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.� <br /> -• ..: <br /> =-�!__ . _. .-----...._ _. ._.-�--- -.._... .- --. . . __._.: �1�_..��.�__. <br /> .._ _ . . __ ;'_"_-__— "':_'ry.L�.���.. <br /> .. �� 4ac.. � . ' . .. •. ..;�� .. <br /> .. 7 i����-� .l . i.� .� , . � . �..,�. <br /> I �:.,.'. <br /> . I Q1' <br /> �Sh._ <br /> . • conflbtE wRh aPP�lCabfe lew, Such ConfllCt shell not eBect other provisiOns of this Securfty Instrument or the Nate whbh Cnn be �-_ <br /> � gNen eflact wRhout lhe Con(Ifctlnp provlslon. To this end the p�ov,sbns of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to �- <br /> be sevA�able. �-� <br /> � 15. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shall be qiven one Conformed copy oi the Note and of this Security Inslrument. �,.^ <br /> I �'- <br /> � 16. Hezerdous Substancea. Borcower shall not ceuse ar permR the presence, u6e, disposal, storaqe, or release ot _- <br /> any Hes�rdoua Subatances on or h the Property. Bonower BhBll not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythhy aHecthp the —. <br /> Property that Is In violatlon ot any Envkonmental Lew. 7he precedhp two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, ot � _ <br /> . 3torape on the Property ot small quantities ol Hazardous Su bstances t h a t n re g e n e r e l l y r e c o g n i z e d t o b e a p p r o pr l a te to normel � �+-��. <br /> residentl�l us�s and to maintenance of the Property. _ <br /> . ••�"" Borrowar shan promptiy gNe Lender written not�e a} any hvestlpetlan, ciakn, demand, lawsuk or other actlon by any„� �_ <br /> • �` povernmantal or repulatory aqency or prNate perty fnvolvinp the PropeRy and any Mazerdous Substance or Environmental of'r <br /> whloh Borrower ha6 aclual knowledpe. I( Borrower leams, or Is notHfed by any governmental or reguiatory authorRy, thet any Q <br /> removal or other remediatlon of eny Hazardous Substances aHectinp the Ptoperty !s necessary. Borrowor shell promptly take all � <br /> � necessery remediai actlons fn accordance with Envkonmontal Law. — <br /> ` As used h thb perpgraph 16, "Herardous Substancea"ere thoae aubstances defined es toxb or hezardous eubstancea by (� <br /> ' 7 Envlronmentai Law and the folbwtnp substances: Basoiine, kerasene, other tlammabie or toxb petroleum products, toxb <br /> pestb{des and herbbides, volati{e sokents, materiais contafnlnp qsbestos or formaldehyde, and radloactive materlals. As used In <br /> ; the parapraph 16, 'Environmentel Lsw" means tedoral Iaws end laws of the�urlsd�tion where the PropeRy Is loceted that relate <br /> � to heaRh, safety or e�vlranmental proteCtion. <br /> , � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender further covenBnt and agree as follows: <br /> � ' 17. Aasignment of Renta. Borrower uncondftlonaly asspns and transters to Lender all the rents and revenues ot the <br /> Property. Bortower authorizas Lender or Lender's agents to collect Ihe rents and revenues and hereby dfrects each tonant of the <br /> � Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However,prior to Lender's notfce to Borrawer of Borrower's breach of <br /> i any covenant or agreement in tha Security Instrument, Borrower Shflli CoIfBCt and recelve all rents and revenues of 4he Property <br /> as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This ass�ynment Of rents constitules an absolute assignment and not 8n <br /> � ass�gnment(ar addttlonal security only. ! <br /> If Lender glveS notlCe ot breach to Bonower: (a) all rents receivod by Borrower shall be heid by Borrower as trustee for <br /> benetR of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the SecurRy Instrument; (b) Lender shall be entttled to collect and <br /> � receNe all of the renta of the Property; and (c) egch tenant of the Property shall pay all rentc due and unpeld to Lender or <br /> ' Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. <br /> Bortower has not exeCUted eny prior assiy���iia�ii�f iha rsn:�:nd has ne!e�d wnl