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<br /> . � � g�""�i'U��6 � :'��°r.`.. s-:�_:
<br /> � I1� Successors and Assl�ns Bound� Jolnt end Severel Llabllity; Co•slgners. Thr coaenants n�ul xgrerments herein : ,.:_
<br /> � cuntuii�ed sliafl hind, und the rtghts hereunder+I�HII inure ta, tl►r respe�tive successors and�issigns of Lxnder xnd Dc�rrc�wcr, •:
<br /> suhJect ro the pre�vixfoi�s uf paragraph I G hereof. All cuvenxnts and i�greementti uf Borrower shall he jc�int xnd severxl. Any �•`..is�
<br /> ' Burrawer whu�u-sfgt►y tl�ls Deed cif Tru.r't,but dne�ne�t execute the Nate.(it)is co-xignin�this Deed uf Trust unly to grant anJ .'•,.'__��
<br /> � convcy d�Ht Bnrrc�wer':�iuterest in the Pruperty lo Tn��tee under the ternis of this Deed i�f Trust, (b) is not persuiully lixhle an 1�` :�v.�:
<br /> . ;Y��;_a.
<br /> tlie Notr or wxler d�iti Deed of Trust, and (c)Hgree+ di�►t l.c;nder and Kny utiier Burrower hereunder may agree [o e:xtend, , :;.
<br /> � m�xlify, Curhear, ot mxke any ��tt�er xccomm�xleduns with regard to the tennti of this DeeJ of Trust or the Note, withaut that �'r�-:�°�;r
<br /> � Borrow�r's coi�.sent anJ wi�huut rcleasinb A�ut Ourruwer ur muJifying this Decd of Ttust as tc� thHt Borrower's interest in ehe � .:
<br /> ,� . Property. _' �*��.�'�,
<br /> �� �Y �i3dtLt'wf!'..n-Tr:a
<br /> "r, 12. Notice. Sxcept for any natice reyuired unJer upplicable law to be given in a�x�d�et nianner, (a) any notice w ,_,�,� ,a,,;ti-1,.`,;
<br /> ^)1.3�S.�Sa�..
<br /> Bonower pravtded fur in this Deed of Trust shall he given by delivering it ar by mailing such notice by c;c:rtified mail ��;..�.,�---
<br /> ::�t�=.--_.
<br /> addressed ta Borrower at the Property Address ar at sucli od�er addr�ss as Bonower may desigrwte by n��tice ta Lender as 'fti�-'�.�
<br /> •'-"r;�---"'--�—
<br /> provided hereia, and(b)any natice to L.ender shdll be given by certifted mail to Lender's address stated herein or to such other ;,,��-°-'
<br /> address as Lender may designute by notice tu Borrower us �ravlded herein. Any notice provided for tn this Deed of Trust shall : '.�...__
<br /> , be deemed to huve been glven to Borrawer or Lender when given in the munner designuted herein. - _
<br /> . 13. Governin� l.aw; SeverabUity,Tiie state and lacal laws applicable so this Deed of Trust shull be the laws of the � �..�---
<br /> � ' jurisdicuon in which the Property is lacared. The fategoing sentence shall not limit the applicubility of federal law to diis Deed ,.,
<br /> : of Tn►st. In d�e event that uny provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note cottflicts with applicable law, such conflict
<br /> � shall not affect other ptovisians af this Deed of Tnist or the Note which can be glven effect wid�out the conflicting provision, "";���`�..��
<br /> � and to this end the provislons of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be scverable. As used herein, "costs," .1����,
<br /> � "expenses"and "attorneys'fees" ipclude all swns co the extent noc prohibited by applicable law or limited hCrein. .
<br /> Il4.Bonower's Copy.Boaower shall be furnished a conformed capy of the Nate and of this Aeeci of Tnut at the time of
<br /> � executlon or after ree:ordadon hereof. __
<br /> " 3 15. Rehabllitatton Loan AQreement. Horrower shall fulfill �Il af Bonower's obligations under any home rehabilitaaan, _.
<br /> � `� improvement,repair, ar other loan agreement which Bonower enters into with Lender.Lender, at Ixnder's option, may require � -, .
<br /> ,�� Borrowet ta execute und deliver to Lender, in a fomi acceptable to Lender,an assignment of any rights, claims or defenses �-: __ �
<br /> � •
<br /> '�.� which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor,materials or services in connecpon with impravemeats made to the
<br /> E Property. '"
<br /> � � 16.Transfer of the Property or a Benefidal lnterest in Borrower.If ull or any purt of the Property or xny interest in it �',
<br /> �` � is sold or tcansfened(or if a beneficial interest in Bonower is sold or transfened aad Bonower is not a natural persan)widiout _�__=
<br /> . __ I.ender's pdor written consent,L.ender may� at its option, require imiuediate paynient in full of all sums secured by this Deed of
<br /> ' Trust. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exerclse is prohibited by federal Iaw as uf c�c dutc vi tLla D�d
<br /> _ of Tcust.
