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.�.�''a,3 <br /> . .._�..'.���». , .... .. _ . - _. -- - -.� __._ ...---- - - --... . .-" <br /> ;+li�6 .. �vt_ <br /> ; <br /> ... � . .�..,_,. � . ' • . <br /> . .... .... . - <br /> . _. . .... ......... . ... <br /> ..:t�'-. . . . .. .. . .... � � . ' - <br /> � ' .. �ti�1~ _. <br /> (Pagc 4 ��r s� ' ..-::::��L;- <br /> . .."•�C.`L= <br /> � � . :4,�.�.+r s <br /> owner of the property,(h)a transfcr into un inter vivos trust in which the Borrower is and remAins a beneficiary and I ,:::��;::_� <br /> �which doe.g not rclate to n transfer of righte of occupancy in the property,or (i) any other tran�fer or disposition i : a', <br /> �described in regulatians prescribed by the Pederal f3ome 1.oan Bank Hoard, Borrower shall cause to be stibmitted , ,. , <br /> ��nformation required by I.ender to evaluate the trans feree as i f a new lo a n w e r e b e i n g m a d e ta the transferee. Borrower I ,���:'-_ <br /> �w�ll continue to be obligated under the Note and this Deed of'1'ruat unless Lender release.s Horrower in H�riting. � � <br /> � If Lender does not egree to such sale or transfer,I,ender rnay declare all of the sums secured by thie Deed of'I'ruat ta y�4 i-- <br /> �bE immediately due and payable. If Lender exercises such optian to eccelerate, I,ender shall mail Horrower notice of ,,�y�:_ <br /> acceletation in accordance with paragraph 12 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the , _.,, <br /> � date the notice ia mailed or dalivered within which Aorrower may pay the sums declared due. If I3orrower fails to pay ,�?;-- <br /> _....�+� .;r'_. <br /> ' " .,� �`suc:h �ume prior to the expiration af euch period, Lender may, without further notice or demand on Barro�vec, invoka ,,�.^ __ <br /> .- any remedies permitted by paragraph 17 hereof. � ���� <br /> `�`ox5- <br /> ," NON'UNIFORM COVENANTS. Iiorrower and I.ender further covenant and agree ea follows: ,:,�� <br /> � 17. Acceleration;Remedies. Except as provided in paragrsph 16 hereof, or as otherwise required by law, l,.� <br /> upon Borrower's hreach of any covenant or agreement of Borrower in this Deed of Trost, iacluding _ <br /> Borrower's failure to pAy, by the end of ten (10)calend�r days after the date they ere due, any sums secured <br /> by this Deod of'i'rust. Lender prtor to ncceleration ahall givo notice to Barrowar ae provided in paragrnph l2 _ <br /> her�o[apecifying: (I) the breech; (2) the action required to curr such breach; (3) a date, not less than 20 days <br /> ' from the date the notice is mailed to Aorrower, by which sucb breach must be cured; and (4) that failure to ;.�._� <br /> cure such brcach on or beforc thc date spccified in the notice may result in acceleretion of the sums secured <br /> by this Dead of Trust and sale of the Prop�rty. The aotice shall further inform Borrower of the right ta :=,_� <br /> ireinstete efter�eceleratton end the right to bring court action ta ass�ert the nonexist�nce of n defaiilt �r any <br /> I othor defense of Horrower to acceleration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before the date apeciiied -_ <br /> in the notic�e, Lender, at L,ender's option, may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be -- <br /> .� � immediately due end payable without further demand and msy invoke thc power of sale and any other —_ <br /> � remedies permitted b� applicable law. I,ender shall bo entitled to collect all costs and expenses incurred in .:,�__ <br /> I pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 17 to the extent permitted by epplicable law. ��� <br /> �.; If I.ender invokes the power of salc, I.endar or Trustee shell nnail copies of a notice oi s�le in the maaner <br /> sr G:- <br /> prescribed by applicabla law to Borrower and to the other persona prescribed by applicabl� law.Trusteo ehall .�;,�- <br /> , �•�_�._ <br /> . ,� ; give notice of ssle by public advertisement for the time and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. xYrJ <br /> Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Praperty at public auction to thc highest bidder for caeh ' k*�_ <br /> � �� at the time and plico and under the terms designated in the notice of sel�in one or more p�raels and in such �: <br /> ' order as Trustee rn�y determina lrustee may posipuuc asie ai al!cr atsj gstca! of the Pro�+�rty to any lster �} •�.