<br /> P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,as contained in Pipeline Easement dated August 27,2007,filed
<br /> September 26,2007 as Instrument N 2007082734
<br /> P1=13:
<br /> Non-ex-elusive easements over part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Scetion 24,
<br /> Township 10 North,age 12 Wetoidw 6111 PM,Hail County,1,4 -ka,as contained in
<br /> Pipeline Easement dated May 25,2007,filed July 10,2007 as Instrument No 200705833.
<br /> Parcel 4:
<br /> Non-exclusive easements over part of the Southwest • or Section 13, part of the South
<br /> Half of the„Southwest Quarter of Section 12,all in Township 10 North,Range 12 West*flit 6th
<br /> P.M..in Hval County„Nebraslca,as contained in Pipeline Easement dated May 23.2007,filed
<br /> June 5,2001 as Instalment No 200704651.
<br /> Parcel 5
<br /> Non-exclusive easements over part of the Northwest Quarter of Section13,and part of the East
<br /> Half or the Southwest Quarter of Section 1,41 in Township 10 North,R& 12 West oldie 6th
<br /> P„M„,in Hall County,Nebraska,as contained.in Piraine Easement dates May 7,2007,filed May
<br /> 17,2007 as instrument No.200704006..
<br /> Parcel 6:
<br /> Non-exclusive eastments over part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13,and part of the South
<br /> Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12,all in Township 10 North,Range 12 West of the 66
<br /> PM.,in Ball County,Nebraska, contained in,Pipeline Easement dated Novembet 5,2007,
<br /> filod November 29,2007 as Instrument No 200710027.
<br /> Fame!7;
<br /> Non-exclusive easements over part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12,
<br /> Township 10 North,Range 12 West of the 6th P,M.,in Hall County,Nebr., as contained in
<br /> Pipeline Easement dated June 25,2007,filed August 30,2007 as Instrument No.200707456,
<br /> Parcel 8:
<br /> NOrk-MILISiVC CaSCIllent3 over part dale North Half of the Northwest Quartet arid the South
<br /> Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section,12„Township 10 North,Range 12 West of the 6th
<br /> P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska,as contained nn Pipeline Easement dated May 8,2007,filed May
<br /> 17,2007 as Instrument No 200704007.
<br /> Parcel 9;
<br /> Non-exclusive easements over part°tele Northwest Quarter of Sectiori 1,Township 10 North,.
<br /> Range 12 West of the 6th P,M,in Hall County,Nebraska,as contained in Pipeline anent
<br /> dated May 21,2007,flied July IQ.,2007 as Instnlment No 200705832:
<br /> N‘on-exclusive easements over part of the Northwest Quarter of Stvtion I,Township 10 North,
<br /> Range 12 West of the 6th PM Hall County,Nebraska,as contained in Pipeline Easement
<br /> dated May 9,2007,filed July 10,2007 as Instrument No.200705831.
<br />