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<br /> � Commer I Federal Benk,P.O.Box 1103,Conaumer I.oana, Omahe NE 68101.Branah phone number R ___
<br /> ----- ---- -----
<br /> ------------------------------------- -�ioan ��--�5i�i�-------- �
<br /> ------- Speco above this line for recading data. _
<br /> � Comm�rclsl MORTGAGE - Collateral -
<br /> ; � � � Feder�l l�nk Real Estate Mortgage �
<br /> � �
<br /> �� Maturity Date Initiel Interest Rete
<br /> � Neturo at�ndsbtedneu Loan Amcunt �/�/O� 7,990 - -
<br /> Coneumer Loen 10,942.10
<br /> . � i, (3A1�! L FR11IIId
<br /> ,�:, hereby pive Commercfsl Federal Bsnk,a Fedenl Savinpa Benk�'Commerciel Federal'y,whose eddrese ia P O H0� 1103
<br /> ��� �' 681�3. e mortgape,with power of eale,of the following properry togother with ell improvemenU now or
<br /> hereafter ersctod on the proparty,and aii ea+ements,nyhta an�appurtenancea theroto:
<br /> r�a���orFar��'40�(�c�aru �.�1o�aG�rrsr°��.
<br /> � If more than one person signs this Mortpege,the word'1'moene tinre.'
<br /> Thia Mortp+fle�oaurss a loan made by Commsrcial Federel evideneed by. � ,,�,�th intereat at the initlal rete of Z 9g0 %
<br /> �� A note dsted the�ame date as this Mcxtpayo in the amount of S 10i��
<br /> . per annum,conteine the tertns for repayment ot that Ioan.It that note ia ever changed w replaced by e new note,it will bs�ecured by this Mortpsgs,
<br /> i promiw tha foilowinp thinpe:
<br /> 1. A!I peymenta on sny note or other debt aecured by this Mortpege wili be paid when due.
<br /> . z Mortp�g�plui�'ny therrmort9 pea I sted in par gr ph B heo w.The inswen apcompany mu t be eatietaetory toeComroaroiel Fodenlea dv thit
<br /> , � Commercial Federal v�nll be a nemed Insured on the policy.
<br /> r 3. All texea end easestmenp on the proparty wll be paid befwa they become delinquent.
<br /> 4. No waate vuill be committed on the property,and it will be kept in pood ropeir.
<br /> 6. The property will not ba sold (inoluding by land contract),leeaed,end no intereat fn it will be aaaipned in any way.
<br /> . 8. I own rhn property iree end clear of any other mongagoa or encumbraneee EXCEPT �'II'� _ _
<br /> 7• No other mortgege or lien on the proparty will ever be allovwd to be in default or ba foreclosad.
<br /> If nny of the�e promiaea aro not kopt,than Commercial Federal can doclare all of the debt immediately due end payable without advance notice.
<br /> Excaptions mey be required by law.The intorost rate wiil increase to 19.0096 or any lessor oi the maximum rnte ail�wable by law at that time,and thia
<br />_ :' � mortgape can be forecloaed in eccordance with applicable low.Ii tha debt is aecelerated,then 1 alao asaipn any rent or other income irom Ihe proporty to
<br /> „ (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIOENTS ONLY). In tho event of uny detault m tha makinp of eny peyrnent or in keeping any covenent herein,thla Matgepe may be —
<br /> conatitut np a po�wor ot aale ae ment onod in said atetuto orarulea�and enyl mendme tthoreto,9and may retain statuto y aoste enld a ome�eea(SD�WYnMN,d
<br /> '' ' OK,and MI roaidents only). -
<br /> i Cortain amounte can be peid by Commercial federei ond added to thn Jebt sewrad by thi�Mortynpa.Including eny taxea or insurence I have egreed to ,
<br /> . I pay but fail to,eny attomoy feea or court expanaes Commercial Federal paya if it is made a perty at ony lepal action brought by sorr�eona etae eonceminp the ��T�`
<br /> � property,end any ettomey feea or court oxponaea whieh the law might allow if Commercial Federal has to go to eourt ageinst me to colleet the debt a ,_
<br /> - forecloae this mortgogo.If any of these thinga happan,thon the additional debt will accruo intorest at tho semo rate ae the rest of the debt end must he pald �
<br /> i immediatoly. y-'�=
<br /> It this proparty ia ovor condemnod undor the power of eminent domain or any aimilar method o1 taking proporty tor public uso,any prxeeds of the taking
<br /> � NnII bo pnid to Commorciol Fedorel up to the full t+mount of the debt securad.
<br /> � Banuwor waivee oil right of homostead exomption in the properly and tuturo warves all righte of rodemption,ezomption,diatributive ehnre and dowor.
<br /> 1 Notio�to Borrow�r(for Oklahoma ro • �: A ow�r of�+I�hai b��n 6nntW In thl�Morty�g�. A pow�r of�d�m� �Ilow th�Mort �8�to tak�th�
<br /> mo g• • rop� ■n �� wi o�.gomg o cou n e or�o oiur��o wn u � •au orrow�r un �r � or a �.
<br /> I �1�/9� (3AnY L FitAHI� � Ci��. , �/'�
<br /> � Toduy's Datn Borrowor's Typod Namo rrowor's S� aturo
<br />_ _ _T,.,,,,,�ue,,,,, Borrowor'a 5ignature L
<br /> „a.�c..�... .,r__.•- -
<br /> 303 E 6TH 3T C�'+TID I��� � 68801
<br /> Borrowor's /lddross
<br /> I
<br /> � STATE OF NE�RA� 1
<br /> � b5.
<br /> couNrv oF I�LL 1
<br /> On th�s �� day of D�� .�9_97 .boforo mo,a notnry public in nnd tor said counry, porsonally camo
<br /> C�Y L ��� , to mo known to bo tho idanticnl porson a parsonn whosa
<br /> nama is or aro oH�xod to tho abovo mort{�ago.and thoy,ho/eho/thoy sovorally ncknowAadgud tho said mstrumant nnd tho oxocutian thoraot to bo thoir i.
<br /> voluntury nct and dood. I
<br /> WITNESS my hmid flnd r �pffl�pY,PUf�Iw�Nft•vm�n Abova. 7 y�Q
<br /> My commiss�on oxpiros: �TP�IIY•�$�t����4 01 K;..��`a .�J9t1 l�L91(°// /l� /J(LylilL� �.
<br /> T��K.::a(.•��� � NotnryPublic"sSiflnuturo DN-1077 (07/97)
<br /> N E-I N-W Y-I L•S D _-������.J�n.2 R,S;'...
<br /> � ,,s:•;;.... -,.�. . ,... . . _
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