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,'"�''"`'� . ,. . ,. :�" ;. ;�,'�; :;f;�- <br /> .-'� r, :�v:� '1:,�.yr:-��r <br /> . -a.-,rr.� � . .j� . <br /> ..,a+Fepw�i�W�"!�� .. _ . . , 1",:r.'y'�kilrrwr�: ,..1,�:�;:• <br /> � . ._,, <br /> �;rsa�+� <br /> � � . . � � ,/ C � , ,`'x. ":u�: <br /> ��-���� <br /> ' 9? �10�8'7 �;'�=,y <br /> ' � r ' .ea�y�`. <br /> �.•�aS�� <br /> I 11. Successors and AsslQnv Bound; Joint en� Several Uabtlity� Co-siQners. The covenants und agreemcats hecein • , <br /> contaiRed shall bind, and the dghts hereunder sl�all inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Honower, <br /> subject to the pravlstons of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenuats and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. Any � <br /> Banower who co-slgnv tlils Deed of Trust,but dnes nat execute t6e Note, (a)is co-signing tlus Deed of Trusc only to grant and , � <br /> convey that Borrower's interest in the Property to Tnistee uiuier tbe temis of tlils Deed of Trust, (b)ts not personally liable on , •.+:;,��;� <br /> the Note or under thia Deed of Tmst, and (c) agrees tbat I.ender and any other Bonow�r hereunder may agree w rxtend, {�,�� <br /> ' modify, forbear, or make xny other accommodadons wlth ngard ta the terms of this Dced of Trust or the Note, wlthouR tltat �< �,++s:.�--- <br /> I Bonower's consent and without rele�.tii��g that Borrower or mcxiifying this Dred of Trust as ro that Borrower's interest in the � • � -�-'-'_� <br /> Pro rt . ..;��`,��� <br /> .. � �12. Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in xaather manner, (a) any natice ta -�����A�`�'° <br /> " IIonower pr�vid.d far fn this Deed of Trust shall be given by deliveting It or by mxiling such nodce by certiRed mail ;zY::+�r� <br /> addressed t� Banower at the Property Address or at such other ud�ress a.s 8nnower may deslgnate by natice to Ixtxler as ��'"'"'-°f� <br /> „ �..:�— <br /> prrnIded herein,aixl(b)any natice to Lender ahull F�given by artlfled�uull to Ixnder's address stuted herein or to icuch ott�rr `" ��� <br /> ;.. <br /> addtrs�xs Leuder may desigtwte by natice to Borrower x� ptnvided lirrein, Any iu�dce pr�vtdcd for in d�ls Deed of Tcust shull `�-- <br /> ..,,_ _ ._-- <br /> be dcemed tu hwve bcen given ta Bartowcr ot I.elulet whcu givrn lu tlic tnxtu�r d�hignutecl hereln. <br /> 13. Governin� I.xwt �verAbllity. '1'he �tute aud I�xal IawR xppli�ttbte ro d�iK Dced of Tcust shull be d�e laws uf the = <br /> , jud�cllction iu whic0 the Pmpeny is Icxated. The ti�reguing�eutei�cc slu�l��K�t linilt tl�e applicablUty uf feder�law w thls Decd _ <br /> af Tntst. In the event d�at uny provision or clause of U�ls Deec�of Trust ur Qie IVotr conflicts with apglicwble lxw,sucl�cuuflict •`";�.�.- <br /> � nhxll iwt Affc�:t athCr ptovisions of diis Deed of Trust or die Note wldch cxn be given effect wlthout the confltcdng proviFtan, „�r�' <br /> } W�xl to thiy etx! the provislona of diis Deed of Trust �uul the NUtr xre declared to he sever�ble. As used herela, "cost�," �;, <br /> "Cx(�ILSCA��a��d'`attarncys'fees"iaclude all sums to thr rxtent�at prohibited hy applic;Ab1C law or limited hcrein. <br /> � � 14.Borrower's Copy.Borrowee shall be furnished a conforn�ed wpy of the Nate Aud of tliis Deed of Trust at the time of �� �� <br /> executiou or after recordadon hereof, " '� <br /> „ � 15.Rehabllitxtion I.o�n A�rcement. Bonower shall fulfill all of Bonower's obligadops under any home rehabilitation, <br /> � ' improvemept,repair,or other loan agreement wliich Honower enters into with Lender. Lender,at I.ender's opdon,mmny require <br /> � t Bonower ro execute and dellver to Lender. in a form acceptable to I.ender, an assignwent of any rights, claime or defenses � <br /> � which Bonower muy have against parties who supply labor,matedals or secvices in cotmection wlth improvements mede to the <br /> PropeTty. ;r�. <br /> 16.Transfer of the Property or a Bene8cial Interest In Borcower.If all or any part of the Property or any inurest ia it , <br /> '� Is sold or traasferred(or if a beneficlal lnterest in Boaower ls sold or transferred and Boaower is not a natural person)without '-0,;�� <br /> l.ender's prior wrltten consent,Lender may. at its opdon,require immedlate payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of ''�:w" <br /> - t Tntst. However,this aption shxll nut bc rxcrcisecl by Ixuticr if exorc:isr is pruIubited by frttcrai Iaw a� uf flic duic vi tiu�Dccd - <br /> of Tnist. <br /> � If Lender exercises this opdon,Lender shall give Bonower notice uf acceleradon. The nodce shall pravide a pedod of not <br /> lcss than 30 days from the date the uotice is dalivered or mailed wlthin which Boa�wer must pay all sums secured by