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' . — _, <br /> +,� M +( . . �_1.f;�C�:sLx•�.. ��.et�uaent�'eM�Yhlxtcru:.,v <br /> 7�-;.R-ew�p•. a.T.,.w.r � TT. <br /> . ,..+rwwwr a T.f.r. .n '3' . . . . t. :�-Y _.. . . �� . .. ._. —. <br />� . ...... ..,i� .. ..... <br />'-- • :�� ___� <br />... - -.: • F_. <br /> � .� • ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS FiIDER ��,,, �1Q`722 -L <br /> �: <br /> D0�'!m 0� , �—� and Is <br /> THIS ASSIaNMENT OF RENTS RIDER Is rrutl� and ex�CUNd thls�,��h_ dty ol ,..� <br /> ' � naorpaoted hto �nd 8hall be d�em�d to am�nd and suppNK►nnt tn� Mortyape or Deed of Truet, herinafter relerrsd to as the "SacurRy <br /> �� InatrurrNnt", of ths suna date p1v�n by lhY underelpn�d, honhaflK retsrted to ss Ihe 'Bonower", io arcur� Borrowsr'e Ind�budneah <br /> ' hsreln�tlK referred to ea ths"Note",ro UNITED NEBRq$KA 9 <br /> � � „ r�.' , hsr�hatt�r nlerred to �s th� "Lender",of the s�me d�te and covKrp the <br /> ' propsrly do5cribad in tho Sxurky�netrument nnd bcated at: ._ <br /> i:-_ <br /> ������ 1900 N GEDDE S G R A N D 1�L A N D N EB RASKA 88801 - _- <br /> `'1`���. (Prop�rir Addnu) - <br /> •�� ( <br /> WITNE3SETH: <br /> � '# WHEREAS, Bonow�r�nd l.mder h�vs aprwd th�t any rent� and protRs tttributnble to the propsrty should constRute addRbnal aoaurUy <br /> � to th�UncNr for th�payment of th�Nots; - <br /> • * NOW. THEREFORE, It fa aprssd th�t ths Securky Instrument shan b�ammded hetWy end deemed to kiolude th�(oibwinp prov{tbns: <br /> t. -nmant of ^^ts and La�sder faantel Collection Riahts. Bortowar heroby absolutely and uncondkbnally assfpns all rents, (sswa <br /> end profRs of the propsrty to B�ne�btary. Lender shall hwe the rqht, power Md tuthorfty durk►p the continuance of the Securky Inatrummt <br /> a to colYCt th�rents. Issues end profks of the property and of any personal property bcated thereon wfth or wkhout tekhy possessbn of tha <br /> , r ptpperly gfhoted hereby. Lender, however, hereby Con�onis to Borro�vers col{actbn and retentbn af 6ucrh�mo}a^y��edness secured <br /> ' eccrue�nd bscoms payabb, eo bnfl as Bortower Is no6 at such tkne, In deteuR wkh respeot to pay <br />_ ;.r. <br /> hereby,or h the performance of any apreement hereunder. <br /> � Z. B�ppintment of ReceNer. it any evant of defYUft in raspect to the SecurRy Instrumont shell have occurted and be conthuhy,Lenaer. <br /> es a mttter of rfpht and wNhout not�e to Borrowor or anyone ciaknhp under Bortower,end wRhaut reW„d e f�wer of the property.sub or <br />� the intKest of the Borcower thereh,shall have the rlpht to cppN to eny court havhg Jurlsdbtbn to epp <br /> 3. Rioh to Poasessbn. In case of detauh in the payment oi the seid princlpai Nots or interest, or any part thereof,es R shau mature, <br /> or In Ihe c�68 of fallure to keep or perform any of the convenants or apreements contahed in the Saeurfty Instrument, then the Lender,Rs <br /> successors or asslpns, shall be and Is hereby nuthorl:ed and empowared to tak� knmsdl�ts poss�sabn ot the seid premises th�r�h <br /> descrbed �nd to colbct the rents therakom, and to epply the prOCeeds thereof to the paymant ot the Note. <br /> �� �� � �t■- Issues and P►o1MS. An rents aoiieated by Luniiirw or tha rsr,atr�r shs!! b��+nw�d tirst 4o paymant of lhe ooats <br /> " ' A. 4�olk,e ^^ ° <br /> � ' af rtuna�ement of the proparty and colleatbn of rents, hcludinp, but not IMnked to, recelvere fees, premlums on recelvers bonds ind <br /> � ., " re�son�ble�ttomay'e (ess,and then to the sums seaured by th� Seeurlty Inetrumsnt.Lender and the r�cstv�r shaH be Ilnbk to�eeount ony <br /> � � • for tho6e rents natutly recehred. ' <br />�• • ��_ • 6. �onstNatbn of ProvNsbne. Eaoh of lhe provisbns Contahed In this AssfgnmAnt of Rent6 Rber and the SeCUrky Instrumait ahall, <br /> unleEa othuwise specHicaly requlred, ba construed h �coordance wkh Nebreska law, and In the went any provisbn herein of thK�h <br /> 1. conuhed shall be determhed by a court ol oompetent�urladbtbn to be unentorcoabk, the same shall bo construad as thou9h such <br /> unenlaceable provisbn were not part hereof or thereof. <br />,�,,y: ., 6. EMect af Rlder. Except es SpecNbaly modNbd Dy or fnconsistent wkh lhis Asslpnment of Fients Rtder or by any other epplfc�bie <br />_�:�`.;�' rlder,all of the terms and provlsbns contal�ed in the Sdcurity Instrument shall contlnue In tull SorCe and eMect, <br />-- . ^..ti,-a. <br />- ���•;;�+ <br /> '..f '"r'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Bortowe�hes exeCUted this Ass�pnment of Rents nider on'u� date ikst notod abovo. <br /> i ti , �_ / � <br /> K/ <br /> eo«ow.� W BRUNS <br /> _- :�-...:. eo«o.,.�pN N <br /> � R <br /> j <br /> i STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> � ss: <br /> ; COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> A On thls 18th day ot December 1997 betore me, the underslgned, a Notary Publb duly commissbned and <br /> quau�ed tor snld county,personaiy came[�ENt�01S W BRUNS AND ANN E ERUNS HUSBAND AND WIFE ' to <br /> be ihe identfcn� porson(s) whose name(s) islare subscrbed to the foregofng fnstrument, and helshellhey acknowledge the executbn thereol <br /> to be hislheqthpk voluntary act and deed. <br /> w�cness my nend and No►nrie� sea�at GRAND ISLAfdD <br /> ,� r�� n county,the <br /> date aforesald. /��.. :7' .\ � _ -- <br /> - --: -��j t� �Fy�. Nolnry PuDlic WILLIAM L. MCLCLLAPv <br /> � ���\�� ''`� <br /> i d ' �y�''yOl4 <br /> My Commisslon expires: AUGUST 12. 2 �� 'r P <br /> � ( `�d�� <br />� ' F!� ?!,, ni <br /> . r, �f.ypS' <br /> i�q�,,/ <br /> a <br /> � ��� <br /> I <br /> � Fi0m5.LN0 (OIB4) <br /> I <br /> I <br /> nra <br />