<br /> If Lender exercises thls option, [xnder shall give Bi�nower natice of acceleratlon,The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> less than 30 clxys hom the Jstte the nodce is delivered or malled withiu wliich Bonawer must pay all sums�ecured by this Derd
<br /> �� of Trust. If Horcower fails to pay tliese sums priar to the expiratian of d�is pertal, l.etxler may invnkc itny remediex penuitted
<br /> � by this Deed of Trust wtthuut further notice c�r demai�d on Be�rrawer.
<br /> � . � NON-UNIFORM COVSNANTS. Barrower ancl Ixndrr funlier caveiuu�t x�xl ugree a+folluws:
<br /> , � , 17. Accelerationi Remedtes. Except as provided in para@rAph 16 hereoP, upon Borrower's breach of ttny covenient
<br /> or a�reement of Borruwer in ttds Aeed oP Trust,including Borrower's Callure to pay, by the end of 1Q calenclar daye after
<br /> � tiv:y are due� any sums secured by this Dced of Trust, Lender prior to accelerntton shall �fve notice to Borrower na
<br /> r•. provided in paraQraph 12 heceof speclfyin�:(1)the breach; {2)the actton required to cure such brexch; (3) a date,not
<br /> " less than �0 days from the date the notice Is mailed to Borrower, by which.such breach must be cured; and (4) thAt
<br /> •• ��' �� iailure to cure such br�.:�,'i an ar�:,.�:�:he date speclf!pd[n the!±o+�te mny rnault�n ecceleration of the sam4 secured by � .
<br /> �€ . this Decd of Trust and sale of the Property. The notice shall further Inform Borrower of the riQht to rdn�tate after _
<br /> � acceleratton and the right to brin�a wurt actton to assert the nonexistence of a default or any other defense of Borrower
<br /> to acceleratfon and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specifled in the notice, Lender� at L.ender's 4
<br /> � � Y optfon, may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immedlately due and payable withont further =-
<br /> ' demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies pern�itted by applicable law.Lender shall be entitled k
<br /> � � to collect all reasonablr costs and expeaces incurred in pursuing the remedtes provided in this paraQraph 17,includinQ, �-,;�_
<br /> � I but not limtted to,reasonable attorneys'fees. ,��
<br /> Y.-:-_- - -
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default In each county 6�which the Property or some ;=,•-.,__
<br /> � part thereof is lorated and shall mall coptes of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to �'"R-�`�"�-
<br /> ..�,rv'�,e�_
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicuble law. After the lapse of such time as ma� be required by applicable law, ,. ,_�;-�._
<br /> Trustee shall give publ[c nottce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trastee, without ., ,:tj:�W='
<br /> demand on Borrower,shall sell the Property at public auct[on to the highest bidder at the tfine nnd place and under the ����;-
<br /> terms designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and tn such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may .
<br /> � postpone sale of all or any parce► of the Property by pubilc announcement at the time and place of sny previously �
<br /> scheduled sale. [.ender or Lender's designee may purchase the Property at any sale. .
<br /> � _ Upon recelpt of payment of the prtce bid, Trustee sliall deliver ta the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the —
<br /> � Property sold. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fac[e evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> Tnutee shall apply the procceds of tl�e sale in the t'o1lo�ving order: (a)to ull reasonnble costs nnd expenscs of the sale,
<br /> tncluding,but not limited to,Trustee's Pees actuslly lncurred oF not more than �'o of the gross
<br /> sale prtce,rensonable attorneys'fees and costs oF titte evidence;(b)to all sums secured by this Deed of Trust;and(c) the
<br /> . . tr...... s..al..... otmo11u4nfiflnrl*ha�afn L.._
<br />-- �� cwica�f,. a.. � w.... ....e............�....
<br /> . -- J p...u....... p........�....s...y _..""'-"----.-• .. ._..-._—.,
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Refnstnte. Notwithstanding Ixnder's acceleration of thr sums see:ured by this Deed of Trust. i
<br /> due w Borrower's breach,Borruwer sl►xll have the right to have any pruceedings beguu by Lender to enforce d�is Deed of Trust
<br /> discontinued at any time priur tu tl�e exdier to occur of(i)die tiftli day betirre d�e sxle of Qie Property pur�uant ta the puwer of ;
<br /> �Ic wntaineJ iu tl►is Ueed of Trust or(ii) eutry uf a juelgment enti�rcing this DceJ��f Trust if: (s) Burruwer pays Lender xll
<br /> sums wl�ich woulJ he then due wider this Deed i�f Trust xnJ the Nute had no xcceleratiun ix:curred; (b) Borrower cures ail �
<br /> brraches of xny other coven�nts or�greeiiieutx af Beuruwrr cunt�iii�ed in tl�is tieed of Trust; (c) Bi�rrower pays all reasotkthle �
<br /> expenses incurreJ hy Lender.md Trustec in enfurcing Uie covrna��cs xnd agreements uf Beirrower cunu�ined in tl�is Deed e�f Tnist �
<br /> i
<br /> Form 3826
<br /> _ � Pege 9 0l 4
<br /> � I
<br />