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..� 1 , .':,y -:��;-__�Y' <br /> .��,c ,' _ � ,. ..�"�<— _=__ <br /> :.•,t,�v!!Mfl���'`'"�'" _.v� <br /> � • Borrower mey curo such a default and relnstate, nn provlded In parngreph iB, hy ceusing the action or proceeding to be ��" <br /> � dlsmissed wlth a mling that,In Lender's good falth determinatlon,preciudes forfefturo ol the 9orrower's Intorest in the Propeity or � -- <br /> other m�tedel Imp�irtnent o1 tha Ilen created by ihln Security Instrument or Lender's eecurity interest. Borrower shall afsa be In � <br /> deteult 11 Borvower,dudnp the loen epplloMlon procoss, gavo materfally false or Inaccurete Inlormatlon or statements lo Lender (or ' FY_- -_ <br /> tefled to provldo lendor wllh eny metnrlel IMormallon) In connoctlon wilh the loen evidenced by the Note, Including, but not �'- <br /> Ilmited to, repreeentellone conceming �orrowe�s occupancy ot the Proporly as a principal rosidenca. II thl3 Secudty � - _Y�- <br /> Inairument Is on n leasehold, Dotrower ahNll comply wfih ell tnd provlslons ot the laase- It Borrower ecquiros loe titlo to the � ___ <br /> PropeAy,the leaeehold end the leo tllle ohall not merpe unlese Lander agreea to tho morqor In writing. _t <br /> 7. ProtoOtlon Ot L�ndr►'d Rlght� 111 ths Property. H Borr�wer lalls to perlorm lhn covonents end egreements � <br /> r.ontaln�d In lhls Security Instrument, or there lo a legal praceeding thet may slgnlficantly ettect Londer's rights In tho Property � <br /> (such ea a proceeding In bar�kruptcy, probate,tor condemnation or furfelture or to enforce laws or regulatluns)• tLendere'sdect ons ' <br /> I do end pey for whatever le necessary lo protec.t lho vclue of lhe Prop�Ay end Lender's nghts In lhe Property <br /> � � I mey Include peying any sums secured by a Ilen whlch has prfarity over this Security Instrument, appearing In court, paymy <br /> „ �'~ ' reasonable attomeys' Ines and entering on the Property to mnke repalrs. Although Lender may take nctlon under thls paragreph <br /> "* 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> � Any emounis disbursnd by Lender under peragraph 7 shall become eddltlonai debt of Borrower secured by this Secudty <br /> I Instrument. Unlese Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest irom the date of <br /> dlsbursement at the Note rate and shell be payable,wlth Interest, upon notice irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> � 8. Mortgige 1118U�etlCe. If Lender requlred moRgage Insurnnce as e canditlon of making the loan secured by thls <br /> Security Inatrument, Borcower shall pay the premiums requlred to malntaln the mortgage insurence in eflect. If,for any reason,the <br /> mortgage Insurante coveraga requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be In ettect, Borrowar shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtaln coverage substenllally equlvelent to the mortqage Insurance previously In ettect, at a cust substantlally equlvalent to the <br /> ; cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurence prevlously In etlect, irom an altemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> � substentlally oquivalent mortgege Insurance coverage Is not evailable. Borrower shall pey to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> � � one-twelkh of the yeerly mortgage ineurance premlum being pald by Bortower when the Insurance coverage lapsod or ceased to <br /> ba fn oflect. Lendor wlit accept, use and retain these payments as a losa reserve In Ileu uf mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve <br /> � peyments may no longer be requin 1, n' the optl�n ot Lenc�ern`t m89aln9eecomes avallable and`istobtanednt Borrower ahali pny <br /> that Lender requlres)provlded by an Insurer epp��ved by •� <br /> the premlums required ta malntaln mortpage Insurence In ettect. or to provide a loss reserve, untll the requlrement for mortgage <br /> � Insursnce ends In accordance with any wrltten agreement behveen Borrower and Lender or appllcable IaN�. <br /> ¢ � 9. 1118p8Ctlotl. Lender or its agent may make reasoneblo entrles upon and Inapectlons of thA Property. Lender shall give <br /> ' � Borrower notice at the time ot or prlor to an Inspectfon specflying reasonabie cause for the Inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of eny award or clalm 1or damages, dlrect or consequential, In connectlon with any <br /> '�.f_ condemnatlon or other taking of any part ot the Properry, or for conveyance In Ileu ot condemnatlon, are hereby asslgned and <br /> shall be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking ot the Property, the praceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Secu ty <br /> � Instrument, whether or not then duo,with any excess pald to Borrower. In the event o1 a partlal taking of the Property In whlch <br /> the fair market value oi the Property Immedistety before tho teking Is equsl to or grea?er than the amount ot the sums secured <br /> - - Iby this Securi'ry i�iyUui��ar�: �rM��,a:elY b°I^re !hw taking. uniess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In writing, the sums <br /> , secured by thls Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplled