc Property. Borrower shall not Jo, nor 311ow anyone else to do. anything uffecting the
<br /> Properry that is in violation of'any 8nvironnuntul Law. Thc preccding two sentcnces shall not apply to ttie presence, use, or
<br /> y __h� stora�e on the Propertv of smull quantities uf Hazardous Substunces lhut ure gcncrally rccognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> _ residcntial uses und to inciintenancc of the Propeny.
<br />- Borrower shall prompdy givc Lendcr written notice of uny invcstigation, claim, dcmand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �� � gmemmental or rcgulatory agcnry or privatc pany inv��lving the Property und any Huzardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> '' . . of which Borrower hus acteul knowleJge. If Burro�ver lcarnti, or is notified by any governmental or regulator��authority, that
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance uffecting thc Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "H:u.�rdous Substances" are those substances detined us wxic ur hautrdous substances by
<br /> �• • Environmcntul Luw and thc following substanccs: gasolinc, kcroscnc, othcr flanunublc or toxic pctroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides attd h�rbirides, volatile sol�•ents,muteriuls cc�ntainin�;asbestos or formaldehyde,c►nd radioactive muterials.As used in
<br /> _ , this paragraph 20, "Environmentul Law" mcum fcdcral luws and laws of thc jurisdictic�n whcre thc Prc�pert�� is locatccl that
<br /> . rclute to heatth,sufety or environmentul protcrtion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV6NANTS. Burrower and Lrnder furthcr covenant and ugrec us follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedies. I.ender shall};[ve notice to Borro�ver prior to ucceteration followin�Borrower's breach
<br /> _.. :.�� af any covenant or a�reement In thi5 Security Instrument (but not prtor to accelerution under paraQraph 17 unless
<br /> ��,-�- • �• appllcable law provid�s otherwise). The notice shall s{xtiify: (a) the defuult; (b) the uction rcyutred to cure the default;
<br />— � � • (c) u ds�te, not less than 30 days from the date the nutice is�iven to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and
<br /> , (d) thut fuilure tu cure thc defuult �m or before thc date s�xci�ed In thc notice may result in acccicration of thc sums
<br /> , secured by this Securlty Instrument and tii�le of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower uf the ri�ht to
<br /> �. , reinstute after �cceleration Hnd the ri�ht to brin�; u court actlon to assert the non-existence of a default or nny other
<br /> _ . defense uf Borroa•er tn ucccleratlou vud sule. If the defuult is not cured on or before tlte dnte specified in the notice.
<br /> Lender. ut Its option, muy reyuire imtnediute payment in full of ull tiums secured by th(s Security Instrument without
<br /> fu�Kher dc►nu�id �uid mu��invoke thc pmver of sale und uny other rcmedles permitted by nppllceble I�w. Lcnder shnll be
<br /> � entitled t��collect ull expenses incurred In punuin�the remedies prvwided h�this par��!ruph 21,includinfi,but not Ifmited
<br /> " to, rcusun►►blc uttnrncys'fces und costs of tiNc cvidrncc.
<br /> If the pu«•er of sulc is invok��d. Trustee shull record a noNce of detiiult in each rounty in whlch any purt nf the
<br /> ' Property Is located and �hi�ll muil cnpie.r• nf such notice in the munner preuribed by upplicable luw to Burrower and to
<br /> thc other persnns prescribed bv HppUrable lua•. Aftcr thc timc reyufred br•uppliutble Ixw,Trustcti shall�;ivc publtc noticc
<br /> of sule to the persons und in the munner prescribed by applicuble luw. Trustee, without demund on 13orrower, shull sell
<br /> the Yr�►pert��at public Nuctic►n to the ht�;hest bidder�t the time und plsce und under tl�e terim detilgnated in the notice of
<br /> sule in une or more purccls und in i+n�•order'�'rustec detrrntlnes.Trustcr� muy postpone sule uf aD or any parcel of the -
<br /> , Propert�• bt� pu�lir unnnuncement at the time und pl�ce uf uny previously scheduled tiale. Lender or its dcsl�nee may
<br /> purchuse the Prnpert}•ut i�m�sHle.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 -
<br /> Pa9c!,o�c -
<br /> �. � . .--...� .
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<br /> �L.__ ._._ .. .__.—. ___.
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