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. � . . <br /> • �' <br /> . .`v .. . - _.- le� <br /> --- "—'-�--..___ .._. . . . ..._,. ."- _._.�"-_�___'- -"��-------.-.---�. . . --� .-. .--- --.—� ----- <br /> - . . - .' ,. ...._ . — .. . . ,.y��%.5 <br /> :F.: ' . � - ..1..�.. _ ....�... <br /> . . �:...� . . . � . . . _ '—. <br /> ' „ �„'•:,. � , :. - - - --- -" '+s�+R7'"c'= r. . � <br /> • .. .,. <br /> . - ' <br /> r. :, <br /> . . f-� _ �- .�.�`�rN� . � ... ... � ... . .. . . . ... <br /> �T•^'�}T'-'-.'iY .. . . . . .. . <br /> ::'I�lY(�A. <br /> '.+(_ . _.�.Yt <br /> •• �� . � `•r�, To Protect the Securtty of thi� 3econd Deed of Trust: 97,s �l(���3 <br /> � 1, Peyment of Indebtednesa. Trustor ehell pay when due Ihe prhCipel ol, and Ihe hterest on, the Indebtedness ond�Y 9th�r <br /> ` , ��f sums es provid�d fn the Lom Inatruments. <br /> * kfnd, now or heroaftor lavMd aqalnit Ih� <br /> 2. Taxe�. Trustor ahall p�y e�ch hstalkn�nl ot p1l taxea and sp�cial assessments of every <br /> � Trusl Ettate or�ny pnt thArsol, before delnquenCy, wRh�ul notfce or demand. <br /> �� 3. lI1Wf�nce end Reps�n� Truetor ahall malntaln Ike and �xt�nded cov�raye inwrance Ineurinq ths Improvemsnte constRutlnp <br /> � part ol lhe Trust Estate tor suc compl�no�kh th� hwr�nc� roquk�t�sof th�k t daxd ol�truct or moRpops sh4l ba euffic'Nnt to so Wly '� <br /> -�:�'�`"-�� Ilrat deld of trust or mortp�p�� <br /> ,�:. . <br /> ; t►ie requk�m�nt6 of thls paraqnph 3 reythp to htur�nc�. <br /> ;.�,. � � . TNetor sh�N promptry repdr and repyc� th�Trust E�t�U or any paR th�nof eo th�t,�xcspt for ordhary w�tr and tWr, th�Truit EsUte <br /> shtu not detsrbrate.In na event shall the Truator oommk wasto on or to th�7ruat Estats, or commft, suHer or parmk any aat tu be don�In <br /> �, or upon the 7ruat Eetate h vblatbn of Yny �w, ordfnAnc� or rpulatlan. Trustor ahall pny and promptly dlsaharpe at Tnestars cost �nd <br /> ex�oonae nll uens,encumbrances and charpes Ievied,knpoaed or Asses6ed aflalnst the Trust Estate nr eny paR thersof. <br />'� ' 4. /�C110DS AHectinq Tru�t Estate. Trustor shtN appear h and Contest any aatbn or proC�edktp purportlnp to aN�Ct ih� <br />= � • security hereof or M� rphts or powera of Bansfici�ry or Trustao, and ehall pay all costs end expens�s, hcludinp cos4 of evklena of tkw <br /> I.��{ antl adomeys'Isea,h �ny suoh actbn or pracwdinp In wh�h Bsrnficluy or Trustee may appear.If Trustor falls to maks�ny paymmt or to <br /> -1 ' .� : do any act as and In the manner provided In eny of the Loan Inatrumenta, Benefbiary and/or Trustee,each In thek uwn discrotbn,wkhout <br />- ����. ohlqatlon eo to do�nd wNhout notlCe to or demand upon T�ustor and wkhout rebasfny Trustor(rom any obllpatbn, may m�k� or do th� <br /> -;,:t;: • <br /> • sMw in auch ma�nK and !o cuch oxtent as eRher may deem neceet�ry to protect ths aaeurRy hereof. Truator ehall, knm�dlat�y upon <br /> '!v�� dsma�d thw�for by Benafblary, pay 411 costc end axpenses hcuned by Benaflckry in conneatlon wlth tne ezerolse by B�rnflci�ry oi th� <br /> }orepoinfl rqhts,hcludinq wRhout IknNatbn coats of evidence of tkle,court costs,eppraisals, curveys snd attomeys'f9es. <br />°'±:; �� b. Eminent Domein. If the Trust Estate, or any part thereot or interest thareln, be taken or damaged by roason of any publb <br /> .. . :i <br /> � knprovement or oondemnatlon proceedhg, or h any other menner includhg deed� Iteu thereof ("CondemnBtbn"), ar H