tlus Deed <br /> ti� of Trust. If Borrower falls to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thIs period, Lender may invoke sny remedies petmitted <br /> by this Deed of Trust wlthout fiuther noace or demaud on Borrower. <br /> �; NON-UNIPORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: � <br /> ► 17.Acceleratton; Remedtes.Except as provided ln paraQraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of nny coveaant �� <br /> or aQreement of Borrower In this Deed of Trust�Includin�Borrower's failure to pay,by the end of 10 calrndAr d�ya�fter _ <br /> ;, they are due� any sums secured by thl� Deed of Trust, Lender prtor to accrleradon ahall �ive not[ce to Borrower as - <br /> provlded in pAra�ruph 12 hereof specifytn�: (1)the breach; (2) the action requtred to cure such breachi (3) a date�not <br /> � less ttwn 20 days €rom the date the notice ls matled to Borrower, by wlilch such breach mutt be curedi and(4) ttutt - <br /> Fullure to cure such breach on or hefore the date apecifled in tix!nntire mAy result in acceleration ef the snma crcnrwl hy w- -�..�•.-:,,._.... <br /> � thls Deed of'Itust and sale of the Property. The not[ce shall further inform Borrowa of ttie ri�ht to rdnstate after �' <br /> � accelerutton end the rlQht to br�nQ a court act�on to assert the nonexistence uf s default or any other defense of Borrower <br /> ' to Acceleration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or beFore the date specifled in the notice,Lender, at I.end�r's - <br /> �' optian, may declare all of the sums secured by this Dee:i of 14�ust to be immed(ately due and payable wlthout further - <br /> demand ttnd may invoke the nower of sale and eny other remedies permitted by appllca6le luw. Lender shaU be entttled =.— <br /> - , to collect all reasonable costs and expenses incurred[n pursuinQ the remedies procided in this para�raph 17, includin�, <br />- but not Ilmited to,reasonable attorneys'fees. �� '�_ <br /> If the power of salQ is Invoked,Tnutex shall record a notice of default[n each county In which the Property or some �� �`` ;;; <br /> part thereof is located and shall mail copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by appltcable law to Borrower and to . �i''t rL� - <br /> �'�z... ,. .�� ;�. <br /> the other persar� prescrtbed by applicable law. After the lapse of such time as may be required by applicable law� . ,-�••�• <br /> �:. -.. <br /> Trustee shap Qive publtc notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by applicable law. Trustex,without . -•, _�.:.- <br />_ demand on Bonower,shall sell the Property at public auctlon to the highest bldder at the tlme and Qluce and under the , <br /> terms desiYnated in the not[ce of sale ln one or more parcels And in such order as Trustce may determine.Tr�utee may . <br />_ pnstpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public an►�ounceament at the time and place of any prevtously <br /> � scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's designee mny purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> — Upon receipt oF payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin�the _ ' <br /> Property sold.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evfdence of the truth oF the statements made therein. <br /> � Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to all reasonable costs and expei�ses of the sale, <br /> including, but not limited to,TruStee's fces actually incurred of not more than °k af the gross <br /> sale prtce, reasonuble attorneys' fces and costs of title ev[dence;(b)to all sums secured by this Deed of Trust; and(c)the <br /> � excess�if any,to the person or persor�s legally entftled thereto. <br /> - ' 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Notwid�stan�ing Leuder's acceleration of the sunis Secured by this Deed of'frust, <br /> due to Borrower's br�ch, Bonower shall have the right to have any pra;eedings begun by L.ender to enforce dus Deed of Trust <br />- discontinued at any time prior to tl�e earlier tv occur o£(i) the fiftL day before the sale of the Property pur�uant to d�e power of <br /> _ si�le contained in this Deed nf Trust or(ii) entry of a judgment enforcing dus Deed of Tcust if: {a)I�orro�ver pays Lender all � <br /> : sums which would be then due under d�iti Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration cx:cttrred; (b) Borrower cures all � <br /> breaches e�f any odier cuvenants or xgreements of Borrower contained in this Deed of Tcust;(c) Borrower pays all reasonable <br /> expenses incurred by Leuder aud Trustee in e��fi�rc:ing the�ovrnants dnd agreeruents c�f Borcc�wer contained in diis Deed of Trust <br /> Form 3H28 <br />- I <br /> Page 3 oi a ; <br /> . � <br /> i � <br />