not oerform 3ny act thflt would prevent <br /> + Lender hom exercising RS rfghts under this Perflgraph 17. <br /> ' Lender shall not be requlred to enter upon,take control of or malntaln the Property 6efore or after givinp not�e of breach to <br /> ; Bortower. However, Lender or a jud�Clalty appointed receNer may do so et any tkne there Is a breach. My applfcatlon of rent6 <br /> • shall not cure or waNe any defauk or Invalidato any other ripht or remedy ot Lender.Thfs asslgnment of rents of the PropeRy <br /> shall termhate when the debt secured by the Securky Instrument Is pald h tull. <br /> y 18. Forecloaure Procedure. If Lender requlres immodiate payment in fult under Pareyreph 9, <br /> � L.ender may invoke the power of sale end any other remediea permitted by epplicable law. <br /> ��; L�nder ahall be entitled ta collect ell expenaea incurred in purauing the remedies provided In <br /> �; thia Paragreph 18, Includtng, but not Iimited to, reeaoneble Attorneya' fees end costs of title <br /> x, evidence. <br /> If the power of aele la invoked, Truatee shall record e notice of detAUlt in each county in <br /> � which eny pert of the Property is loaated and ahall mall cnpiea of such notice In the manner <br /> �� preacribed by appliceble lew to Borrower and to the other persons preacribed by appliceble lew. <br /> � ARer the time requlred by appliceble lew, Truotee shell give public notice of �le to the peraons <br /> { and in the manner preacrtbed by appliceble lew. Trustee, without demend on Borrower, shell sell <br /> � the Property et pubiic euctfon to the higheat bidder at the time end place and under the terms <br /> daaigneted in the notice of aale in one or more percela end in any order Truatee determfnes. <br /> a Trustee mey poatpone aale of ail or eny parcel of the Pruperty by public announcement at the <br /> time end pince of any p�evfously scheduled aale. Len�ler or its deaignee may purchese the -� <br /> e <br /> Property et any sele. '� <br /> Upon rer,eipt of payment of the price bid� Trugtee shall deliver to the purcheser Truatee's _ <br /> deed conveying the Properry. The recitsis in the Truatee's deed sheil be primo facie evidence of �. <br /> the truth of the stetementa inade therein. Trustee shait epply the proeeeds of the aale in the � <br /> tollowing order: (a) to elt costs end expenses of exercising the power of sal�, and the sale, <br /> including the peyment of the Trustee's fees ectuelly incurred, not to exceed 3 °� <br /> of the principal emount of the note at the time of the declaretion oi defeult, and reaaonable F <br /> ettorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b) to ail sums secured by this Security inst�um�nt; end (c) ` <br /> , any excess to the person or persons legelly entitled to it. c <br /> ' It the Lender's interest in this Security Inatrument is held by the Secretary and the Secretsry ` <br /> requlrea immedfatc payment In iull under Paragreph 9, the Secretary mey invoke the n�2 U.S.CI � <br /> power of sale provided In the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994 ("AcY') ( <br /> ; 3751 et se .) by requesting a foreclosure commissioner designated under the Act to commence <br /> ; �„rar.�nRUre and to sell the Property es provided In the Act. Nothing in the preceding sentence <br /> _� .e <br /> shall deprive the Secretary of any rights otherwise avaiiaoic ta a i.ender unoer tnib�n�ByiaN�� �� �- <br /> � or applicable law. <br /> ' 19. Reconveyance. Upon peyment ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall roquest Trustee to i <br /> ieconvoy iho Property and shell surrender this SeCUrity Instrument nnd all notod evidenCing debt secured by this Security <br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey tha Property withoul warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally , <br /> entitled to it. Such per,on or persons sh¢II pay any recordation costs. � <br /> i <br /> ' Pago�ol S . <br /> 1�58t;f.lM�(u�07) <br /> I <br /> G77 <br />