Tru3tOr rsc� s�ny <br /> - notfce or other hformetlon rega�ding such proceedhp, Trustor shall qive prompt written notbe thereof to Benef�lary. Trustor shtll be entANd <br /> .4' ear h and pros�cut�h <br /> to all compensatb�,awards and other payments or relfef thereof and shali be entdied at Its optlon to commence,App <br /> � its own neme eny ectbn or proceedings.Trustor shsll also be entkled to make any compromise or sattlement h connectbn wfth such takhg <br /> or damego. <br /> ' 6. Appointment of Suceeaaor Truatee. Beneficlary may, rrom c�me �o �ane, by a wr�tten �nssn,mer►t wcecund �nd <br /> `" acKnuwiea�iyie�bY f3�n^}!"�4'+� '^^ibA tn 7rustor and reaorded In the County „Whfch the Trust Estate Is bcated and by oth6rwbs compyhy <br />_ •• wRh ths provisbna of the applbabb law of the State of Nsbrask4 eubatkute a euccsaaor or eucasasors to the Tiuste� n�nNd n�rsin or <br /> • acfhy hereunder• <br /> �`-��' 7. Succeseore and Asaiyns. This Second Deed of Trust eppifes to, hures to the benefft ot and binds all peRMs herlto, thsk <br /> hoir6, lepatees,dEivfsses, personal representatives, successors end asslpns. Tho term "Benefblary' shall mean ths owner�nd hoMu of�ny <br /> i�:�. <br /> - . -. . ` promissory note piven to benef�lary,�whether or not named as Beneficlery herelnJ, <br /> �~ �` �� 8. Me�ger, Conaolidetion, Selea or Leesea. Trustor covenants that Tniotor wlll not seil, tease or othsrwiss dbpoae of eny <br /> I`.,,,.� ;,� ' ol the Trust Estate.In the event that Trustor sells, leases or otne�tivise dlsposes of any part ot the Trust Estate, Benefblery may at Rs oplbn <br /> � ���. declars th� Indebtadness secured hereby knmediately due and payable, whether or not any detauR exists. Beneticiary ehall consant to a <br /> - - • transter of lhe Trust Fstate to a third perty to the extent such thkd paRy meets the requkemonts contained in, and as5umes the ahllpatbns <br /> :��•� •�•^*^�+�+�- set foRh in the Fkst Oeed of Trust.The covenants Contalned hereh shall run with the Property and shall remain In full torce end ellect until <br /> .,+._.: <br /> " � -� the indebt6dness ta pald h full. <br /> -,�:��,,._ �. <br /> _ , � • "'''t 9. Events of Defeult. Any of the followhg evente shall ba deemed en event �f defauk hereunder: <br /> • (a) defauk shall be made h the payment of the Indebtedness or any other sum seouretl hereby when due; <br /> - or <br /> �� �.� (b) Trustor shall pertorm any aCt in bankruptCy; or _ <br /> - (c) a caurt of competent Jurisd�tion shall enter an order, ►udpment or decree epproviny a potRlon filed apahst Trustor seekfnp any <br /> ^ ° .;:,�;'�' reoryanlzatlon, dlssolutlon or sfmitar reliet under any present or luture tederal, stete or other stotute, iaw or repulatbn rehthp to <br /> �`' , bflnkruptcy, insoNency ar other rellef for debtors, and such order, judpment or decree shflll remain unvacated and unstayed far nn <br /> apgropate ot eb�ty (60) tlays (whether or not r.onseCUtive) from the first date ot entry thereof; or any trustee, reCBNer or Ilquklator or � <br /> " Trustor or of all or any part ol the Trust Estate, or of any or all of the royaltbs, revenues, rents, 155uas or proftts thereot,ShaA be - <br /> �F apponted without the consent or acqulescence ot 7rustor and such appointment chali remain unvacated and unstayed for an opflrepete w <br /> � oi sb�ry (60) days (whether or not consecutive); or <br /> . 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