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C7 E- - <br /> � • `' � DECD GF TRUST f-• v� N,.. �,. <br /> � N <br /> � <br />'K�' � PARTIEB:Thit Deod ot Trust le mede on OCTOBER 6, 19Q7 _,among the Orantor, oa 9 RHAPER Arro� <br /> �•' 1'Borrower"1, G <br /> ngyiggs, a sasn +n+aonun ni+n wrv� _ <br /> ;' _ pR�'.1�1� R �$y ATT�RNF.Y <br />� . . �� whots roeidence eddron fs _2n�Y �Qn, csr.n�.L1anG, Counry, Nebrsaks f"7rustee'1, and the Bensficlary, \�` <br /> �.jQMF FFnFR�r aAV'rN[�R & LpAN caA TATT�N ,a corporation or8anized <br /> � �� end exlatiny under the lewa of_?��?BAS�a _whoee eddrose is ? -�?enTrru T.AC'TifiT CTRF.F.T�_ <br /> ,�Rat�^+ *er*�,^, �,mmauna,Kn 5A8�9-10�9 ("Lender"►. <br /> CONVEYANCE:For value recelved,Barrower irrevoaably prants end convey4 to Trustae,in trust,with power of eele,the reei property,ot whfch <br /> Borrowsr It I�wfuly selted, described below and all bulldinps, fixturea, and existinp and future Improvementc thereon and �II riphts•ot-way, <br /> . eesements, rents, icaue�, profiis,Incama, tenement�, hereditamenta, privileyee and eny eppurtenences theraunto belonginy (�II celled the <br /> "property"1. <br /> PROPERTYAODRESS: �4i N Hi14TON AVF' , naat�m TCT.AT7T) ,Nebraaka �AAO3 <br /> ' LEOAL DE9CRIPTION: tEtr..q ICiryl tZro cod�� <br /> LOT TWO HUNDRED FOUR (204) , VIEST LAWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF aRAND <br /> ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRA.RKA <br /> <' <br /> ' ' loceted in KaT.r. County,Nebraske. <br /> TITLE:Borrower covonents end werrants titie to the property,except for_ — <br /> SECURED DEST:This deed of trust eacurea to Lender repayment of the eecured debt nnd the performenca of the covenant� and epreemsnte <br />- rv! contained in thia deed of tru�t end In eny other doeument Incorporated hereln.Secured debt,as uaed in thi�deed of truet,Inciuds�eny emounta <br /> Borrower owes to Lender under this deed of truet or under any inttrument secured by thie deed of trust,and eil modifications, extendons and <br /> . renewats thereof. <br />_ The secured dobt fa avidonced by Ilist all inatruments end apreements secured by thla deed of truet and the dates thereof.l: <br /> � A PROM7�`QOAY ` �*++� +�nn�+oMFNT DA'fL�`D O TA FR 6� 1097 ____ <br />- . . �Futun Adv�nc�s:The �bove emount Ia secured even thouyh all or part ot It mey not yet be advanced. Future edvancee are <br /> contemploted and will be secured to the seme eMent as Ii mede on thd dste this deed at truat i�executed. <br /> � ❑ Revolving Ilne of credit agreemant dated ,wfth initlal annual Intereat rate o} %. <br /> All amounts owed under this agreement ore aecured even thouph ell amounts may not yet be advanced,Future advancea under <br />� the agreement are contempleted and will be necured to the seme extent a�tf made on the date thia deed of trust la execut�d. <br /> � The ebove obligetion la due and payeble on n ToRF.R i S, 0��? ff not pnid eerlier. — <br /> � The totel unpaid balance sacured by thls doed of trust at eny one time shall not exceed a meximum principel amount of <br /> V • � SRVFpT°^` �:^��rm T RRf�MR7f7RRf1 A}7I]_�jQ�00 Dollero(0 17_300 00 _L p�us Interent, <br /> • plus any emounte disbursed under the terms of thia deed of truet to protect the security of thia dend of trust or to pnriorm any of the <br /> covenants contalned in this deed of trust,with Interest on such disbursnmonts. <br /> ' ❑Variabl:E::ic:Tho Intorest rete on the obligatlon secured by this doed of trust may vary accordlnfl to the torms of that oblfpatlon. R <br /> r-- <br /> ❑ A copy nf the loan egreement contafnfnp the terma under which the interest rate may vary is attached to this deed of truet and - <br /> mede a pert heroof. <br /> RIOERSS ❑ COf11t118fC181 �Y,� AG4T[}NMENT OF �FNTG__ � — <br /> DESI�NATION OF HOMBSTEAD <br /> Pursuant to the Farm Homeatoed Protection Act,designatlon of homestead ❑ IE attachod to this doed of trust and made a pert hsreof <br /> ❑ has been disclaimed;tha disclafmor is attachod to this doed of truat and mede a pert hareof. <br /> Si�NATURES:By sipnlnp b�tow.Botrowa�pn�to th�t�rms�nd cov�nant�c taimd tn thi�d��d of tru�t,includinp thos�on pen�2,�nd In <br /> �ny rid�rs d�scrib�d abow�i md by Borruw . � <br /> � <br /> ] <br /> . ) _ ��DV_ <br /> ROBERT 5 SHAFER DENISE L SHAFER G� � <br /> ACKNOWLEUOMENT:STATE OFNEDRASKA, _____�L�• ___.. —___---- - ------------County ss: <br /> � The toregoing inatrument wos acknowlodgad before me on this__6TH day of _QCTOBFA, i aa�_ <br /> bY AOBERT_S.SllP.PER I�iD_�SdISE L_SHI+FER. .1i0SHANI)1fNn_.WIF�------- -°.-.-----. .- -- - � <br /> � ._ _ _. ..__. "___—.._ _ ____.—_—._ _".._ _ .__—___._.._ _ _.. _"�. __ .___' —_ -_— ITitleltll <br /> Corpueto w of INrr.e o1 Caporo�bn or Perinortnlpl <br /> Pennet6hip � <br /> � AtknowiodB^�em a _ __ , on b alf o h rporntion or partnership. <br /> ; ... _ . .. . _. . . _..— ._._._._ _ ' _ <br /> � My commfsaion oxpiros: <br /> lGlliki uoi�d <br /> � ,5..�, GENEWiI����__ — ---- <br /> 1'his inctrumant wne prepa�ed by sxsvc PnPrs - �y��-�p:Decb,� - - <br /> C�198[��IKERSSYSTEMS.INC..ST.ClOUD.MN G6301�1�800 39 APPL# O003B7O�J �pego�0/21 NEBRASKA <br /> i <br /> ccn# oioo4�iz�� <br /> i <br /> _ _ �_ <br />