by tne foiiowing iiacitor: (a;tha <br /> total amount of lhe auma secured Immediately before the taking, divlded by (b) the fair market value of the PropeRy Immedlately <br /> � ; � betore the taking. My balance shall be pald to Borrower. In the event oi e partlal taking of thA Property in whlch the talr merket <br /> i value of the PropeAy Immedlately beforo the taking Is less than the amollcablo law gotherwl eurp ov des,dithe pboceedshahall�be <br /> I unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wripng or uniess app _ - <br /> applled to the suma aecured by thla Security Instrument whelher or not the sums are then due. <br /> „ If the Property Is abandoned by Bortower,or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that tlie condemnor otters to meke an <br /> award or serile a claim for damages, Bortower falis to respond to Lender withln 30 days after the date the notice or ofVthe <br /> � Lender Is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its optlon, either to restoratlon or repalr oi the PropeRy <br /> . s � sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> . ;,; Unless Lender and Bortower othervvlse egree In writing. any appllcatlon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or -- <br /> � postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referted to N paragrephs t and 2 or change the amount ot such payments. <br /> �, 11. Borrmwer Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver.Excenslon of the time for payment or <br />' modiflcation oi amortlzstlon of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument grantad by Lender to any succesaor tn Interest of <br /> Borrower she�not operate to releaso the Ilability of the orlglnal Bortower or Bortower's succossors In Interest. Lender shall not <br /> ,; be requlred to commence proceedings against eny successor in Interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise <br /> � Borri we s�su�cc'essorsthn InteresteC Any t rbear nce by Lender Int xerclsing anyII�l9hteo a�m dy shallt not beI aI elverwof or <br /> � preclude tho exerclse of any right or remedy. i <br /> # � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Llabiltty; Co-signers. The covenants and <br /> , � agreements oi this Socurity Instrument shall bind and benofit the successors and asslgns of Lender and 8on�uwer, subject to the - <br /> _ " 1 provislons of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants end agreements shall be Jolnt and several. Any BoROwer who co•signs thls � <br /> + Socuriry Instrument but does not exocute the Note: (e) Is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant end convey <br /> - �` that Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terms of thls SecuHty Instrument; (b) Is not personelly obllgated to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Security Inatrument: end (c) agrees thet Lender and eny other 8orrower may agree to extend, modity, <br /> forbear or meke any occommodations with regurd to the terms of this Security Inatrument or tho Note without that Bortower's . <br /> consent. <br /> 13. LOan Chal'ges. If tho loan secured by thls Security Instrument Is subJect to a law whlch sets mexlmum loan <br /> charges, and that law is finally Interpreted so�hut t an Insuclgtloan�charge sha I bee educedtby the amount InaeessaryCto reduce ' <br /> with the loan exceed the permitted Ilmlts, then: (a) y <br /> the charge to the pertnitted Ilmit; end (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permlfted Iimits will be <br /> 'i direct paym nt toWBo owerer mae retundereducesepdncip lu thebred ctloln9wf lebent cateld as a partialt pe paymentbvithoutnany <br /> � prepoyment charge under the Note. <br /> ' 14. NOtIC88. Any nolice to Borcower provided tor in this Securily lnstrument shell be glven by delivering it or by mellfng It <br /> i by first class mall unless epplicable law rec�ulres use of onother method. The notico shall be dlrected to the Property Address <br /> � or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be glven by first cless mail to <br /> � Lender's eddress steted herein or eny other address Lender designotos by notice to Borcower. Any noilce provlded for in thfs , <br /> ._�...... ......... .�a.,Rr,wr,r nr I ender when qiven es provided fn lhis paragraph. <br /> 1 Secunry Inswment SI101i OC�aemdu'�� :a:.......... ,.•-•• •- -- <br /> _ 15. Doverning Law; SeVe�Bbility. Thls Security Instrument shrill be governed by fedeial law and the law ot tne <br /> Jurisdictlon h whlcti lhe Properly Is locutod. In the event that any provislon or clnuse of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> g'��veiniCett ct wthoult thle conllictlnfl p ov�islon hTo thlsaendtlhehprovislons of hlshSecurityrli st usmentennd the Note a ehd c�edto <br /> be severable. <br /> 16. BOfrOwA�'s Copy �orrower shall be given une conlormed copy ot the Note and oi this Security Insirunent. <br /> _ ����-��� � <br /> � {'.�U�• 1 r�l ' __ <br /> � f 7 11�i l�.7fi(1,^3/1 <br /> �' I <br /> 1. -17.4� 'I <br /> r � <br /> � <br /> _—J. . . . .._' ___... . <br /> _'. . ......... ..... __"_.....__ . <br /> __ . _. _ __.____._. <br />