� <br /> time on the s�inc date by public announcement at the time and pl�ca oi any previously schcduled sale. , _ �; <br /> Lender or Leader's designee may purchase the Property at any sal�. _ -- - <br /> ' . Trustee shxll deliver to the purchaser Truatee's deed conveying the Property so sold without eny covenant <br /> � or warranty. expcessed or implied. Tho recitals in the 'I'ruetee's deed shall be prima f�cie evidence of the <br /> truth oi tho st�tements made therein. Truste� shalt apply the procceds ot the sala in the lollowiag ordor: (a) ��� <br /> �r to all reesonable costs and expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, recsonable Trustee's fees �nd <br /> �• attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all sums secured by this Deed of Trust; �nd(c)tho excesa, if ��,—�� <br /> - " ' any, to the peraon or p�rsons legally entitled thereto. -- <br /> •� 18. Borrower's Right to Reiastete. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of thv sums secureci by this Deed of <br /> � 'Trust due to Borrower's breach, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedinga begun by Lender t� enforce thie — <br /> � Deed of'Prust discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fifth day before the sale of the Propatty <br /> pursuant to the power of sale contained in this Deed of Trust or (ii)entty of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if: _ <br /> y (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration <br /> � occurred; (b) I3orrower cures all breaches of any other covenants or agreemente of Borrower contained in this Deed of t_- <br /> ; Trust; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable �xpenses incurrcd by I.ender and Trustee in enforcing the covenante and __ � <br /> � agre�ments of Borrower contained in this lleed of Trust, and in enforcing L.ender's and 'Trustee's remedies ae provided <br /> ;;:.,._..� <br /> in paragraph 17 hereof. including,but not limited to,reasonablc attorneys'fees to the extent permitted by applicable la�v; ,_T <br /> and (d) Borrower takes such action as I,ender may reasonably require to assure that the lion of this Deed of "Trust, '' <br /> I,ender's interest in the Property nnd I3orrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall contiuue �;,q;�;�__ <br /> • unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Iiorrower, this Deed of Trust and the obligations secured hereby ehall " '----- <br /> remain in full force and effect as if no acceleration had accurred. ���~� �9=�T <br /> 19. Assignment of Rents; Appointment of Receiver; Londer Yn Possession. As additional security hereunder, `:a,'.�.,;.' • .�;;-. <br /> Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that$orrower shall, prior to acceleratian under � � `• '''� <br /> . ` , <br /> paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due _::;;, ;::Y'�- <br /> and payable. • <br /> Upon acceleration under paragraphy 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in pers�n, by agent or by <br /> � judicially appointed receiver, shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect <br /> � the rents of the Property including those past due. All rents collected by I.ender or the receiver shall be applied first to <br /> payment of the costs of management of the I'roperty and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, receiver's <br /> fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees,and then to the sums secured by this Deed of'I'rust. <br /> I.ender and the receiver shall bc liable to aceount only for those rents actually received. <br /> 20. Release.L1pon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of 1'rust, and, if this I�eed of'Prust secures a Revolving <br /> I,oan Agreement, Horrower requests I,ender to release this Deed of 'I'rust, Lender shal] cause this l�eed of"rrust to be <br /> ..r _.1.. :l <br /> , released without c;harge to lsorrower. riorrower si�aii puy aii�..b�.+�.,� �cca,..ot.�:,.. �^,. - -------_---_— <br /> 21. Substitute '1'rustee. I.ender, at I,ender's option, may from time to time appoint o suceessor trustee tv any <br /> , '�'rustee appc�inted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this I)eed of "I'rust is recorded. Without <br /> _ com�eyance of the I'roperty, the suceessor trustee shall succeed to all the title, puwer and duties cc�nferred upon the <br /> 'I'rustee herein and by applicable la�ti•. <br /> - 22. Request for Notices. Borro�ver reyuests that copie;s uf the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to <br /> }�orro�+�cr's addre:�.ti��•hich is the I'rope:rty� Address. <br /> � 00•30•94 Duad ol Trus�NE ORIGINAL I I � NE0079]4 � <br /> ����D��������I�I��i��U����i�������,����������������I������������f�����0�d��V�����������U��I��7���� <br /> —.�_____ — __ _ <br /> . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ <br />